This kind of powerlessness deeply stimulates Sceptile’s inner self-esteem. He does not allow this situation.

Under this thought, a deep green rays of light appeared in its eyes.

After that, a green rays of light appeared on Sceptile’s tail. When the rays of light were most shining after the operation, Sceptile moved towards Ground and slammed his tail!

Chapter 0181 Big Tactic Touch


Sceptile’s tail is heavily on Ground, bursting with a powerful sound .

Next, the entire site is a burst of The earth shook and the mountain quivered, a dazzling green rays of light emerged from under the site, and then, the vegetation around the site began to grow wildly, from The roots and stems of plants also began to appear under the site.

There are also some huge green rhizomes directly covering Sceptile’s body.

The Air Blade and Heat Wave used by Charizard were immediately blocked by these vegetation with Profound Truth.

Although the cutting power of the air blade and the burning power of the Heat Wave restrain these plants and are constantly eliminating these plants, the growth rate of these plants is even faster.

Even the plants have begun to move towards Charizard’s growth position because of their fate.

“This is!”

“Plant Frenzy!”

Seeing the sudden change in the field, Bai Mo immediately realized what happened.

Plant Frenzy can be said to be the largest formidable power in the Grass Type Unique Ability.

The main effect is to make crazy plants entangle the opponent and perform various slams. Imagine the scene of a bunch of crazy growing plants Slam. Bai Mo said that Charizard’s precarious state is a Description.

Not to mention, the Ability used by Sceptile at this time is brought with Profound Truth.

In the face of such an Ability, Bai Mo instinctively intends to let Charizard fly to a high altitude, and only use the flame to change the situation when Sceptile is stuck in the rigid state of using this Ability.

But next moment, using his Psychic to sweep Sceptile’s situation, Bai Mo just gave up this idea.

At this time, under the cover of vegetation, Sceptile’s expression turned out to be a green rays of light. This rays of light did not represent the activation of Sceptile’s Overgrow Characteristic Trait, but rather Synthesis in progress.

Synthesis can restore Pokémon’s physical strength, recovery speed and extent, depending on the degree of sunlight at the time.

Now, the Sunny Day effect used by Breloom in the previous game has disappeared. When the plants that grow wildly are absorbing sunlight, in addition to their own growth, a considerable part of it The energy is transferred to Sceptile.

If Bai Mo really chooses to let Charizard fight afterwards, he will face a Sceptile who can move freely at the peak period, and Charizard’s odds of winning will only be lower.

“Since the war of attrition can’t be fought, we can only meet force with force.”

With a decision in his heart, Bai Mo immediately moved towards Charizard and said loudly, “Charizard, Moved towards Sceptile where he was before, rush straight over, first use Wing Attack to cut through the plants as much as possible.”

“When the power on the wings is about to disappear, use the bursting flames! “


Waiting for Bai Mo’s order, Charizard also knew that this battle was the most critical moment, expression congeals, appeared on its wings The breath of fierce wind.

Glanced at the wildly growing vegetation on Ground, Charizard rushed out without hesitation moved towards the bottom.

Sceptile is not a Forest Guardian God Celebi after all. Although it has Elite strength, it is still limited in its ability to use it.

At this time, the crazy growing plants have reached the bottleneck and are not growing, but these plants are also under the control of Sceptile.

After feeling the approach of Charizard moved towards himself, Sceptile immediately controlled these plants to move towards Charizard and slapped away.

But whenever these plants approached Charizard, before the sky approached, they were cut one after another by the sharp breaking force driven by the wings behind Charizard.

After Charizard cut through a lot of vegetation, the power on the wings finally faded.

It seems that I felt Charizard’s situation Normal. The three particularly large green rhizomes were hitting away from Charizard’s back and above, directly below and up ahead with powerful formidable power at this time.

See this scene.

Outside the court, Mei and Touzi couldn’t help but want to close their eyes.

If you are hit by such a big move of formidable power, even Charizard will suffer a lot of damage. If you don’t do it well, if you get a bunch of consecutive moves by Sceptile later, you will really lose.

It is Ram, although he dared not look at it, but he used his camera to record the situation in the field seriously.

In the field, just as the three green rhizomes were about to hit Charizard, a red flame with a basket suddenly appeared from its body, covering its body surface in the blink of an eye.

Charizard’s body becomes a Fireball at once.

After the three green rhizomes approached Charizard, even with the Profound Truth, they were easily burned out by the temperature of the surface.

Charizard in this brief moment, the entire body is replaced by a Meteorite Normal that penetrates the atmosphere, instantly carrying hot temperature and flames, and instantly insight into all the green vegetation in front of you, straight Came in front of Sceptile.

Sceptile opened his eyes when Charizard arrived before him.

Until this time, Sceptile finally recovered from the frozen state, but it was too late for those who wanted dodge.

Faced with the Fireball close at hand, Sceptile made his last effort. Dazzling green rays of light appeared in its eyes again, and then, on the surrounding rhizomes, several grasses appeared. All the pillars moved straight towards Charizard’s body to greet him.

Charizard’s actions were finally affected.

But at this time, Charizard was only a few fists away from Sceptile. On its body, the flames had burned to a terrifying level.

At this moment, Charizard gave up the suppression of the flame, this force burned, and a huge explosion occurred directly.

The fiery red waves burst out with Charizard as the origin, and instantly enveloped Sceptile. Around, the green rhizomes were also instantly ignited.

The Plant Frenzy that Sceptile used to protect himself before was turned into a flame cage by Charizard’s Unique Ability.


The huge explosion occurred, and everyone was unable to discover the source. Only Bai Mo, Gardevoir and Mew experienced it with Psychic, and I got it result.

This scene.


Chapter 0182 The grove in the early morning

“Sceptile, Charizard, lose battle strength at the same time.”

“Gym Trainer all three Pokémon I lost the combat capability, so it was the challenger from Littleroot Town, Bai Mo, who won!”

In the field, the smoke finally dispersed, and the situation of Charizard and Sceptile also appeared in the crowd. before.

Charizard’s final decisive battle, although the formidable power was amazing, and the surrounding plants were ignited and the grass pillars used by the Grass Pledge Ability used by Sceptile, the flame’s formidable power was infinitely amplified, and Sceptile was fundamentally Not immune.

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