hearing this, Quan Mi’s expression has become a little bit because Bai Mo has said this for the third time. There is no doubt about her determination to see Archie, but she is really not good at calling the shots. After thinking about it, she still tried to prevaricate, “I’m sure of your strength, but I can’t do the Lord when I see our boss.”

However, Bai Mo’s eyes became subtle again when she heard Quan Mei’s words.

Quan Mei was secretly observing Bai Mo at this time, and immediately noticed the change in his eyes.

My heart suddenly tightened, and I felt the pain in my ass as I was still aching, fearing that I would be taken advantage of even if I didn’t get caught up in it. She immediately explained, “Of course, if it matters. When it comes to the organization’s core time or survival, I can also contact the Boss once across levels.”

“Otherwise, I must first contact Executive and let Executive evaluate the importance of the matter before I can talk to the Boss!”

“The most important thing is that if the things I contact and report are not important, I will be Punishment!”

“It turns out that it is!” Bai Mo immediately clicked nodded, and then lighted it. Qingyi said with a smile, “Then you can contact!”

“Um, are you sure!?” See Bai Mo’s confident look, although he is now controlled by Bai Mo, but Quanmei is still a little worried!

As a member of the common people, it is not easy for her to get here today. Otherwise, she is a girl, how could she join a criminal organization, so she cares about gains and losses!

Bai Mo, who has already taken a fancy to Quanmi, is not embarrassed by her. After thinking about it, said with a smile, “If I said that I discovered something about Kyogre and Groudon during the research process, do you think What?”


I heard Bai Mo say about the two legendary ultra-ancient Pokémon that created the Hoenn continent, Quanmei’s eyes It shines sharply, this is the true core of Team Aqua’s pursuit.

But Quanmi still did not rashly agree. After taking a deep look at Bai Mo, she fell into contemplation and entanglement.

There is only one chance to contact the Boss cross-level. If Bai Mo’s news is reliable, this must be a great achievement, which means that she might be a blessing in disguise!

But once Bai Mo’s news is unreliable, then her impression in front of the Boss must be greatly reduced. She joined Team Aqua and did a lot of ideological work for herself, and now she has come to Small Captain this Step, I don’t want to give up all the work!

But then, when I noticed Bai Mo’s calm expression, a wry smile flashed across Quan Mei’s mouth.

She has forgotten that she still seems to be the meat on the chopping board.

It seems that there is no right to decide.

The only thing I can do now is to pray that what Bai Mo said is true.

For the first time, I looked at Bai Mo very seriously, and Quan Mei asked, “I can agree to your request, but, don’t you mind letting me know your name first?”

“I am Bai Mo.” A flat voice came from Bai Mo’s mouth.

“Bai Mo?”

“Bai Mo!”

“I remember, you are the one who published Pokemon academic research in the Alliance Pokemon journal Bai Mo, the youngest researcher!”

When I heard Bai Mo’s name, Quan Mi finally reacted. No wonder she thought Bai Mo was so familiar before, and turned out to be the youngest Pokémon researcher. Home.

Speaking of which, Team Aqua has always been paying attention to the research content written by Bai Mo. After all, the words used by Characteristic Trait are also very helpful for battle!

“Yes, I am the Bai Mo!” With a light smile, Bai Mo gave Quanmei a meaningful look, “You have to remember it!”

“Why should I remember it in particular.”

Bai Mo said inexplicably, and Quanmei was immediately puzzled.

“Because, I am the first person to spank you!”

The flat voice came from Bai Mo’s mouth but Chumi was half ashamed, and Bai Mo The words afterwards made her heart tremble!

“It can only be the only one!”

See Archie in Chapter 0035

“It can only be the only one!”

Bai Mo looked at Quan Mei’s eyes seriously, and declared sovereignty overbearingly.

“Damn it!” Seeing Bai Mo’s domineering look at Quanmi, Gardevoir felt sore. She didn’t want Bai Mo to be the only one, but it’s normal for a girl to be jealous.

But at the same time, Gardevoir was determined to pay attention, he must take all of the master’s for the first time.

“hmph!” Without mentioning Gardevoir, I heard Bai Mo’s words, Chunmei was coldly snorted, not looking at him, but a blush flashed across her face.

Bai Mo, talented, identity, young and handsome, has boundless prospects, I saw it today, he is still a Psychic, and he has been a quasi-king Gardevoir just as a Rookie Trainer, and it is easier to beat Lost myself.

At this time Bai Mo announced his sovereignty, Quan Mei found that she didn’t even have the slightest disgust in her heart!

Of course, not being disgusted does not mean that Quanmei has already fallen in love with Bai Mo.

“Quickly let me down!” Resting on the strange emotions in her heart, Quanmei motioned to Bai Mo that she was still under his control!

Bai Mo Yiyan let go of her control, his current Mental Force, in fact, it is difficult to maintain such ordinary control!

“Follow me into the cave.”

When she fell to the ground, Quan Mei turned her head and said to Bai Mo, she moved towards the cave and walked a few times. Step, he turned his head and said to the other members:

“Everyone is waiting outside.”


Enter the cave and pass through On the gloomy mountain road, about one minute away, Quanmei took Bai Mo into a makeshift tent with several computers in it.

When I came to a computer, Chuanmei skillfully opened the communication video, and after pressing a string of digital passwords, the computer displayed the words Connecting.

“When you let me go before, you were not afraid of me go back on one’s word!”

While waiting for the video connection, it seemed that I couldn’t stand the silence with Bai Mo. Standing in the atmosphere, Quan Mi asked suddenly.

In response, Bai Mo just glanced at her lightly and stretched out a finger.

Next moment, Quan Mei immediately flew up and stood in front of Bai Mo under control.

“I don’t want my ass anymore!?” Leaning in front of Quan Mi, Bai Mo gave a smirk.

“You!” Quan Mei was anxious for a while, “You can’t make sense!?”

“It wasn’t you who said it, it depends on strength to speak!?” Bai Mo is a Face of as it should be by rights!

“hmph!” Seeing Bai Mo run on herself with her own words, Quan Mei can only respond with coldly snorted!

At this time, the screen on the computer in front of the two of them changed and changed the scene of an office. There was a huge desk in the office and a man sat behind the desk. .

Although the man Bai Mo hadn’t seen him in person, he recognized him instantly. It was Team Aqua’s Boss, champion Trainer, and Archie.

At this time, Archie was sitting in a chair, and seeing the scene after the video was connected, the beard at the corner of his mouth couldn’t help shaking!

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