Pokemon: Trainer Starts As Bounty Hunter Chapter 93


Chapter 93 Spike

Know yourself at first There are two Coaching Teachers in this class, one of them was the Alliance Chief Military Instructor. When Ye Zang was very excited, even fanatical, he still admired Chen very much. Although he was not well-known, all the Alliance descendants knew how much he was. powerful.

As for the other one, I haven't heard of it. I guess it's an unknown little character. It's normal. It's just an assistant.

At this time, Shirona is still in the process of traveling and exercising, archaeological research, and has not even participated in too many conferences. Naturally, she is not famous.

He didn't take seriously, but was excited about Chen's arrival.

The focus of different Trainers is also different. For Ye Zang, he prefers to fight like Chen Chief Military Instructor rather than learn his grandma's battle method.

He was inspired to become a Dark Type Elite, not a Ghost Type Elite.

But it is also because of his own choice, so even if his grandmother is Agatha, it is impossible to ask Chenlai to give him a one-on-one coaching, this time it is not easy to have this opportunity.

In the past, when the Pokemon Research School was just entering the Top Rank students or approaching graduation, they would find an Elite Trainer to tutor them for a week.

Maybe it's pretty good for most people, but Ye Zang didn't take it so seriously. This time, Chen Lai, the Chief Military Instructor, gave him a big surprise.

How could they know that Instructor Chen only taught them one day, and the second day was about to leave, and the woman in front of him was Shirona who replaced him.

When I announced this before class on the first day, let alone him, many other students in his class were also dissatisfied.

After all, judging from the introduction just now, this woman named Shirona has just turned 20 now, and she is only two years older than them. How can she be such a real person in the eyes of outsiders? What about the real teachers of "Heaven's Chosen Child".

Even if they know that the teachers invited by the school are not bad, but how strong they can be at this age, they are naturally unhappy with their pride.

The unwillingness generated by this pride turned into being despised after Shirona said in a flat tone, "The ten of you can send Pokémon together." of anger.

What a joke, 20 years old, do you think you are Elite, do you think you are the Royal Dragon Envoy, but you are only two years older than yourself.

The ten people headed by Ye Zang are all trainers with great innate talent and background. Now they have either three or four Pokémons, and there are not a few Pokémons who have reached the elite level.

They naturally didn't believe that the woman on the opposite side could really do one hit ten.

Good parenting restrains their apparent anger.

For a while, the atmosphere was unusually tense.

It was Chen who spoke, he was in a hurry, "You ten each release your own Trump Card Pokémon, hurry up, just to see your strength."

Ten people looked at each other, nodded, and released their Trump Cards.

"Go, Charizard."

"Come out! Feraligatr!"

"Monarch snake, prepare for battle!"

Various but relatively large Pokémon appeared on the field, nine of which were the final form of the most traditional Three Founding Families.

There is another one that is extra conspicuous in this one. It looks like a child in general. It is dressed in armor, its hands are composed of two sharp blades, and its head and body abdomen also have blade-like blades. Sharp weapon, this is Pawniard, Ye Zang's current Trump Card.

Shirona put one hand on her hip, brushed her golden hair with her right hand, and took out a Luxury Ball from her waist, "Fly to the sky! Garchomp!"

One A Pokémon with a shape resembling a shark, with a dark blue background, red from the lower jaw to the upper part of the abdomen, and Yellow in the lower part of the abdomen appeared in the field.

The Garchomp has wings on its forearms, resembling the pectoral fins of sharks, two projections on its head that give it a hammerhead-like appearance, an inverted pentagram-shaped yellow spot on the tip of its nose, and a It has sharp teeth and 3 gill slits on either side of its neck.

It has white single-toed claws, three-toed feet, and two white spurs on its upper arms and thighs.

Garchomp yelled when he came out, folded his body and stretched his wings, like a jet plane.

The ten people have different looks. It is true that Garchomp is Quasi-Legendary, and it is also true that he is at least quasi-Elite, but it does not mean that he can beat the Trump Card of ten of them. Pokémon too.

Take Ye Zang's Trump Card Pokémon Pawniard as an example, now there are also Level 48, which is only two levels away from the 50-level quasi-Elite Pokémon stipulated by Alliance.

Although the Pokémon Level of the remaining nine people is slightly worse, they still have more than 40 Levels. In this case, even the quasi-Elite Garchomp cannot defeat them at the same time.

Unless it is Elite.

As they gradually calmed down, they also began to think that Shirona on the opposite side must have something to rely on.

But Shirona wouldn't give them too much time to think, "Let's decide the outcome of the Contest in one go, Garchomp, Draco Meteor!"

Garchomp squatted on the ground, The whole body emitted a bright light of Yellow, and a Yellow light ball could be faintly seen in the abdomen, and it soon reached the mouth.


The yellow ball of light spewed out of its mouth and flew into the air. The powerful force and energy fluctuations even brought out two obvious ripples.

The ball of light that flew into the sky exploded instantly, forming a stream of starlight pillars one after another Yellow, moved towards the ten Pokémons.

The powerful imposing manner made all ten people change their faces, "Flamethrower!" "Water Cannon!" "Green Leaf Storm!".

one after another Ability use of different colors , moved towards Draco Meteor.

But without exception, Draco Meteor's Yellow energy crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood smashed the attack from their Pokémon before hitting their Pokémon.

As the smoke cleared, the ten Pokémons on the Ground all lost their combat capability.

Ten against one, get killed in seconds?

Chen shook the head and threw a Luxury Ball, "Gallade, Heal Pulse, Life Dew!"

A strange wave enveloped the ten Pokémon on the Ground , with the drops of water spilled by Gallade, they quickly woke up.

Gallade coldly walked to Chen's side, pressed the Poké Ball button, and went back by himself.

“pa! pa!”

Chen clapped his hands vigorously, attracting the attention of ten students.

"I'm disappointed."

Chen's first sentence made them bow their heads in shame.

"I'm not disappointed that your strength is not good. Your strength is indeed outstanding among peers. Otherwise, it is impossible to reach the level of Top Rank students. The students of Pokemon Research School are impossible to be parallel imports.

Then you know, where am I disappointed?"

For investment, collection and recommendation! ! !


Thank you for the 316 starting point coins from Yemengarde_Chen.

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Thanks for the 100 starting point coins from Yibai Ershiqi.

Thank you for the 500 starting coins for the z reward under the rain of Qingming Festival.

Thank you for the 100 starting point coins that have been deposited for this name.

Thanks to Nine Nether for the 100 starting point coins.

Thanks to the book friend 20210311201604908 for the reward of 100 starting coins.

Thanks to Lin Xuehongguang for the reward of 100 starting coins.

(end of this chapter)

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