For example, the same Psychic Dao Gym Leader like yourself.


Of course, a good relationship with the Joy family is still necessary.

After entrusting Treecko and Charmander to Nurse Joy, Bai Mo stepped aside, turned on the phone, and contacted the Professor Birch Laboratory.

The call was quickly connected, and the familiar and unfamiliar face of Bai Mo appeared in the video.

“Oh, isn’t this Xiao Mo, I haven’t contacted for so long, I thought you were killed in the wild!” When I saw Bai Mo, Oda Juan immediately teased him, but Bai Mo Still seeing the relaxation in his eyes.

“It’s really wrong!” He smiled in his heart, shook the head lightly, Bai Mo indifferently said, “I accepted a top grade Treecko, and gave special training to Charmander, so it was too late One point, as for the death, Professor felt that there was Xiao Nai, is this possible!?”

“Oh? Top grade Treecko!?” Hearing Bai Mo’s words, Oda Maki also admired him a little bit. Fortunately, top grade Aptitude, if you train well, you will definitely be able to become a potential stock of Elite, but those Great Family and Alliance executives have robbed their heads.

putting it that way, Bai Mo now has three, as long as there is enough time, he will definitely be able to become an Elite Pokemon! ? (Top grade must be able to reach Elite, but the number is very small. Growth time is related to Trainer’s ability! Of course, Elite is not the limit!)

I am very happy for Bai Mo, Oda Juan is curiously. asked, “By the way, where are you?”

“I have come to Oldale Town now.”

“It’s been so long since I got to Oldale Town! Looks like, You really spent a lot of time doing special training.” Professor Birch lightly said with a smile, and then asked, “Are you ready to challenge Petalburg Gym?”

“Yes, Just now at Joy, I have completed the registration procedure to join the Hoenn Alliance.”

“I will challenge Gym in a few days.”

Speaking of this, Bai Mo’s face suddenly appeared Becomes somewhat mysterious, “Maybe something interesting will happen when the time comes. Don’t be too surprised when the time comes Professor.”

“I’m still true I’m looking forward to it, then, come on!” A look of expectation flashed in Oda Juan’s eyes when he heard Bai Mo’s words and knew that he might be making a lot of noise again.

After a few more conversations, Bai Mo turned off the communication phone and stretched out his right hand to touch the silver Poké Ball hanging around his neck.

“Xiao Nai, when the time comes, it’s up to you!”

It seemed to feel Bai Mo’s heart, and the silver Poké Ball shook slightly.

Raised his hand and looked at his watch, and found that Charmander and Treecko were still some time away from recovery. Bai Mo decided to go to the restaurant to enjoy a meal in the Pokemon Center.

Ten minutes later, Bai Mo, who was enjoying dinner in the restaurant, put down the cup with the big milk monster milk in his hand and planned to get up to get Pokémon. At this moment, an unfamiliar voice sounded behind him,” Hello, if I read correctly, you must be a Bai Mo researcher, right?”

Hearing this, Bai Mo turned his head slowly, and the one with brown curly hair and wearing Yellow Young man in overalls with a plate in his hand.

“Hello, I am Bai Mo, may I ask you who are you?” Looking at the strange and somewhat familiar face in front of him, a trace of doubt flashed in Bai Mo’s eyes.

“My name is Metz and I am an Alliance-certified professor. I have seen your academic research papers on Pokemon in the Pokemon journal, and I think it is very exciting.”

“Especially the Implicit Characteristic, it’s really great. When used in the competition, it’s very beautiful!”

“I am really happy to meet you here.”

Finding that he did not admit the wrong person, the young man immediately introduced himself.

“Hello Professor Metz.” Hearing the man’s self-introduction, he finally remembered Bai Mo, who was the man in front of him, and a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes. If he was right, he was studying in this area. Take the test of Professor Metz from Ancient Ruins.

Thinking of the ruins, Bai Mo pretended to be surprised, “Excuse me, are you doing research in this place?”

“Yes, in order to study the Oldale Ruins, I In particular, a laboratory has been set up around this Pokémon Center.” After explaining, Professor Metz also eagerly invited, “I wonder if the Bai Mo researcher are you interested in taking a look?”

Chapter 0025 Team Magma is coming

“Is it really possible?” Hearing the invitation of Professor Metz, Bai Mo’s heart moved. He is also a researcher. For those who can learn more about Pokémon culture Opportunities will not be given up.

In other words, this is what he has been pursuing.

“Welcome very much, please come with me.” Seeing Bai Mo’s interest, Professor Metz was immediately excited to lead the way!

Ten minutes later, in a small research room, all around the walls were covered with various materials and photos about ancient Pokémon.

Waving his hand while visiting Bai Mo, Professor Metz eagerly introduced, “Ancient Pokémon is not an extinct Pokémon. It means that it hasn’t changed since ancient times, and it has survived to this day. Pokémon.”

Listening to Professor Metz’s explanation, Bai Mo seriously clicked nodded and asked knowingly, “Is the remains in this photo on a nearby hill?”


“Yes, there is a stone chamber on the ruins. Legend has it that it may be a door connecting Pokémon world and our world.” After speaking, after a pause, Professor Metz said again, “But the structure is again It’s amazing. If you try to enter it, it will automatically break. So until today, no one knows what it looks like.”

“Ancient Pokémon?” Bai Mo’s eyes showed great interest. “I really want to see you if I have a chance.”

Hearing Bai Mo’s words, Professor Metz should feel that he met a friend and said excitedly, “About ancient Pokémon, its ecology and Many of the habitats have not been discovered, so it is very interesting to study!”

“You can look at this again!” Professor Metz immediately squatted down and pulled out a box from the bed. Take out a somewhat old stone, “This stone slab has a record of how to enter the stone chamber.”

“Oh!” Hearing this, Bai Mo immediately carefully observed what was recorded on the stone slab. The content, and then asked, “Professor Metz, according to the above record, this requires four keys to be put in one place at the same time to have a chance to open the door!?”

“Yes, but No one has found these four keys yet, so there is no way for the time being.” When it comes to the keys, Professor Metz’s face has a touch of loss.

At the same time, in the grass outside the Laboratory, there are a few suspicious figures squatting over there. The person taking the lead uses a thermal imaging camera to observe all around, through the wall, his eyes Lock On to the Laboratory Two images of the human body inside.

Seeing this, the person immediately said, “Find Professor Metz, and start the action.”

“Yes!” Behind him, several other people who were ordered immediately got up and moved towards Run to the room where Professor Metz is.

“pa ~”

When Bai Mo was talking with Metz, the door was kicked open by Fiercely, and 4 strange men in the same red hoodies broke through. Came in.

Following them are a few huge Mightyenas, clenching their teeth, their eyes fiercely pedaling Bai Mo and Professor Metz. They are obviously in a state of combat, and it seems that only the master’s voice is needed. If ordered, they will immediately attack forward.

“Team Magma!” Looking at the costumes of these people who appeared in front of him, Bai Mo immediately recognized their identities.

Thinking of what happened to him on the first day in this World, there was a deep hatred in his eyes.

“Didn’t expect will meet here!”

“This is really enemies on a narrow road!”

“Who are you guys?” Professor Metz, who was visited by several lava group members Astonish who broke into the research room suddenly, didn’t know their identities, and asked curiously.

The leading lava group Small Captain hearing this coldly smiled, “hmph, Professor Metz, you don’t need to know who we are. Now, you only need to hand over the slate to us, so that we can all save It’s a lot of trouble to go.”

“This is an impossible thing!” Knowing what the other party was coming from, Professor Metz clenched the stone slab in his hand again, looking towards the leading lava group Small Captain, full of hostility. .

“refuse a toast only to be forced to drink a forfeit! Go, Mightyena, grab the slate for me!” Seeing that Metz is so uncooperative, the Small Captain of the lava group will immediately just be forced to drink a forfeit Mightyena launched an offensive and did not give Bai Mo and Summon Pokémon a chance at all!

Mightyena, who received the order, kicked her hind legs immediately, and her whole body rushed towards Professor Mez, opening her mouth to bite on the stone slab.

When Bai Mo saw this, blue rays of light appeared in Bai Mo’s eyes, and he wrapped Mightyena tightly.

Mightyena’s body affected by Confusion can no longer move, her teeth and her eyes are full of fierce brilliance, staring at the man who made it impossible to move.

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