Bai Mo has obviously observed Charmeleon’s state with Psychic, so he doesn’t give any orders at all!

At this time, Charmeleon is pretty good to be able to endure it!

Normal Pokémon, because the power of the backlash might have lost its combat capability!

“Is it over!?” Seeing the action of Probopass, Bai Mo frowned, in one of today’s games, he actually wanted Charmeleon to get closer to Probopass and let Charmeleon use Fighting Type Ability to win!

Because Probopass has two Attributes, Rock Type and Steel Type, and these two Attributes are restrained by Fighting Type, as long as the Fighting Type Ability is used, it can cause four times the damage to Probopass!

Even if Charmeleon’s strength is one level weaker than Probopass’s strength, it can be crushed and won in a short time!

But Bai Mo obviously underestimated Roxanne, or, in the morning, after letting Gardevoir beat Maxie’s Mightyena, he was a little proud!

Because of this level of pride, Bai Mo indulges in the pleasure of crushing, and all considerations have been made with this as the starting point!

So, Treecko’s start was not smooth, Charmeleon is now in crisis, all because Bai Mo is proud!

“Sure enough, the arrogant soldier must be defeated!”

Bai Mo closed his eyes with lightly sighed in his heart!

When the people around saw this scene, they only thought that Bai Mo had given up this game!

“Mo!” A trace of worry flashed in Toozi’s eyes. In a battle of equality or small gap, Bai Mo, it seemed that he had never lost, the first time I lost, it was very uncomfortable!

Beside Bai Mo, Gardevoir’s eyes flashed with worry!

At this time, the situation in the field suddenly changed. A trace of pain suddenly flashed across the face of Probopass, who was using Ability, and the Ability used was also interrupted in the middle!

After that, in the eyes of everyone’s surprise, Probopass’s body suddenly burned with flames!

“This is a burning state!”

Noting the situation of Probopass, Roxanne immediately realized what had happened. The gunpowder charge had a one-tenth chance that the opponent was obviously burning. Status, and her luck today is obviously not good, she actually won this one-tenth of the easter egg!

“Very good!”

At the same time, Bai Mo’s eyes opened sharply, and there was a deep peace in them!

At this moment, so everyone feels that Bai Mo’s temperament seems to have changed a bit!

“I just set off to travel for less than two months now!”

“Although the Pokemon are very good, there is Mew to follow, and there are two quasi-Elite Pokémon !”

“But after all, I am not too strong. There are many people who are stronger than me!”

“Pride is the source of failure!”


“Neither do I have the right to be proud!”

“True, powerhouse, be consistent!”

“What I want to pursue is victory!”

A flash of fire flashed in his eyes, Bai Mo waved his arm and said loudly, “Charmeleon!”

“I believe you!”

“Flame Charge!”


Hearing Bai Mo’s words full of trust, Charmeleon’s expression congeals, Roar, the flame on his tail burned more vigorously in this brief moment.

A flame enveloped its entire body!

Charmeleon has learned even a stronger gunsmoke charge, and the initial Flame Charge is naturally mastered!

The flame spread all over the body, Charmeleon once again moved towards Probopass and rushed away. Bai Mo’s voice also sounded in Charmeleon’s mind at this time!

“Don’t Tackle!”

“Just get close to Probopass!”

Although I don’t know what Bai Mo wants to do, Charmeleon still executes it faithfully command!

Because of Flame Charge, Charmeleon’s speed has increased a lot, and it quickly approached Probopass, and then passed Probopass in everyone’s surprised eyes!

Bai Mo’s voice resounded in Charmeleon’s mind at this time!

Chapter 0122 Xiaonai, you are a big wife

“What’s going on!?”

Charmeleon’s Ability is useless to hit Probopass. To be honest, Even Roxanne felt strange, but she did not give up this rare good opportunity, and immediately shouted to Probopass, who had recovered from the burning state, “Earthquake!”

Wrapped in flames, and the faster she As Charmeleon is on the move, Roxanne is not at all confident that Probopass will be able to hit. During the insurance period, he chooses to let Probopass use Earthquake with a full range of attack capabilities like Earthquake!

Hearing Roxanne’s command to Probopass, Bai Mo’s mouth was curved. When he saw Probopass jumping up and down and starting to shake Ground, he immediately shouted:

“Just now, Charmeleon, jump up and use Flare Blitz!”


In the flames, Charmeleon screamed, his legs pressed hard, He jumped up violently, the flame that was originally burning on his body showed no sign of fading away. On the contrary, after it took off, a stronger flame emerged from his body again!

The two flames are superimposed, and in the flame enveloped by Charmeleon, there is a faint blue flame appearing!

At this time, Probopass is constantly moving up and down due to the use of Ability, which has an impact on Ground!

The sudden jump of Charmeleon makes Probopass you can’t guard against it. It is using Ability and it moves slowly. It is impossible dodge this time Charmeleon’s Unique Ability!


Once again, Charmeleon took a full body of flame Tackle on Probopass, and the collision of two Pokémon caused a big explosion!

Charmeleon and Probopass both flew upside down!

Due to weight, Probopass began to make parabolic motions due to gravity after a certain distance from the inverted flight, and finally landed not far from Roxanne!

Charmeleon is not so relaxed because of its very light weight. The whole body is like a meteor, and it hits the wall behind Bai Mo moved towards Bai Mo!

However, when Charmeleon passed by Bai Mo, his body stopped abruptly. On its surface, there was a layer of blue rays of light shrouded in it!

“Our Charmeleon, I chose to give up!” Regardless of the situation of Probopass, he said to the referee, Bai Mo looked towards Gardevoir softly, “Nai, use Heal Pulse to treat Charmeleon first Now, wait a minute to trouble Nurse Joy!”

“Okay, Mo!”

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