Human-shaped Gardevoir, Xiao Nai! Humanoid Milotic!

Charizard, Grovyle, Lucario, Kadabra, Bagon, Zorua, Aggron.

There are nine Pokémon in total, all of them full.

Actually, Bai Mo also has a Pokemon egg on his body, which also needs to occupy a place, but this will not happen after Gardevoir is transformed. Poké Ball will not remove him because of Gardevoir Human Transformation. Counted.

Similarly, there is Milotic.

In other words, in addition to the Pokemon eggs and seven Pokemon, Bai Mo can still take one and carry it on his body, but in fact, his Pokemon is almost 10!

After all the Pokemon gathered, everyone got to know each other, and then Bai Mo took out the deformed flower and explained the situation to them.

After hearing what Bai Mo said, Bai Mo’s Pokémon were first returned to Poké Ball. Male Pokémon was born with no pursuit of Human Transformation, and Bai Mo’s only two were carried on his body. The mother Pokemon has already transformed.

It’s Ram and Toko’s turn. Their Pokémon are all females, but among them, Horsea and Swablu have not evolved, so they don’t want to be transformed for the time being.

Swampert and Absol are not that interested either.

Delcatty was interested, but for a while, she said sorry.

Switching to Touzi, a few Pokémon are quite interested.

At this time, I saw that all the male Pokémon in Bai Mo had returned to the Poké Ball, and Serperior directly stretched out the rattan to snatch the Transformed Flower.

However, not even think is directly put into my own mouth.

Next moment, the same pink rays of light appeared, covering Serperior.

Also ten minutes later, the pink rays of light dispersed, and a naked silhouette appeared in front of everyone.

It was the birth of a big beauty again, but the face of this big beauty is beautiful and alluring with a hint of coldness and arrogance, and under this beautiful face is a figure like a masterpiece of God. .

Seeing this scene, Bai Mo couldn’t help swallowing.

At this time, the beauty did not care about her clothes, but looked at Bai Mo and asked coldly: “Bai Mo, am I beautiful?”

Chapter 0166 No Asura field! My goal is the harem!

“Bai Mo, am I beautiful?” The beauty after Serperior’s transformation looked at Bai Mo without blinking.

“Of course!” Hearing Serperior’s question, Bai Mo seriously nodded and said, “You are beautiful!”

“That’s good!” Get Bai Mo’s affirmation, Serperior’s cold and arrogant face showed a smile. This smile is like a normal flower that will bloom in the winter of March, and it is very beautiful.

This smile directly made everyone present and Pokemon stare at it.

But this smile comes and goes fast, Serperior quickly reduced his smile and turned to Toozi, “I don’t want to stay in Poké Ball anymore, it’s too small!”


“Ah, oh, um!”

Hearing Serperior’s words, Toko just numbly clicked nodded, and then asked afterwards, “Serperior, you, want Transformation?”

“Yes!” Serperior nodded and said very coldly, “I have been thinking about it for a long time, if I didn’t need to control the Profound Truth, I can transform, it would have been a long time ago! “

“But, what are you going to do with Human Transformation?” Toozi took a serious look at Serperior, and then the pretty face was slightly red, “Moreover, why is it still like this? It’s too plump!”

Speaking, Too Zi also looked at his chest with loss!

“Why did you become a human?” Serperior didn’t explain when she heard Toozi’s words. He just looked at Bai Mo coldly, and then suddenly stood up and said, “Big breasts, of course, bigger A little bit!”

“I think Bai Mo likes to hold Gardevoir’s chest Rest. I definitely like big breasts.”

“He said last time that Mew is the most boring Airport. , There is such a negative teaching material, of course, I take it as a warning!”

This Serperior is really, just don’t talk, and when you talk, you will never lose it.

The people around you can understand. The co-author Serperior doesn’t know when he fell in love with Bai Mo. Because he decided to become a human form, he also chose to become a big breasted one.

Toozi is a little helpless. She feels that Serperior, who she has raised for a year, has become the daughter-in-law of someone else’s family, but she is also a breed of Pokemon, and she can still bear it.

But Mew on the side is upset, very upset.

What do you mean Serperior?

Look down on the small chest?

I don’t know the true meaning of cute loli.

Think of this, Mew looked at Bai Mo with murderous aura and asked, “I am the Airport, which makes you annoying?”


The one who asked the question was Mew, one of World’s Mightiest battle strength, a Hyper Beam that can wipe out everyone present, Bai Mo didn’t dare to make her unhappy, and immediately said, “I like big breasts and I like Luo Li!”

“I am a full control, not a certain control!”

“This, each has its own benefits!”

“Not saying Loli has three good points, voiceless, soft body, easy to push down, I like it very much!”

“That’s pretty much the same!” Mew was very satisfied and ordered nodded, and didn’t mind Bai Mo at all. Li summed up and glanced at Serperior provocatively, but more eyes remained on the plump pair!

“Damn it, another big tit!”

“I have the opportunity to talk to Arceus and let me reshape the damn law, hmph!”

Faced with Mew’s eyes, Serperior ignored Mew’s gaze. Instead, following the way of Milotic, he walked to Bai Mo’s side and hugged his other arm and said, “Mo, what Gardevoir can do, I can too!”

“Eh.” Feeling Serperior’s serious gaze, Bai Mo’s face was smiled, but his heart was bitter.

“How do I feel, I am going to the Asura field!”

“No, my plan is, the harem!”

“Tonight , First establish authority and speak!!!”

The time came to 2nd day, and it was not until noon that Bai Mo woke up from his bed, the whole state was a little tired.

Please don’t get me wrong, what happened last night not at all, such as the P-war, but Bai Mo gave an ideological education class to Touzi, Ram, and the three Pokémon transformations.

Um, for Mew, Bai Mo wants to educate, but this guy is too strong, so I haven’t considered it yet.

Finally, Bai Mo set the tone for the five women.

First of all, regardless of whether it is a girlfriend or a wife, they are both big and small.

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