These three are all Pokemon of top grade Aptitude, which are definitely unprecedented.

But at the next moment, Bai Mo was relieved. Needless to say, it must be because Gary ordered three good ones in Rookie Trainer at this time, and Alliance definitely gave this little face.

“Oh! By the way, there is nothing for you!” At this moment, Oak suddenly patted his head, and then took out three sets of five Poké Balls and three Pokemon Pokédex .

After getting acquainted with their Pokémon, Gary stood up first, and eyes flashed looked towards Bai Mo and said, “Bai Mo, you have a duel with me, how about it?!”

Gary’s voice brings a trace of perseverance. He is the heir of the Peak Level family and the biological grandson of the world-famous Professor Oak. He is naturally arrogant. Although he admires Bai Mo very much, he wants to challenge him more.

Although he knows that Bai Mo is very strong, Gary still holds the Poké Ball in his hand tightly, his eyes full of unyielding fighting intents.

On the other side, Red and his female companion Satsuki looked a little surprised towards Gary, but the next moment, Red also eyes flashed looked towards Bai Mo, and the flames of fighting spirit were also burning in their eyes.

A game against the championship of the Alliance tournament, even if you lose, is a good experience.

“Are you serious? You know, I have all the Pokemons above the Elite level. Just put it there and attack as you want. You also need a long time to attack, and I Pokémon, you can get your Squirtle in just one click!” Bai Mo was stunned for a while when he heard Gary’s words, but he didn’t expect Gary would suddenly challenge him, and even let Red come. interest.

I don’t mind in my heart, but Bai Mo still deliberately made a joke.

Sure enough, the corners of Gary’s mouth twitched when he heard Bai Mo’s words. Indeed, he seemed to think too much.

Noting Gary’s expression, Bai Mo smiled and shook the head, and then said, “I cracked a joke, and I just got a new Pokemon recently, which is still the strength of Primary Rank!”

“If you want to play, I would be happy to accompany you, but do you really want to play?”

“Of course!” Hearing Bai Mo’s words, Gary immediately nodded.

“Then, let me be the referee.” Oak also didn’t expect Gary would suddenly challenge Bai Mo, and Bai Mo agreed.

But thinking about the character of his grandson, Oak felt that this was a good opportunity to let Gary’s temperament of eyes high above the top take a break. Thinking of this, he took the initiative to say that he could be a referee. Look.

“Alright!” When Professor Oak wants to be a referee, Bai Mo has no objection. He really hopes to compete with Gary. It is a different kind of feeling.

“Professor, Professor Oak, I’m here! I’m here to receive my Pokémon!”

At this moment, there was a sudden call Growl outside the door, and immediately listened When the doorbell kept ringing, when the sound was heard, the three of Gary were involuntarily showing speechless expressions.

As Bai Mo heard this familiar voice, he also knew that the plot was about to begin.

Well, you can start making a fortune in silence!

I also heard this familiar voice. After signalling the game, Professor Oak walked out and then walked in with a teenager.

Bai Mo looked at the boy, raised his brows. He still had Black hair. He was still wearing light green pajamas and slippers. You can see that it must have been just a short time after getting up. Of course, the most What makes Bai Mo memorable is the two imprints on both sides of the boy’s cheek that look like normal lightning.

“Idiot Ash! Did you know that you interrupted my game with Bai Mo!” Seeing Ash appeared, Gary instinctively started to scold him.

“You guy is nonsense!” However, Ash directly ignored Gary’s reprimand. You know, he has been looking forward to this day for a long time. Didn’t expect that he broke the alarm clock last night because he was too excited and overslept. .

I was looking forward to my Pokemon so much, Ash even ignored Bai Mo on the side, looked directly at Professor Oak and asked:

“Professor! Where is my Pokemon??”

Chapter 0345 Ash’s Pikachu!

“Well, you are already late! The original Pokémon has all been taken away.” Hearing Ash’s question, I couldn’t help feeling a little proud, but Professor Oak’s face showed With an embarrassed expression, he glanced at the three teenagers beside him at the same time.

Obviously, he was telling Ash that Pokemon had been taken away by the three of them.

“Ah!? How is this!? Do I have to wait another year to make it?” After hearing Professor Oak’s words, Ash noticed this time that Gary and the three of them all had a year for themselves in front of them. The Pokémon of something even in dreams is there, each holding an opened Poké Ball in each hand.

This time, his face suddenly collapsed. You must know that to travel, you must have Pokémon, otherwise it is not allowed. If there is no Yusanjia, you can only let Professor Oak Help catch the wild Pokémon, but it will obviously be much worse.

The careless Ash didn’t even think about why Professor Oak didn’t always get an extra set of Pokémon from Alliance. You know, he has enough money.

At this time, with a raised brow, Bai Mo’s mouth twitched, “Ash, or I will give you a Starter Pokemon, high grade Aptitude.”

“So you can go out for a trip.”

Bai Mo’s idea is very simple, first get Ash away, and then turn Pikachu from Professor Oak.

To be honest, if Pikachu is really obtained by Professor Oak by accident, Bai Mo’s strategy is likely to come true, but it is not the case.

Oak’s heart tightened when he heard Bai Mo’s words. He didn’t expect to kill such a stumbling block halfway.

Notice that Ash’s eyes are getting brighter, he immediately said, “Xiao Mo, don’t be so troublesome. After all, this is an Alliance business. It should be given to Pokémon after receiving the money.”

Speaking, Oak looked towards Ash and said, “Actually, there is a Pokémon! It’s just that I don’t know if you want it or not, so I was puzzled just now.”

“I want it! I want it! Give me the Pokemon!!” Hearing Professor Oak’s words, Ash was careless, and knew that it was not good to accept other people’s Pokémon at will. Now that Professor Oak has a choice, he immediately agreed Up.

Seeing that the incident still developed to this step, Bai Mo raised his brows. If he felt good, he had clearly felt the nervousness shown by Professor Oak before.

Obviously, Professor Oak is very afraid that Pikachu will not be able to reach Ash’s hands.

“It looks like there is a hidden secret!” There was a flash of wisdom in his eyes. Bai Mo also gave up the idea of ​​getting Pikachu. After all, no matter how powerful it is, it is Pikachu. Bai Mo is confident that the protagonist of this World is himself. Instead of Ash and Pikachu.

If you can get it, it’s natural, or if you don’t get it, don’t force it. After all, it is not Divine Beast and so on.

Contained his mentality, eyes flashed, Bai Mo took a step back and protected Ram and May behind him.

Notice Bai Mo’s movements, a trace of doubt flashed in May and Ram’s eyes, but at the next moment, their doubts were lifted.

At this moment, when I press a button again, a Poké Ball with a lightning mark slowly rises from the center of the protection table, and then, as the Professor Oak opens the Poké Ball, a low-profile Poké Ball He was short and chubby and round, with yellow fur all over his body, long ears, Black ear tips, and a small mouth. It looked like a Pokémon with the number 3 on the side and appeared in front of everyone.

This Pokémon also has bright Black eyes and two red circles on his cheeks. Its tail is like a jagged lightning, and the part that meets the body also has a piece of brown fur.

Seeing this Pokémon, Gary and the three people, including May, took out Pokemon Pokédex and got information about this Pokémon.

And Bai Mo saw far more than they saw.

“It’s really weird!” Psychic swept past Pikachu, Bai Mo was secretly surprised that the strength of this Pikachu had the level of an elite Primary Rank, but it was normal. After all, there was Picchu before the evolution of Pikachu. .

As for the strength of the elite level, it is also said that after all, Pikachu also defeated Rock Type’s Geodude and Onix, and also defeated Raichu, who is absolutely quasi-Elite.

But this also positively illustrates the weirdness of Professor Oak. With his status, it is certainly trivial to come up with a Primary Rank Pokémon that meets Ash’s situation, but it is given to the elite Pokémon, which is obviously not. reasonable.

Furthermore, Bai Mo discovered that this Pikachu’s Aptitude is Divine Grade, and there are Profound Truth fluctuations in the body, which is very strange…

It should be said that it is indeed occasional Can you play Pikachu with Divine Beast?

“Cough!” With a cough, Oak moved towards Bai Mo made a look. Several initial Trainers didn’t know it, but Oak knew that Bai Mo would find it tricky, so he gave a hint and then To Ash, who was very happy holding Pikachu, said, “This Pokémon is called Pikachu. It is an electric mouse, and he is shy in his heart, and…”

“This Pokémon is very good!” It seems to be love at first sight Normal, Hearing Professor Oak’s words, without letting him finish, Ash immediately shouted, “I like this Pokémon!”

At this time, with a weird smile on the corner of his mouth, Pikachu was on him. A lightning glow flashed, and an extremely powerful electric current emerged throughout the venue.

“Electricity, electricity, electricity, electricity, electricity, electricity, electricity…”

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