“In order to get this USB flash drive, I can only let people go!”

hearing this, Joseph Stone didn’t doubt it, and said with a USB flash drive at will. smile, “many thanks Bai Mo Professor for helping each other.”

“Let’s do this, all the collections I have collected in this room over the years.”

“Not as good as you Feel free to choose one as my gratitude.”


Chapter 0143 Two Mega Evolution Stones

I heard what Joseph Stone said, Bai Mo decided to be polite when he picked his eyes.

But at this time, the office door was opened again, and Steven Stone walked in with Officer Jenny.

“old fogey, you don’t even give me those things, but you are willing to give it to Bai Mo Professor. It’s too partial!” Entering the office, Steven looked at Joseph with an unhappy expression. Stone.

“You brat have more good things than Lao Tzu, so you are ashamed to ask me?” Joseph Stone couldn’t help rolling his eyes at this son.

“haha, let me just say that.” Steven waved his hand, then looked towards Bai Mo, “many thanks Bai Mo Professor for help.”

“I just checked I checked the monitor, the Team Aqua member you were chasing obviously escaped in a planned way, but I trouble you to take such a trip.”

“You are welcome.” Bai Mo smiled nodded, but secretly praised it in his heart. Use Psychic smartly to control the overall situation.

Like now, I have reaped the beauty of spring and the friendship of the Zvoči family, one move, two gains.

Everyone didn’t know what Bai Mo was thinking. Joseph Stone asked with a serious expression on his face, “By the way, Steven, how about the rest? How are they?”

“Did you ask what it came from?”

When I heard his question, Steven’s expression was a bit more serious, said solemnly, “They have been brought back to the police by Officer Jenny. The game is gone.”

“I have asked, it is from Team Aqua.”

“The one who ran away was a Small Captain.”

“The purpose is to get some scientific research results of the company about the Dive boat.”

“Team Aqua.” Hearing the answer from Steven, Joseph Stone’s eyes changed, and Team Aqua knew that. Because of the existence of a champion-level Trainer Boss, I also paid attention to it.

Didn’t expect, this time, he would actually make a shot at Dewen. Originally, the two parties were everyone minds their own business, but now since the other party hits the attention of their Zvqi family, he also needs to do something. what.

Of course, these all are Joseph Stone’s plot against. On the surface, when he heard Steven’s words, he just nodded, and then said to Bai Mo, “Bai Mo Professor, how is it? Choose one of my collections in this office as my gift of gratitude.”

“These stones are not noble, but old fogey my personal favorite collection that’s all.”

” It’s my heart!”

Seeing what Joseph Stone said so sincerely, Bai Mo is naturally not hypocritical. Just like the former said, truly noble things will not be placed here grandiosely. In the office, accepting this gift of appreciation, he and the Zvqi family have established a small relationship.

“Many thanks to President Zvqi’s kindness.” Nodded with a smile, Bai Mo stood up and came to the surrounding exhibits.

Seeing that Bai Mo did not refuse, Joseph Stone laughed with satisfaction and invited the people present to watch his collections.

These collections of Joseph Stone are grotesquely shaped, very strange stones, large and small, and different in color.

After reading some, Bai Mo felt a little speechless, because these stones are probably because of the geographical location or the different environment, which led to the formation of different that’s all.

This kind of stone, to be honest, except for people with alternative collectors like Steven and Joseph Stone, I really don’t like it.

But this kind of thought was just left in Bai Mo’s mind for a moment.

At this time, he stopped in front of the two stones that looked exactly the same, only the internal lines were different, and a flash of heat flashed in his eyes.

In front of him, there were two Mega Evolution Stones that are still unknown. Comparing with the data in his mind, he knew the types of these two Mega Evolution Stones.

Salamence Mega Evolution Stone and Electric Dragon Mega Evolution Stone!

Absolutely good thing!

“Oh, it seems that Bai Mo you like these two stones that look similar!” Joseph Stone noticed Bai Mo’s situation, lightly said with a smile, “These two stones , But I found it when I was looking for rocks in Meteor Falls.”

“The rocks were together at the time.”

“If you like Bai Mo, take them together. Let’s go.”

“The pie is falling in the sky!” Hearing Joseph Stone’s words, Bai Mo was still thinking about how to get another Mega Evolution Stone. After all, the former at first was just giving away He is one, and now this sudden surprise makes Bai Mo’s heart also a little excited.

But after being excited, Bai Mo’s eyes narrowed.

Mega evolution stone, besides him, no one knows this kind of existence yet. The most of this kind of evolution stone should exist in Kalos Region, but there must be other regions too, the one in his hand. The two Alakazam Mega Evolution Stones and the two in front of them are evidence.

This is a good strategic resource.

Bai Mo thinks that waiting to collect enough, become rich and make some powerhouses, or cultivate subordinates are all wrong.

However, if he collects by himself, even if he is lucky, it takes a long time to collect a total of not much, or if he builds up his influence, he can collect quickly, but that is a few years. What happened later was a waste of too much time.

And now, he suddenly had a good idea.

Just do it if you think about it. Bai Mo didn’t rush to take the two Megas placed on the exhibition table, but took out Alakazam’s Mega Evolution Stone from his space backpack and said to Joseph Stone, ” President Zvqi, otherwise look at this.”

“Huh, is this?” Seeing the Mega evolution stone in Bai Mo’s hand and Joseph Stone’s eyes shined, I immediately took this stone to myself Looking at it in his hands, Steven Stone also curiously leaned forward.

“It’s a similar stone, but the texture is different from mine!” After looking at it for a long time, Joseph Stone returned the Alakazam Mega Evolution Stone in his hand to Bai Mo.

But now, the experienced Joseph Stone has noticed something wrong.

It’s understandable to say that the two stones in his hand looked similar to each other in the same place, but Bai Mo actually has a similar stone in his hand. This is enough to show that this stone has an alternative. Existence.

Of course, even so, Joseph Stone didn’t have the slightest idea of ​​wanting to return the stone that he sent out. The head of the Zvoči family was not so stingy.

But Bai Mo smiled lightly at this time, and said to Joseph Stone, “President Zvoj, you should see this unusual, but what it is, for the time being I don’t I know.”

“Now, I want to discuss a business with you, what do you think!?”

Chapter 0144 Crazy Collection of Mega Evolution Stone Project

“Oh, business?” Joseph Stone’s expression changed when he heard Bai Mo’s words. As a qualified businessman, he showed that he should have an attitude when talking about business.

“Professor Bai Mo, take these two stones first, and then let’s talk here!” With a gesture of please, Joseph Stone took the lead to sit back on the sofa.

When Steven saw this situation, he was also very interested in doing it on the sofa, while Officer Jenny and Kennedy both left the office with great vision!

This made Toozi and Ram suddenly wonder what to do.

Bai Mo accepted the two Mega Evolution Stones without pretense, and then said with a smile to Toko and Ram who were planning to find a reason to leave, “Sit down and listen. They are all my own.” .”

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