But looking at the situation now, I will suffer!

“Bai Mo, what do you mean?” Hearing Bai Mo’s words, Ash’s instinct was tight. Although he didn’t understand well, he also heard what Bai Mo said. Kind words.

The silent curl one’s lip, Bai Mo actually doesn’t want to care about Ash, but he still has to establish a tall image in front of the girls around him, so he explained to Ash, “The so-called Pokémon exchange is to exchange the Pokémon of two people with each other. Exchange, it’s not against Alliance rules!”

“In addition, because Pokémon is yours, you can exchange Pokémon as long as both trainers agree, but there is no problem with Pokémon, but Pokémon has its own feelings. As a Trainer, you are also qualified to do so, but if Pokémon is unwilling, it will hurt their self-esteem. They are no longer loyal to humans, even betray, and lose their trust.”

“So, if you think of Pokémon as a partner, even if you exchange Pokémon, you will also ask for Pokémon’s consent.”

“Of course, you should also consider whether changing Pokémon is really in line with your own wishes. “

“Lost Pokémon’s trust?” Bai Mo said so much, Ash didn’t take it seriously, only this sentence, he listened carefully, his eyes fluctuated!

“Well, hehe, what Pokémon’s trust, Pokémon is just a subordinate of the battle, as long as it is strong enough?” The gentleman heard Bai Mo’s words, his face was a little confused, and his mouth was hard. .

“You mean, Pokémon is a tool?” Bai Mo laughed and stood up when he heard the gentleman’s words, and asked, “I am too lazy to reason with you!”

“It’s tiring to talk to someone like you!”

“I just want to say, even according to your logic, Pokémon has to choose a stronger one, you don’t cultivate it yourself, you can use it instead, but Why do you want others to use Pokémon that defeated your Raticate to trade with you?”

“I, this!” A coldly snorted stroke was passed, and the gentleman swallowed his mouth, knowing the matter. Don’t do it, I plan to withdraw in my heart.

“I…I won’t exchange it with you. Butterfree is the first Pokémon I can conquer by myself. I will never exchange it.”

This At that time, Ash also stood up and spoke to the gentleman. His words made the people around him nodded.

“Since I don’t want to change, then forget it, we we’ll meet again some day!” At this time, the gentleman immediately went down the donkey and planned to leave.

Seeing this, Bai Mo didn’t bother to trouble him, because his Psychic sensed that what should happen is about to happen!

“Nai, use Psychic to show Misty and their Pokémon tightly.” Bai Mo turned to look at Gardevoir at this time.

“Hmm!” Gardevoir, who also knew something was about to happen, immediately clicked nodded.

When the girl on the side saw this inexplicable dialogue between the two, they all showed a dazed look.

At this time!


Suddenly, as a blast sounded, all the lights in the cabin dimmed!

After that, everyone saw that in the center of the cabin, a light struck down, and then two familiar figures stood on the high platform.

Seeing this scene, many people who didn’t know the situation all spoke up:

“What’s going on!?”

No. 0401 Chapter Team Rocket Executive is coming, Bai Mo is domineering!

“What’s going on!!”

“Since you have asked sincerely, I will tell you compassionately…” Hearing the questions from the crew, I followed As a slogan sounded, the Team Rocket trio, with strange instruments on their backs, appeared under the lights with things like vacuum cleaners on both sides of their shoulders!

It’s just that James at this time seems to be listless!

“Damn it’s these two guys again! This is a guy who is not afraid to fight!” Ash saw this and immediately clenched his fist and spoke. He knew very well that there is no good thing for these three guys to appear. .

“This time, it’s not just three of them!”

At this time, as Bai Mo’s calm voice came out, the girls moved towards all around, and they looked luxurious The people on the passenger ship also saw many people wearing Black uniforms with big red R letters printed on them.

The R text is the symbol of Team Rocket. These people are obviously from Team Rocket.

As soon as these people appeared, they surrounded everyone present.

“hahaha! Yes, all the Pokémons here today belong to our Team Rocket!!!”

At this moment, Jessie standing on the high platform was very proud She laughed and said, and as her voice sounded, the surrounding Team Rocket members who surrounded the crowd pressed their bodies to start the mechanism, and the instruments they were carrying suddenly produced a strong suction force. All the Poké Balls in everyone’s hands were sucked away.

Obviously, this instrument is specially made.

However, although these instruments are advanced, they can be protected even if they are held in hand as long as they are prepared. After the initial chaos, it was discovered that Team Rocket people appeared. Many people It’s all reflected.

But at the same time, those Team Rocket members were absorbing other people’s Pokémon while releasing their own Pokémon.

Of course, these people are using Zubat, and at the same time they are just ordering them to use Supersonic. Those people were unprepared for a while and were shaken by Supersonic, and they couldn’t help but let go. The Poké Ball he was protecting was also snatched away!

“Damn, I just got Raticate companions, will not let you take away!” I saw at this time, adopted a Raticate boy was sitting on the floor holding tightly pregnant Poké Ball in the middle of the world, he didn’t cover his ears with his hands, so he just endured it.

And his words were also heard by many people, and they immediately aroused the blood of many people.

When Bai Mo saw it, he knew that the time was almost right, and he used Psychic to make his own voice and said, “Everyone, let out their Pokémon to play against!”

“Their equipment is just a glance Those who only absorb Poké Ball, instead of letting them suck it out, not equal to me, let them out directly. This way they can avoid being sucked away and they can also fight!”

Speaking, Bai Mo took out one Poké Ball released his Charizard!


Charizard appeared, and suddenly it was a Flamethrower. Suddenly, Zubat was overwhelmed!

“Yes, listen to Professor Bai Mo!”

“Yes, we fight, don’t sit and wait!”

“Damn it, I was snatched away Three Poké Balls, I want to take them back!”

Suddenly, many Trainers seemed to have received Bai Mo’s encouragement from Normal. They took out the remaining Poké Balls and released their Pokémon.

Soon, many people released Pokémon.

As time goes by, the people of Team Rocket can only temporarily stop using the machine, but take out the Poké Ball and start the battle.

In an instant, battles broke out everywhere.

But no matter who it is, at this time will not come to wipe Bai Mo’s beard, cracking a joke, he is an Elite-level existence, Charizard solves Pokémon with several mouthfuls or even one piece, whoever will die. , Dare not go!

“One Charizard is not enough, let’s get a few more.” Seeing that the trainers around him were losing ground, Bai Mo planned to take out a few more Poké Balls of his own.

More than half of the Pokémon of the many people on the ship were sucked away by Team Rocket with an instrument. The battle strength was less than half, and there were more people in Team Rocket, which led to the steadily retreating now. Bai Mo didn’t. The method can only be shot again!

“en? Be careful!!”

At this moment, Bai Mo, who was about to take out the Poké Ball, suddenly spoke, and then quickly dispatched to remove the sundae and Misty on the side. At the moment they fell to the ground, the faces of the three of them were very close, and they could already feel the heat of each other’s breathing touching their faces. The faces of the two women were all red, and at this moment, there was a purple mud. Rushing over the two of them.

“As expected of Bai Mo Professor, the response is not bad!”

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