Seeing this scene, the corners of Bai Mo’s mouth raised slightly:

“My luck is good, and Scary Face is the most effective for Pokémon like Dodrio, right? !”

Chapter 0224 Shelgon Evolution

To be honest, Scary Face’s effect is so good because Pokémon like Dodrio has three heads.

The three heads of Dodrio are thinking at the same time. When facing the Scary Face Ability, the reaction has nothing common with each other, or the probability of falling into a state of fear directly increases by three times. And the intensity will obviously increase a lot.

Moreover, there are unexpected effects of Bai Mo now. Among Dodrio’s three heads, one of them is very scared and wants to stop, but one of them becomes Rage and wants to attack immediately. Opponent, the other is simply casual!

So, the three heads with disagreements caused Dodrio himself to be confused, and the attack was delayed.

Surely such an opportunity Bai Mo would not miss, he immediately shouted:

“Shelgon, Dragon Breath.”

Speaking, Bai Mo reached out to Dodrio Body.

After brewing for a while, a strong Dragon Breath instantly Spit Up from Shelgon’s mouth, and the three-headed Dodrio, who was still arguing, had no chance to dodge and was directly hit by Dragon Breath.

Being hit by Dragon Breath so bluntly, Dodrio immediately fell to the ground in embarrassment, but soon, it shook three heads and stood up.

And fortunately, Shelgon’s attack caused Dodrio’s three heads to unify their opinions for the time being, and Xiangfei shouted when he saw it.

“Dodrio, fly up, use Tri Attack!”

When I heard Xiangfei, Bai Mo and the others immediately looked towards Dodrio and wanted to see how it flies of.

This is the time.

Getting the life of Xiangfei, Dodrio’s legs leaped hard and jumped high. There is a light ball accumulated in the mouth of all three heads, and the three light balls form a triangle Lock On Shelgon, It is possible to emit three-color light at any time!

“Flying uncle, jumping is different from Fly!” Seeing that Dodrio is just jumping, Bai Mo is really powerless to complain, and then indifferently said, “Shelgon, use Protect!”

The two abilities of Jump and Fly are indeed different.

Flying is flying freely in the air, and after jumping Splash, it is impossible to change the position in the air. In order to expand the Unique Ability formidable power, Dodrio came directly not far from Shelgon.

But although Dodrio has three heads, even if the three heads are put together, they are not as hard as Shelgon’s shell.

Although the formidable power of Tri Attack is not weak, it has a hard shell. Dodrio’s attack was forcibly blocked by Shelgon.

Of course at this time, although Shelgon is not fast, but now Dodrio has attacked it, it will naturally not fail to seize the opportunity.

Without waiting for Bai Mo’s order, Bagon jumped awkwardly, and a miss Headbutt ran into it.

At this moment, Shelgon’s headbutt with his own weight in his head hits Dodrio’s three heads.

The three heads were violently concentrated, and Dodrio fainted directly.

It was the moment when Dodrio lost its combat capability.

As everyone watched, a burst of white light suddenly appeared on Shelgon’s body and enveloped it.

“Oh, has it evolved?” Seeing this scene, the corners of Bai Mo’s mouth curled up.

Everyone around is also watching carefully, every moment of evolution is worth looking forward to.

The action of Ram taking pictures also kept on.

Among the white light, Shelgon’s body gradually elongated, and a pair of huge wings grew on both sides.

When the white light disappeared, I saw a blue body with a white carapace on the abdomen, and scarlet Salamence on the inside of the wings.

Growing out her long-awaited wings, Salamence flapped it with excitement, and finally flew into the air, flying around happily on Bai Mo’s head, bringing one after another The whirlwind made Bai Mo feel a bit of coolness in the hot place of Mt. Chimney.

After flying for a while, Salamence immediately curtailed his interest, and the wings quickly flew back to the opposite side of Xiangfei, sending out a loud roar into the air.

A huge Dragon Type coercion began to spread, as if the air had stagnated in Normal.

The unique and domineering Salamence’s debut naturally made the audience and Pokémon startled. After all, it is a Quasi-Legendary-level existence, which is not usually seen at random.

At this time, the energy accumulated in Salamence’s body during the Shelgon period began to appear continuously, and it was continuously absorbed by it. Its strength also soared. After a few breaths, it came to the quasi-Elite Peak. degree.

At this time, in a place that no one knew, Salamence felt like he had come before a door.

With a light flash of wings, the door was opened without hindrance, Salamence flew into the door with ease, and the Profound Truth of Dragon Type began to cleanse in its mind.

“Did you evolve in battle?”

“As expected of Bai Mo Professor’s Quasi-Legendary Pokémon, it is really amazing.”

“However, the most powerful thing is Flying Type Pokémon!”

Xiang Fei couldn’t help laughing as he saw Salamence appearing in an imposing manner and becoming stronger and stronger. As a Flying Type Pokémon Trainer, he Just like this powerful Pokémon that can fly.

“Professor Bai Mo, Salamence looks very strong. Next, I will also send out my strongest battle strength. Can you continue to use it to challenge? I really want to see how strong he is? “

“Since you requested it, then okay, Salamence, you can continue fighting.” Hearing Xiangfei’s request, Bai Mo didn’t think much about it, and directly agreed to continue sending Salamence to fight. He also thought See how strong Salamence is now.

Seeing Bai Mo agreeing to his request, Xiang Fei’s eyes immediately lit up, then threw a Poké Ball and said loudly, “My strongest Pokémon is it. Come out, Pidgeot.”


As Xiangfei’s voice fell, a beautiful Pidgeot appeared on the field. This Pidgeot is a bit bigger than a normal Pidgeot, and its physical strength can be seen from the action of flapping its wings. It must be good.

This Pidgeot is well trained.

Immediately, Bai Mo also used Psychic to observe the specific situation of Pidgeot and found that it was a quasi-Elite Top Rank Pokémon of top grade Aptitude.

The strength is still good.

This strength is suitable as a stepping stone for Help Salamence to quickly grasp the now-increasing strength!

Chapter 0225 Salamence Abuse of Dishes

The second competition, continue!

Bai Mo and Xiangfei glanced at each other, and both gave orders at the same time.

“Pidgeot, use Lie Hurricane.”

“Salamence, Dragon Claw!”

Get the commands from the respective trainers, obviously Pidgeot, who is more familiar with sky, is the first Occupy the air superiority, directly wave the wings, and start to create the Gust storm.

Lee Hurricane directly attacked Salamence, who had just evolved, and the flying speed was not fast, slightly lower than him.

Although I have not fully understood the Profound Truth, and are still adapting to the new power, at this time Salamence’s power as a Quasi-Legendary Elite Pokémon is clearly reflected.

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