“Elite Gym is all right!” Wanmu said with a smile, “Elite Trainer has its own pride, will not release water, will not resort to fraud!”

“Okay! Bai Mo nodded, and then said, “Then let’s start the game!”

“Okay!” Wanmu calmly responded, and also reached out to grab a Poké Ball, but at this moment, Suddenly a man’s voice came from outside the door.

“Is the Wanmu Old Master here? I am Norman, here to take over for your Gym Trainer!”

“en! !?” Hearing the voice outside the house, Bai Mo It was the same as Wanmu’s movement of taking Poké Ball, and Bai Mo’s eyes flashed a little more. When it comes to Norman, it seems that it is May father.

Think of May, Bai Mo’s eyes are hot. This is a beautiful girl. If he has the opportunity, he will never let it go.

“Um, Norman boy, I am here, you can come and play, I have a gym game to play!”

Hearing the voice of Ten Thousand Eyes, it immediately came from outside the door There was a movement, and then Norman walked in with his wife, May with a curious look, and Xiaosheng with excitement.

Looking at May seriously, Bai Mo was a little excited. At this time, May was about fifteen years old. The appearance of May was more beautiful than the original book, especially the figure, which is definitely more predictable, that is It looked a little ignorant, and it remained the same.

In addition to May, Bai Mo also took a look at Xiao Sheng. Xiao Sheng looked about thirteen years old, about the same height as May, wearing glasses, and very knowledgeable.

“Wan Mu Old Master, and this Trainer, didn’t expect you to be in a Gym competition, sorry to interrupt!” Norman touched his hair and looked at Bai Mo in embarrassment. laughed.

“It’s okay!” Wanmu touched his beard, laughed and said, “Norman, didn’t expect you really completed the agreement with me and became an Elite Trainer and came to take over this Gym. It’s not wasted that my old man taught you his lifelong experience in training the Ability of the general department!”

“Thanks for your teaching!” Norman was very humble and nodded, and then firmly said, ” I will inherit Petalburg Gym!”

“Okay, okay!” Wanmu couldn’t hide the excitement in his heart, and laughed a few times, “I will be alone in this life, you Although I am not master and disciple, I have the reality of master and disciple. You accept this Gym, it is right, I am very pleased!”

“I won’t lose the reputation of Petalburg Gym!” Norman said The look in his eyes also became unusually firm.

“I said, can I play Gym first and then chat!?” Looking at the impulsive Wanmu and Norman, Bai Mo finally couldn’t help but ask. Tao.

“Uh!” Wanmu realized that he was still in the Gym competition, and was embarrassed for a while, “Uh, sorry, old fogey, it’s easy to get distracted!”

, Wanmu suddenly turned his eyes, looked towards Norman on the side and said, “Norman, this should be my last Gym game. How about you come as a temporary referee!?”

“This is My pleasure!” Norman immediately ordered nodded, but he still politely moved towards Bai Mo and asked, “I don’t know if this Little Brother has any comments!”

“I can’t ask for it!” Bai Mo’s mouth hung. A faintly discernable arc, coupled with that handsome face, made May who was looking at him curiously stunned, and immediately after reacting, the pretty face was also a red!

“Ah, you are a Bai Mo researcher!”

At this time, Xiao Sheng patted his head and ran to Bai Mo with excitement.

“Bai Mo researcher, hello, I am your fan, a loyal fan!”

“I have read your research and Characteristic Trait report, it is true That’s amazing!”

“Can you sign a name!?”

“Can you take a group photo!?”

Looking at the moment incarnation in front of you, my fanboy To be honest, Bai Mo is still very happy, after all, this is his little brother-in-law in the future.

However, if you can travel with May, you will definitely not bring this little brother-in-law. He doesn’t want to pick up a girl and bring a light bulb!

Chapter 0047 finally started the Gym competition!

I have already regarded Xiao Sheng as his little brother-in-law. Although he would not take him on a trip like Ash did to prevent him from picking up girls, Bai Mo still said with a smile with a very good attitude. “Well, what you want, I can promise you when the game is over, so can you let me play the Gym Challenge first!?”

“Ah, Bai Mo researcher, you actually want to challenge Gym competition!?” Hearing Bai Mo’s words, Xiao Sheng seemed to have heard something unbelievable. Normal asked, “Why, haven’t you studied Pokémon? Haven’t you studied more Characteristic Trait and Implicit Characteristic? “

“I still want to know how Father Slaking’s lazy Characteristic Trait can be solved!?”

“I do research too!” Hearing Xiao Sheng’s words, Bai Mo swept away Like the others, May and the others patiently explained, “It’s just that, I also want to feel the life of Trainer!”

“Grow up while traveling, meet new Pokemon, grow together, and fight!”

“I want to feel it, and, in this way, maybe I can find some different characteristic traits!”

“And Xiaosheng, you have to know that Professor Oak has been a researcher Before he came to Professor, he was also a Pokémon Trainer who was very difficult to deal with!”

“Really?!” Xiaosheng’s eyes immediately lit up, you know, Professor Oak is his most admired People, and after Professor Oak, is Bai Mo.

Of course, this is the case excluding Norman!

“Of course it’s true!” Bai Mo immediately ordered nodded, “I met Professor Oak and I heard him say that he also has a very strong Dragonite!”

“so that’s how it is!” Xiaosheng fiercely clenched his fists, his eyes became extra firm, “Then I have to work harder to learn, in order to become with Professor Oak and Bai Mo A person as powerful as a researcher!”

“I believe you will succeed, so go for it!” Bai Mo stretched out his hand on Xiao Sheng’s shoulder to show his encouragement!

“Hmm!” Affirmed by his idol, Xiao Sheng was excited for a while, and then he happily retreated to the side.

Norman wanted to talk when Xiaosheng went to disturb Bai Mo, but he didn’t expect Bai Mo to be very talkative.

The most important thing is that Bai Mo turned out to be the youngest researcher in the Alliance, who is very well-known recently, and he turned out to be a Trainer, which made him watch for a while, and there was no speak!

At this time, Bai Mo said that he had left obediently when he saw Xiaosheng’s words. Norman took a deep look at Bai Mo.

At this time, Bai Mo seemed to sense Normal and looked over.

When I saw this, Norman immediately ordered nodded, Bai Mo knew, and also ordered nodded.

After that, Norman walked to the side of the referee’s position and said the rules of the game again.

In this regard, Bai Mo and Wanli are naturally meaningless.

When I saw this, Norman immediately spoke:

“Then the game begins!”

Hearing Norman’s instructions, Wanmu reached out and took it from the Pokemon belt Take out a Poké Ball, throw it into the venue, and say easily:

“First round competition, just use Teddiursa, which I recently trained to the intermediate rank strength. Okay, check your skills!”

As the voice of the ten thousand eyes fell, a red light shot from the Poké Ball, and a Teddiursa that was much stronger than the Normal Teddiursa appeared on the field!

“Teddiursa.” With his special Psychic, he glanced at Pokémon in front of him, Bai Mo ordered nodded, “Middle grade Aptitude, intermediate rank, Trainer is Elite, but it is a good opponent.”

“You can train Treecko.”

With a decision in his heart, Bai Mo also took out a Poké Ball from his belt, moved towards the air, and shouted , “Come out to fight, Treecko.”

“Just touch it~”

As a Growl full of fighting intents appeared, Treecko landed steadily on the field.

“It’s Treecko, is this the Starter Pokemon chosen by Bai Mo researchers!?” Seeing Treecko, Xiao Sheng thought of it with excitement, and his thoughts are also the thoughts of others.

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