But at the next moment, both Pokémon’s stopped their movements and retreated behind Bai Mo, looking at the air in one direction.

Noting the movements of the two Pokémons, Bai Mo curiously moved towards that direction and looked in the direction. After seeing the situation in the air clearly, his eyes shrank.

“Togekiss, Garchomp!”

“Also, the one on Togekiss’ back!”

“It turned out to be Shirona!!!”

In the air, Shirona sat on Togekiss, also looking at the dilapidated surroundings, and finally zoomed in on Bai Mo and the two Pokémon behind him.

“It turned out to be Divine Beast!” Shirona’s pupils also shrank. Although her strength reached her, the weakest Divine Beast was not afraid at all, but Divine Beast is rarer than Quasi-Legendary. Less and more, no wonder she was shocked…

Let Togekiss slowly come and land in front of Bai Mo, Shirona jumped onto the Ground and faintly smiled and said, “Bai Mo Professor, hello, I’m Shirona!”

“Really Shirona.” Until Shirona spoke to herself, Bai Mo finally came back to his senses, and carefully looked at how much she liked in Pokémon world Existence that can definitely rank in the top five or even the top three.

Outstanding appearance, great family background, strong strength, love for Pokémon, and cuteness when choosing ice cream.

The combination of these are two words, Goddess.

Bai Mo’s idea is also very direct. One day, let this Goddess become his own woman.

Also with a smile, Bai Mo gently said to Shirona, “Didn’t expect to meet the Sinnoh champion, Shirona Young Lady.”

“It really is My honour.”

“Champion!!” Hearing Bai Mo’s words, an exclamation came from behind him. It was Tie Xuan who was brought over by Gardevoir by Teleport.

Gardevoir stepped up at this moment and naturally grabbed Bai Mo’s hand.

“Hello.” Nodded to Tie Xuan, Shirona looked towards Bai Mo said with a slight smile, “The news of Bai Mo Professor can be passed to True Spirit. I am officially the Alliance Champion of Sinnoh Region , But it will take another two months.”

“Really a champion!” Hearing Shirona’s words, Tie Xuan was shocked. He really didn’t expect that the beautiful young woman in front of him was A Champion of Region, the height after that is really unimaginable.

“You will know what you should know.” Bai Mo said ambiguously, and then curiously asked Shirona, “Shirona Young Lady, I wonder why you came to Hoenn Region?”

“Could it be that I will be in the post in two months. I will travel, right?”

“Of course not!” Shirona shook the head, looking at Bai Mo earnestly. “I came for you and myself.”


When I heard Shirona’s words, I knew she didn’t mean that, but Bai Mo’s heart still Can’t help but tighten.

Chapter 0189 There is a trick behind the Divine Beast battle

Blinking his eyes, Bai Mo reached out and took Gardevoir’s little hand, and said with a smile to Shirona, “If I guessed it Yes, Shirona Young Lady is here for this!”

“Yes.” Shirona admitted straight to the point, and said, “I know, Bai Mo Professor, you can get there because you have Psychic.”

“But I also have some special abilities, so I want to try it.”

“No I know, would you like to teach me?”

Speaking, Shirona looked at Bai Mo’s eyes seriously, as if Bai Mo’s heart could be seen through these eyes.

“No problem!”

The result was beyond Shirona’s expectation. Bai Mo simply agreed. Without even mentioning any conditions, he said directly:

“I am very happy to teach Shirona Young Lady. For the next thing, you can just stay by my side. I will make time every day to teach you.”

” , I don’t know if Shirona Young Lady has any comments.”

cracking a joke, leaving Goddess with the opportunity to cultivate relationships by his side, why did he refuse?

Furthermore, with Shirona by his side, it is tantamount to one more champion-level bodyguard, or the strongest one, so fools don’t want it.

As for Mega’s method, Bai Mo only cares, whether it can be achieved is Shirona’s business, and even if it can be achieved, what impact will it have on him not at all.

“Of course I have no opinion.” Shirona laughed at Bai Mo’s words, and then looked at the surrounding situation and Latias and Latios behind the former and asked, “Professor Bai Mo, don’t mind. Tell me what happened here?”

“It’s not my responsibility, but I’m very curious.”

“It’s nothing!” Bai Mo is very free and easy. Waving, Tie Xuan also saw what was happening at the scene, and there was nothing to hide. Anyway, it had nothing to do with him from beginning to end. The only thing he did was to save Latias, which still avoided a bigger battle from breaking out.

However, Bai Mo did not rush to explain, because he found that there were speedboats on the surrounding lake, and it should be Officer Jenny who came with someone.

Officer Jenny when the time comes, I must ask again, he should say when the time comes together.

Behind Bai Mo, he noticed that many people came around. Latias and Latios hid themselves, but Bai Mo could still feel the breath of two Pokémon with Psychic. Obviously, these two Pokémon hasn’t really left yet, there should be something to say to Bai Mo.

Soon, Officer Jenny brought a few quasi-Elite Gym Trainers to the island. The case asked about the situation, and Bai Mo and Tie Xuan directly recounted what they had seen before.

After all, one is Mauville Gym Trainer, and the other is Alliance’s youngest Professor. Combined with the situation on the scene, Officer Jenny didn’t doubt it at all.

Then, after wandering around the island for a while, the entire group returned to the center of Pokémon together.

Back to the Pokémon Center, Bai Mo not at all was anxious to chat with the three daughters of Ram and Shirona, but the one who found an excuse to come to the previously opened room.

Wait in the room, Latias and Latios immediately showed their bodies, and they were very affectionate with Bai Mo’s face.

“You really haven’t left.” Bai Mo reached out and touched the heads of the two Pokemon, and then said indifferently, “Mew, come out, don’t you have something to tell me.”


A clear voice sounded, and a pink light flashed around. Next moment, Mew’s voice appeared from it, and she was restored to her original state.

After “you two little fellow okay!” appeared, Mew immediately moved towards Latias and Latias ordered nodded.

The two little fellows even knew Mew Normal and moved towards her happily and called out.

Looking at the appearance of two little fellows, Mew said with a smile, “It’s been a long time since I went to see Latias and Latios. I’ll have a look later when I’m free.”

The Latias and Latias in Mew’s mouth are naturally not the pair of siblings in front of me, but the two most Primal, the ancestors of the Latias and Laatios races.

After finishing speaking, Mew said to Bai Mo, “Actually, I think things are a little weird today.”

“Strange?” Bai Mo blinked suspiciously, and then Strangely asked, “Is there any conspiracy between Zaptos and Latios?”

“I don’t know.” Mew curl one’s lip, indifferently said, “I speak by strength and don’t want to use my brain.”


“I’ll go!” Hear Mew, the Little Loli, say so, Bai Mo corner of mouth twitching, is it really good for your Little Loli to say such a simple speech with well-developed limbs?

Being slanderous in his heart, Bai Mo certainly won’t put this on his face, at least, he won’t be like this until he can have an equal conversation with Mew.

“Tell me, there are some details that I don’t know.” Slowly sitting on a chair, Bai Mo motioned to Mew to speak, and Latias and Latios looked at Mew curiously.

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