With people like Bai Mo using the long-distance positioning Teleport, Gardevoir is also a little tired.

“It’s okay!” Bai Mo noticed Gardevoir’s situation and immediately reached out and touched her hair.

“It’s okay, I can bear it!” Gardevoir’s sweet voice sounded in Bai Mo’s heart.

“You can take a break with Poké Ball first!” Bai Mo took out Gardevoir’s exclusive Poké Ball.

“Okay, Mo, if something happens, you will find me again!” A light kiss on Bai Mo’s face, Gardevoir reached out and pressed the Poké Ball, and the whole body turned into a red light back Arrived in Poké Ball.

Carefully hung Gardevoir’s Poké Ball back to his chest. Bai Mo changed his sight to the entrance of the hole. At this time, the battle between Trainer and the two Pokemon had come to an end.

The winner is naturally the Trainer camp.

At this time, many Trainers are conquering Primeape and Grumpig who are more capable or Mankey and Spoink who think innate talents are good.

There is no wave in Bai Mo’s eyes on this. As early as the first time he checked the strength of Pokemon, he had watched Pokémon’s Aptitude by the way.

Except for the three Pokémons with quasi-king strength, which are high grade Aptitude, there are only two Primeape which are high grade Aptitude and one Grumpig which is high grade Aptitude.

Neither Primeape nor Grumpig are Bai Mo’s favorite Pokémon. Since there is no top grade, Bai Mo is too lazy to accept it!

Not to mention that in the field at this time, not at all the figures of the stronger Pokemon, depending on the situation, they should have escaped.

This is actually one of the reasons why human Trainers don’t like to work with the Pokemon race.

Pokémon will definitely run away when he knows that his strength is absolutely inadequate, but after escaping, he will especially hate human trainers, and often attack those trainers during the day.

The ones who can escape are often those with stronger strength!

Of course, if it weren’t for this reason, good Pokémon would probably be gone. Otherwise, you only need to encircle and suppress them regularly, especially those Great Family and organization actions, you can get a lot of Pokémon every minute.

So, for this reason and some power restrictions, Alliance stipulates that if it is not necessary, Trainer can only conquer the Pokemon through one-on-one battles or Pokemon voluntarily.

In order to ensure fairness, the overwhelming majority Trainer still abides by this regulation. Those who do not comply will do bad things, such as those of the hunter organization.

Actually, those Great Family also want to do this, but they dare not, because there is always something special to become a Great Family. The most common one is to believe in the power of Divine Beast and even beyond Divine Beast.

Once you believe in power, there will be certain restrictions. Therefore, most Trainers still yearn for peace.

Those Great Family are just fighting for profit in human society.

Because, the real strongest in this World is the super Divine Beast that is beyond the world!

Not to mention these for now, at this time, Bai Mo’s brows suddenly frowned.

Because he found some extremely powerful parts from the battle traces at the cave entrance.

That is the power of Profound Truth.

Feeling this power, Bai Mo’s eyes shrank, and then looked towards the white beard old man. He had a hunch that although this old man did not wear the Trainer Badge, he was definitely an Elite with an Elite Pokemon Trainer!

“Elite, hehe!” A deep glance at the old man with a white beard, it is clear that those Trainers including the Elite are all in vain, but they are just for making their own wedding gowns, Bai Mo smiled triumphantly.

However, looking at the situation at the entrance of the cave, Bai Mo knew that these people were going to enter the cave soon, and immediately turned around and prepared to leave!

Those Trainers when the time comes into the ruins, they will surely discover the situation.

Stay here again, just to provoke suspicion, Bai Mo wouldn’t be so stupid!

Chapter 0044 So-called Gym

Open the navigator and take a look, Bai Mo, who has benefited this time, didn’t stop anymore, just took out the bicycle and moved towards the direction of Petalburg City. Ride!

Soon, Bai Mo disappeared in the open space on that side.

Shortly after Bai Mo left, there was a ripple in the void where he was before. As the space turned, a pale Yellow Pokémon appeared there.

This Pokémon squinted as if he was at Rest. After staying where Bai Mo was standing before, his head seemed to be wondering something unexpectedly.

Finally, as if he had understood something, this Pokémon’s figure also disappeared without a trace.

Riding on a bicycle, Bai Mo quickly rushed to Petalburg City, immediately naturally he found the Pokémon Center.

After handing all his three Pokemon to Joy, Bai Mo came to the side and dialed the number of Oda Juan Laboratory to give Oda Juan a hug.

After chatting for a while, once again reminded Oda that something interesting might happen in this time Gym competition, Bai Mo hung up the phone.

Hang up the phone, Bai Mo raised his hand and looked at his watch, and found that it was late today, so he decided to put the Gym game on the 2nd day.

Later, after having dinner at the Pokémon Center, Bai Mo heard Joy let himself go to pick up Pokémon’s broadcast.

When I came to the front desk and took my Pokémon, Bai Mo asked Joy for a room to rest.

Wait to the room, Bai Mo released Gardevoir, regardless of her shyness, he picked her up and started Rest.

In Bai Mo’s arms, Gardevoir looked at his lover’s sleeping face, smiled softly, and closed his eyes.

Tomorrow is Bai Mo’s First Stage Gym competition. There are some things that are not easy to do tonight!

2nd day early in the morning!

After a quick breakfast, Bai Mo, who came out of the Pokémon Center, had no thoughts of wandering, and immediately moved towards the direction where Petalburg Gym was told by Nurse Joy.

After walking for about five minutes, Bai Mo stopped by a white wall.

Inside the wall is a courtyard-like building. At the top of the building, there is a Yellow Poké Ball logo. This is a necessary symbol for Gym, indicating that it is a Gym approved by Alliance.

Then this is obviously Petalburg Gym.

The strength of the Gym Leader of Petalburg Gym, Bai Mo has already heard from Professor Metz, and asked for more detailed information in Oda Juan last night.

Petalburg Gym is the Elite Gym in Hoenn Region.

What is Elite Gym? Elite Gym means Gym Leader is Elite Trainer.

The real value of Elite-level gyms is very high. In each region, there are only eight Elite-level Gyms. If there are more Elite-level Trainer Gym Leaders, you will need to compete for that position.

At the same time, Alliance also has a rule. If an Elite trainer wants to participate in the Alliance tournament, Pokémon at the Elite level and above cannot be used in non-Elite Gyms! Therefore, the Elite Trainer Normal is a Badge that directly challenges the Elite Gym to get eight Elite Gyms!

Under the Elite level gym, there is also the semi-king level gym. This is the bottom line of the strength to establish the gym, because many of the participants in the Alliance challenge are the semi-king trainer, if there is no strength , Gym is easy to be pushed by all kinds of horizontal, then it will not play the role of review!

Also, Gym must be established in a town with sufficient population and economic development, because Gym Leader also shoulders the identity of local protector.

It’s cruel, Normal is too small and small town, and it is not eligible to be protected. Therefore, Gym cannot be set up!

Understand that the most important function of Gym is to act as a review after all, to see if Trainer is qualified to challenge Alliance Region Conference.

Those who challenge the Gym to get Badge, Trainer may not necessarily win the game, because Gym is mainly audited, as long as the Gym Leader thinks Trainer is qualified.

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