Gabite’s current strength is Top Rank. With its Aptitude, it will soon evolve. After reaching the Elite Peak, it should be able to evolve to become an Elite Exist like Salamence. .

“Quasi-Legendary Pokémon Gabite of Sinnoh Region, the Bai Mo Professor sent is really a rare and powerful Pokémon!” Brock raised his brows, his eyes became serious, “Onix, take the initiative to fight the enemy, use sacrifice Attack!”

“roar!” Following Brock’s command, Onix roared, and the yellow rays of light appeared on his body, and he rushed towards Gabite, which seemed to be smaller than normal. .

“Nice imposing manner!” Just feeling the aftermath of Onix’s attack, Bai Mo also felt depressed, but for him who had seen winds and waves, it was nothing. , Immediately said, “Gabite, jump up, and come up!”

“Do you want to head-on?” Brock was surprised when he watched Gabite, who followed Bai Mo’s command and rushed towards Onix.

“How is it possible?” Bai Mo laughed, and when Onix and Gabite were about to collide, he shouted, “Aerial Ace!”

Hearing the command, Gabite gave a glance Then, a quick spin in the air rubbed Onix’s body, flew dangerously and dangerously, and then turned and attacked Onix.

“Dragon Rush!” Avoided the Onix terrorist attack. Before the Aerial Ace attack hits, Bai Mo immediately seized the opportunity to switch attacks. Gabite stopped turning after hearing the command, but turned on his head instead. A fierce golden light curtain was released and hit Onix’s body.

“hong long!”

The speed of the Aerial Ace bonus, plus Gabite’s use of Dragon Rush Ability to bring an afterburner, Onix’s huge body has no chance to evade. Gabite was hit straight into the field, and the entire field was cracked.

“Unexpectedly, I can dodge the attack like this!” Brock was surprised by Bai Mo’s command. He used Aerial Ace, an ability that does not cause much damage to Onix, to evade, and then used Dragon Rush in the form of Assist. A good abacus!

But next moment, I noticed Onix’s cocked tail, Brock divine light flashed, and immediately shouted:

“Onix, Iron Tail!”

Chapter 0360 Sceptile vs. Golem

“Onix, Iron Tail!”

Looking at the venue with scorching eyes, Brock also gave orders immediately. He is also an experienced Lord, in the arena at this time, Gabite can’t borrow power in the air. It’s just a living target. Seeing Onix’s movable tail, there is no reason not to attack.

“It’s a hard-headed Characteristic Trait, eh!”

Hearing Brock’s shout, Bai Mo immediately judged Onix’s Characteristic Trait.

In his original plan, the anti-damage ability of sacrificing attack was missed, and Onix was hit by Gabite again. Not only did he hurt a lot, his actions would also be affected in a short time. Take advantage of this The time difference allows Gabite to fall to the ground and wait for a counterattack.

However, if Onix is ​​a hard-headed Characteristic Trait, this situation will not be possible.

Hearing Brock’s command, Onix’s giant tail immediately glowed with a metallic color, covering Gabite and slashing.

However, with Bai Mo’s wit, would such a situation be ignored and responded to?

The answer is no.

Looking at the steel tail getting closer and closer, Bai Mo indifferently said, “Gabite, the wave of the dragon, relax the body!!”

Bai Mo’s response is the wave of the dragon , Dragon Type Ability, the damage to Onix is ​​Normal, but this move takes a very fast time, and the time to shoot is also very fast. At this moment, Gabite’s opponent is an Incomparable gigantic Onix.

At this time, according to Bai Mo’s instructions, Gabite in the air relaxes his body, and quickly Assists the reaction force to escape the scope of the steel tail.

Because of the excessive force, Gabite still rolled several times in the air and fell onto a piece of Rock.

And the dragon wave was lucky to hit Onix’s head, and Onix suddenly let out a scream.


Seeing his own response method was cracked, Brock immediately retreated strategically.

The injured Onix got the order and got into the ground decisively.

“Naive, Gabite, use Mud Shot against the entrance of the cave.” Bai Mo calmly gave orders. The best way to deal with Dig is Earthquake, but Gabite hasn’t mastered it yet, so Bai Mo It is not intended to be used at risk.

Of course, without Earthquake, you can also use some restraint ability against the entrance of the cave. At this moment, Bai Mo decisively issued the order.

Mud Shot is to fling mud to the opponent, and it can also reduce the opponent’s speed. The speed of Onix’s heavy body, if it slows down, it will not produce many live targets!

“Onix, come out!” Seeing that Gabite had run to the entrance of the cave, Brock, who wanted to understand the purpose of Bai Mo’s command, immediately shouted anxiously.


Unfortunately, Brock’s order came late, and I saw Gabite throwing mud blocks at the entrance of the cave. However, Onix at this time rushed out regardless, knocking Gabite’s body into the air, and the latter rolled in the air several times before falling back down.

After receiving this blow, Onix was obviously seriously injured, and when he came to Ground, he let out a scream, covered in mud, gasping for breath staring at Gabite.

“Good job!” Bai Mo couldn’t help but praised, and Gabite immediately responded happily.

“Damn it, as expected, the command is not a Level!” A little discouraged in his heart, Brock decided to take the last fight, loudly shouted, “Onix, use Flash Cannon!”

Brock’s voice makes Onix, who was originally gasping for breath, controlled his discomfort in front of his body, and began to gather silver energy light waves in his mouth.

However, this time, Gabite did not wait for Bai Mo’s order, and opened his mouth as a dragon wave and launched it at Onix’s head.


Because Gabite received almost no damage in the battle before and had sufficient physical strength, the physical strength of the opposite Onix was severely reduced, so wait until the latter Flash Cannon As soon as it was launched, it was hit by the dragon’s wave that quickly attacked, and a huge explosion was sent out in front of Onix’s mouth.

Along with Onix’s last scream, Onix’s huge body was slowly falling onto the field, losing its battle strength.

“really strong!” He was defeated easily. Brock felt a little frustrated, but soon he recovered his mood and took out the Poké Ball. Two Poké Ball loudly shouted:

“Go, Golem!”

“The final evolution of Geodude, looking at the posture, it should be the Pokémon left by Flint. The strength of the Elite intermediate rank is okay, but it’s not something that Gabite can face head-on.”

Psychic sweeps Golem’s situation, Bai Mo probably knows its situation, and knows the strengths of Gabite and Golem. The gap is too big.

After a little thought, Bai Mo took out the Poké Ball and took Gabite back, and threw out his second Pokémon!

“Then, go, Sceptile!”

Bai Mo is sending out Sceptile who already has the quasi-Elite Peak strength.

“Whether you use the Pokémon Sceptile of Grass Type, it seems to be Bai Mo’s veteran powerhouse and does not have an advantage in Attribute.” Heart shivered with cold, Brock shouted first, “Golem, Double Edge!”

As Brock’s voice sounded, Golem, whose entire appearance was a big rock, slammed into Sceptile.

“The start is Double Edge again. It looks like this Characteristic Trait is probably a hard head again.” With eyes condensed, Bai Mo immediately shouted, “Sceptile, frontal combat, Leaf Storm!”

Strength is superior, Attribute is superior, Bai Mo naturally chooses to face off.

In the arena, Sceptile’s eyes flashed with green rays of light, and layers of blades spun out of his body immediately, and they hit Golem with powerful firepower.

“Golem, Rollout!” It should have been restrained by Grass Type for a long time. Brock had already figured out a set of countermeasures, and gave orders without hesitation!

In the field, I saw Golem suddenly circling his body, and the fast Rollout rushed towards Sceptile with the Double Edge, and bounced away all the Leafage that was sweeping around!

“Good way to deal with it!”

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