Pokemon: Ultimate Generations

Chapter 40 - Leaving Rock Tunnel!

With the fact of some unknown Pokemon approaching them at full speed; they flashed their flashlight ahead. The Pokemon charging them was a Rhyhorn, it came charging the minute it saw them. Gan and Warren quickly ordered their Pokemon to use Dragon Rage on the charging Rhyhorn.

Gan caught the Rhyhorn, these Pokemon could be sold at a good price. Technically, he needed money more than anything since it would take him a long way. He didn't plan to be apart of Team Rocket forever, he just needed to use this group until he became independent.

Thinking this much, it was probably best not to become an Admin then.

Continuing on, there really wasn't much to speak of but they did encounter a group of Zubat. It was so dark down here, how could you not run into this little fella? Easily taking them down, they were also caught by Gan.

Arlo wondered if Gan had some sort of addiction when catching Pokemon, he caught everything that was defeated! Gan himself was already starting to run low on Pokeballs from catching so much. The three didn't rush through the dark cave, that would obviously be too dangerous.

"Warren, you were saying something earlier about flying Pokemon, what was it about?" Gan asked in a low voice.

"Ah, yes, I said I liked flying Pokemon, If anything I prefer Pokemon that once couldn't fly. However, later down the line, they would suddenly grow wings and fly." Warren answered Gan's question right away.

"So it was like that, huh?" Gan knew quite a few Pokemon that couldn't fly at the start of their evolution, but they would suddenly grow wings later and take to the sky.

"And you, Alro, do you have any particular typing you like?" Gan kept walking as he asked.

"Nah, I don't have a particular type that I favor, but if I had to choose then it would poison types." Arlo liked poison types the best, they always got the job done, whether it be slowly or quickly; if you know what I mean.

"It makes sense." Gan concluded it with that.

"Dragon Rage!" Warren and everyone else was stunned.

Chameleon opened its open mouth and attacked the silhouette. Soon after, it fell to the ground without any further movement. Gan checked on his Charmander, he had no choice but to heal it with a Potion which was his last one.

Warren and Arlo pointed their flashlights on the fallen target to see what it was. They were surprised to see that it wasn't a Pokemon, but a bone instead! The bone suddenly moved and flew into the darkness.

Warren and Arlo kept their lights on the bone until it flew into a figure's hand.


It was another Cubone!

Gan looked at the Cubone and saw that its talent was only that of 2-stars.

"It appeared, the boneheaded Pokemon appeared again, hahaha!" Arlo was naturally excited and immediately called forth his Ekans. Gan had no idea why Arlo summoned his Ekans, history would only repeat itself.

This Cubone was at level 21.

Gan had agreed to help him catch the next Cubone because took 'his', so to speak. Koffing was already out of it Pokeball, so he had it help Arlo's Ekans. The battle lasted for about a minute before Cubone was defeated and caught by Arlo.

"Hahaha!" Arlo only laughed.

Gan and Warren didn't say anything because they had the same reaction when they caught a 'rare Pokemon'. What Gan really wanted to avoid while walking through the cave was Geodude and Graveler; this was only because of their Selfdestruct move.

This move could cause serious damage to the user, and if they weren't taken to the Pokemon Center in time, then death was a sure thing. The good thing was that Graveler and Geodude weren't troublemaking Pokemon like most here, so they could avoid them with ease. Of course, stepping on a Geodude was another problem, so they had to be careful with that.

The group contiuned on for about 10 minutes.

"Hmm, you smell that? Its smells like blood." Warren paused and flashed his light across the cave.

"Blood?" Gan frowned, he hadn't grown so sėnsɨtɨvė that he could smell something like blood. Arlo was the same, he was pretty new to this type of business himself, so he wasn't aware of such things.

"Keep watch!" Warren warned, his expression serious. Someone or something was hurt or even dead here.

Warren summoned his Zubat to trace where the smell of blood was coming from. Zubat instantly picked up the scent of blood the minute it was called out, it flew over slowly towards the scent of blood.

Warren usually fed his Zubat Tauros and Chansey blood, since it was its favorite to drink.

Just as they were closing in on a possible homicide, they were attacked again. However, it wasn't a Zubat, Golbat, or anything of this sort. Zubat had been tackle, but it quickly shrugged the attacker off with ease.

The attacker fell to the ground but stood soon after, it appeared to be ready to attack again.

Warren's flashlight landed on the attacker in question, it was small with a gray dome on its head with two horns sticking out of the upper side of its head. Its eyes were all black with a small tint of white inside of them, its skin was light purple and it had a spikey tail.

"What the heck kinda Pokemon is that?" Arlo looked at the small Pokemon strangely, it wasn't anything he had seen before. Warren was also at a loss, Gan himself hadn't seen this Pokemon before, but he stared at it closely to see if he could remember it.

It was the size of a Cubone, so it was a small guy. Gan didn't try to guess what it was and just analyzed it to see.

"Ah, so it was this Pokemon!" Gan smiled as to understand; this was a baby Kangaskhan!

Warren and Arlo didn't say anything, apparently, Gan recognized the Pokemon. Gan just asked Warren to have his Zubat contiuned tracking down the blood scent. The baby Kangaskhan tried to attack Zubat again, but it was easily brought down.

Arlo had his Ekans bind the little guy to stop it from attacking anymore. It squealed in annoyance but Ekans didn't pay any attention to its cries, in fact, it enjoyed them. This type of Pokemon would have long been swallowed by it if its master didn't command otherwise.

Zubat didn't fly far, it quickly found the being that was bleeding so badly. If it wasn't obvious already, then yes, it was the baby Kangaskhan's mother. The Kangaskhan had been hurt badly from a fight it recently had gotten into.

Its side had a large flesh hole in it, as her body laid on the ground stiffly.

"Hmm, it was a fight from what I can see, but whatever Pokemon she got into a fight with— contiuned to attack despite being the victor." Warren concluded after looking Kangaskhan's body over.

Gan touched Kangaskhan's body, it was a huge Pokemon laying on its side so he had to be careful.

"It also seems like there was more than one attacker, it was actually a gang attack that took it down." Warren checked the wounds over its body and gave another analysis.

"How do you even know that from just seeing it?" Arlo just looked one and found that hard to believe.

"Well, I didn't get that analysis from its body, but from the multiple different sized footprints around the Pokemon." Warren glared at Arlo with contempt before checking Kangaskhan's wounds again.

Gan was even surprised and he looked around, there were indeed many footprints around here. He also checked the Kangaskhan's status and found that it was still alive, but it was in a terrible state.

The talent was good enough for Gan, in fact, this was the only talent level of Pokemon he'd train.

|Name: Kangaskhan (Critical Condition)????

|Type: Normal

|Level: 25

|Ability: Scrappy

|Potential: ★★★

|Nature: Modest

|Moves: Comet Punch| Leer| Fakeout| Tail Whip| Bite| Double Hit| Rage| Mega Punch|

Gan liked its ability the most, it was the best ability a Kangaskhan could have. He had Arlo knock out the baby Kangaskhan before putting it in its mom's pouch. Afterward, he tossed a Premier Ball at it and caught it with ease.

Now, he had to get to a Pokemon Center to have its condition checked and hopefully stabilized. Everyone looked around silently before going on their way; Rock Tunnel technically only had 2 floors so to speak, but he believed everything to be on the same floor.

Warren's Zubat fought a few Pokemon and defeated them, then it evolved into a Golbat. Eventually, they could see the exit of the cave, it was bright and showed some of the scenery outside. Gan and company quickly made their way over and out of Rock Tunnel.

The minute they left the Rock Tunnel, they saw a huge Pokemon Center nearby. Gan and the group walked over towards the Pokemon Center to have their Pokemon healed. He especially told them about Kangaskhan's condition; this Pokemon Center was far bigger than usual, it reminded him of the one in Viridian City.

Everyone sat in the lobby, Warren was checking out a few magazines while Arlo fed his Ekans some Berries he got from Gan. He usually went to the wild to feed it Rattata, but this time was an exception.

Warren looked like he was going to make a move if this turned troublesome.

Gan told her to go to a private place, so he could show her. But he told her to keep his information confidential because he wanted to travel silently. The nurse sighed and agreed, she needed to confirm his identity, she wouldn't tell anyone.

Gan did this to get away from Warren and Arlo, so they didn't know that he was actually challenging the gyms to fight against the Kanto League. It seemed Kangaskhan's full recovery would take a week at most; there were even highly trained trainers here keeping watch.

This was because they were still next to a cave, and who is to say that any of them won't come out and attack. This was especially so at night when Zubat and Golbat were really active and hunting.

The nurse at the front desk had done a check on Gan's history and found that he actually had a Pokemon in Viridian City undergoing surgery. At this point, Arlo and Warren had left the Pokemon Center to check out the little river closeby.

Gan had to pay a fee since he obviously had no health insurance to cover it. It cost him ₱16,000 to have Kangaskhan fully restored.

"Sh**!" Gan cursed but he should be able to make this money back. He had come back here anyway, he wanted to check the Powerplant out. Unfortunately, this place was guarded by powerful Pokemon Trainers, who wouldn't allow anyone in unless they had a special tool to get in.

This was because the League had heard and seen sightings of a certain Legendary bird flying around and visiting this place. After paying, Gan took a seat but he suddenly remembered the Pokemon he stole from the trio in Viridian Forest.

"Hmm, I wonder what type of Pokemon they had?" Gan reached into his storage space to retrieve their Pokeballs.

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