And, isn’t there a Mew big sister on the side.

After a few words, I probably guessed the thoughts of the two girls. She shook the head speechlessly. It was obvious that she was the first to follow Bai Mo among the three, but these two girls are more dependent. Curable.

“Sooner or later, I will be eaten clean by this guy!” Silently glanced at the two women, and Fiercely glared at Bai Mo again. Bai Mo he got was a bit inexplicable!

After that, because of this sudden situation, Bai Mo and the others were delayed here, but because of the sudden appearance of Seviper, the food for the next few days was also lost, entire The group did not leave.

But continue to train there.

Especially Shelgon.

Yes, it’s Shelgon. Because this little fellow is Quasi-Legendary, every time he grows there will be a change of Heaven and Earth turning upside down, but every time he grows it takes a long time.

For example, until the peak of Top Rank strength, Bagon evolved into Shelgon, directly gaining elite strength.

And now, Shelgon needs to grow up to the quasi-Elite Peak, continue to continue energy, and then break through to become Salamence in one fell swoop, understand Profound Truth in one fell swoop, can directly become Elite Pokémon.

Moreover, the battle strength of Quasi-Legendary is a small level stronger than Normal Pokémon.

Bai Mo is looking forward to the day of Shelgon breakthrough, and under the training of Garchomp, this day will be shortened indefinitely.

Unconsciously, after an afternoon of exercise.

The sky is getting darker. When Yai and the others return from training Pokémon, Ram has been with Bai Mo, sitting next to the lit bonfire, concentrating on cooking snake soup with wood, and roasting Snake meat.

A burst of tempting Fragrance came out at this time, and the Pokémon were quietly lying next to the campfire, and the girls couldn’t help licking their mouths.

Bai Mo’s craftsmanship is really getting more and more speechless.

After a while, Bai Mo touched his own, “Hoothoot” yelled to the women and said, “You guys should be hungry too. Let’s start now.”

A word made all the Pokémon cheered, and started eating lively around the campfire.

After dinner, the cleaning of the dishes was given to Mei and the others. Bai Mo gestured to Shirona, who came to a flower bush on the side of the forest in a tacit understanding. .

“Today, let’s try to see how you and Gardevoir feel.” When he came to the flowers and sat cross-legged, Bai Mo motioned to Shirona.

“Hey, don’t you ask me to feel the power of superpower today?” Shirona also sat cross-legged, and Shirona curiously asked.

hearing this, Bai Mo clicked the corner of his mouth and asked with a hint of playfulness, “Our champion Young Lady, you seem to want to hold hands with me?”

“You I think too much.” Shirona immediately denied. Then, she grimned and said, “Bai Mo, the time for me to return to Sinnoh is near. Since it is possible to master that power, come here in earnest!”

“Okay!” Seeing Shirona getting serious, Bai Mo also serious nodded.

But the two people who were in the state did not notice, a pair of eyes were revealed in the shadow on the side!

Chapter 0207 Snake Venom, Fornication, Detoxification by Body

“How about it, this time feels good, right?”

“Well, the output of power Very good, very stable, it should be possible to succeed.”

“In fact, what is needed is resonance. The heart is close enough. What I need in my heart is to run in. Find the most suitable point and become a line.”

“You mean, when the time comes, there will be peace of mind, right.”

“Well, of course, after all, it is the fusion of body power within the body, alas, you Don’t stop your power output, it doesn’t feel good, it won’t be enough to maintain!”

“Stabilize in a rhythm so that it can resonate!”

“Well, is that right? “

“Make it a little bigger, make it bigger!”

On the grass, feel the release of Shirona Gardevoir’s Psychic and Shirona’s superpower with Psychic, Bai Mo keeps on This is the most stable point that both of them can adapt to and maintain.

After more than a month of training, Shirona has faintly resonated with Gardevoir. As long as the superpower can enter Gardevoir’s body at a suitable point, it can help her evolve.

“Okay, come here today!” Seeing cold sweat appeared on Gardevoir and Shirona’s foreheads, Bai Mo took out a tissue and wiped them thoughtfully.

For a moment, Gardevoir and Shirona both lost their senses. Then, one Pokemon and the other turned their heads tacitly.

Unconsciously, Shirona feels that she is very comfortable with Bai Mo’s mode of getting along with Bai Mo, waiting for him to provoke himself measuredly, take advantage of himself in a measured way, and make delicious food every day, specializing in ice cream, even, Fighting against her Pokemon, if Pokémon’s strength is not too big, it will definitely be inextricable.

To be honest, Shirona is almost adapting to this kind of life.

Take out the Poké Ball and put Gardevoir away, Shirona said sternly, “Let’s go, Bai Mo, if it’s later, the little girls in Mei will be talking nonsense again.”

“Rain! Sudden!”

Just as Bai Mo was about to respond to Shirona’s words, a voice suddenly rang from the bushes on one side, and a sharp cracking sound suddenly sounded, and at this time It was when Bai Mo and Shirona just finished training and took back Pokemon.

It is the most relaxing moment.

Fortunately, unlike the average person, Bai Mo has a Psychic. When he felt the situation on the side, he reached out and grabbed Shirona’s hand and used Teleport.

In the next instant, Bai Mo and Shirona came to a place ten meters away.


The sound of a Unique Ability hitting the ground sounded.

Hearing this voice, Bai Mo and Shirona moved towards the direction of the previous battle strength, their eyes were narrowed, and there was a trace of killing intent in their eyes.

Hearing the same voice, Yayi on the side of the woods said to Toozi, “Finally there is movement. I thought Shirona elder sister and Mo had no training this time.”

“Just your mind.” Too Zi suddenly patted Yai’s forehead.

“Ah, Ugly Toozi, you dare to hit me, I want to Retaliate!”

“che, stupid Yayi, you can’t hit me.”

Seeing this scene, the surrounding Pokémon is a matter of no concern to oneself, hanging high, in that comfortable Rest, only Gardevoir moved Bai Mo and Shirona took a look towards towards, but she was in After noticing Mew’s relaxed look, he stopped doing more, and instead helped Bai Mo wiped the Pokemon eggs.

On the other side, looking at Pokémon in front of him, Bai Mo’s eyes became cold, and he directly used his Psychic to cover him.

But next moment, as this Pokémon swayed, his Psychic was directly thrown away.


My own Psychic didn’t work. Bai Mo’s eyes shrank immediately used Psychic to observe the opponent’s situation.

“top grade Aptitude, Elite level strength!!”

“Sure enough, it seems that this Seviper should be the Boss of those Seviper!”

Bai Mo and Shirona appeared in front of him. It was a Seviper, and it was also a Seviper with Elite strength. At this time, it was constantly spitting out snakes and staring at Bai Mo and Shirona. Shirona.

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