Seeing the sharp wind blade, Swellow鈥檚 pupils suddenly dilated, and a look of fear appeared on his face. As a result, the Hyper Beam that was supposed to be launched stopped, and the energy was just like that. Gathered in front of its mouth.

Seeing this, Winona secretly said in one’s heart is not good, and quickly shouted, “Swellow, cheer up, don鈥檛 be afraid!”

“Bet won! Very good!” Contrary to Winona Yes, Bai Mo was overjoyed and hurriedly ordered, “Charizard, give it the last fatal move, Ancient Power!”

Ancient Power, Rock Type Ability, which Charizard learned during the training against Garchomp Ability, has twice the restraint effect on Swellow.

The most important thing is that Ancient Power will be used very quickly!

Yellow’s abilities immediately gathered in front of Charizard’s chest, and then launched in the direction moved towards Swellow, covering Swellow in an instant.

And by coincidence, the power of Ancient Power collided with the power of the Hyper Beam that was still in Swellow’s mouth.

Under the interaction of the two energies, they immediately exploded.

With such a large formidable power, Charizard not far away quickly instigated his wings to pass through the explosion鈥檚 range of influence, while Swellow at the center of the explosion fainted and eventually fell heavily. On top of Ground.

“Swellow lost the combat capability, so Charizard won!” Joy announced the result again, but the beautiful eyes looked at Bai Mo’s body. Bai Mo can be said to be playing with Pokemon all the time. Wearing the four Pokemons recognized by Hoenn Region as the strongest quasi-Elite Gym Trainer, too strong.

As for Bai Mo, Mingming has only started to travel for nearly half a year.

Recovering Swellow, Winona solemnly released his last Pokemon in front of Winona:

“It’s time for you to play, my strongest partner, Altaria!”

As the Pok茅 Ball opened, a wing like Cotton Normal, and a blue Pok茅mon appeared in the field.

When I saw this Pok茅mon, Mei exclaimed, “What a beautiful Pok茅mon!”

“Grass Type and Flying Type, Water Type and Flying Type, Steel Type and Flying Type, Normal Type and Flying Type, this time it’s Dragon Type and Flying Type again!” Bai Mo murmured, took Charizard back, and threw a Pok茅 Ball:

“Alakazam, come out!”

“It’s time to show our true Psychic technology!”

Chapter 0203 Alakazam, Mega!

“Alakazam, it’s time to show the true technology of Psychic power!”

Bai Mo turned his head and glanced at Shirona, indifferently said, “You can Look good!”

After that, in Shirona’s astonished eyes and those around him, Bai Mo’s eyes flashed with blue rays of light.

At the same moment, Alakazam’s eyes also flashed blue rays of light.

Bai Mo at this time said loudly:

“Alakazam, Psychic link!”

“Mega evolution!”

“Alakazam !”

With a cry of Alakazam, a blue Psychic appeared from it, as did Bai Mo’s body. After the two rays of light collided in the void, they were finally linked together.

Then the power of blue enveloped Alakazam’s body.

Next moment, a white rays of light appeared on Alakazam’s body.

That is, rays of light evolved!

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked.

Alakazam can even evolve?

Wait, it’s Psychic again.

Could it be that Pok茅mon that is a Psychic Type can evolve under Bai Mo’s Psychic Help?

What exactly is this power? How strong is it!

Among these people, as a qualified observer, Ram quickly reacted and began to shoot continuously. With the sound of ka-cha, the women such as Mei and Toko also reacted. .

And Shirona’s eyes are full of endless light at this time. She feels that she and Gardevoir must have the day when Gardevoir will evolve again.

At this time, in the field, the rays of light evolved from Alakazam’s body dissipated.

Appearing in front of everyone is a Pokemon that has never appeared in the eyes of the world.

The armor part of this Pokemon originally changed to a purple robe when it was in Alakazam.

The color of the whole remains unchanged, a red crystal is added in the middle of the forehead, and sharp horns are formed on the top of the head. When Alakazam, Yellow’s moustache turned into a huge pale beard.

Put your feet together and use Psychic to float yourself in the air.

The number of spoons has increased to five again, no longer held in the hands, but lifted into the air by Psychic.

This Pok茅mon, after resonating with Bai Mo Psychic, has evolved again, Mega Alakazam!

Bai Mo’s chest, among the red crystals, a gleam of excitement flashed in Latias’s eyes, she felt the possibility of becoming powerful quickly!

“Altaria, Steel Wing!” Although it is not clear how strong Mega Alakazam is in the field, and he has not won any of the four games so far, Winona still maintains this face of confidence. Loudly ordered Altaria to attack first.

In this regard, Bai Mo faintly ordered, “Alakazam, stop it, Psychic!”

In the void, the blue rays of light appeared in the eyes of Alakazam, who was cross-legged by Levitate. Light, the five spoons above the head are shaking, a strange force is to appear out of thin air.

In the high altitude, a layer of blue rays of light appeared on the body of Altaria, who was originally descending rapidly, with metallic luster on its wings.

“Fast speed!”

Seeing that Altaria was caught by the opponent Psychic even the opportunity to react, Winona flashed a flash of surprise in his eyes, and hurriedly shouted, “Altaria, Use Dragon Breath!”

In mid-air, under the control of Mega Alakazam’s Psychic, Altaria, who was desperately trying to escape Struggle, immediately opened her mouth and exhaled a dark green breath after receiving Winona’s order.

This breath moved towards Alakazam with a powerful force, but when this breath came in front of Alakazam, its eyes swept, and a spoon held by Levitate moved, this Dao breath was blocked by its Psychic.

Finally, under the control of Alakazam Psychic, they spread out radially.

But Winona is also the opportunity of Assist to say, “Substitute!”

In the air, a touch of white rays of light appeared in the eyes of Altaria, who was controlled by Mega Alakazam with a powerful Psychic.

Next moment, a figure exactly like Altaria appeared behind the body controlled by Psychic, and moved towards high altitude with a wave of its wings.

And the path of Altaria, controlled by Mega Alakazam with Psychic, was directly broken into dots during Psychic’s oppression.

“This inexplicably evolved Alakazam’s Psychic is too strong, it is not suitable for frontal attack, in this case…” Winona’s mind was thinking quickly at this time, and finally, her eyes shined, Shouted, “Altaria, use Agility!”

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