Seeing his behavior, everyone rolled their eyes. Gengar was still very black-belly and asked with a caring expression, “Well, are you feeling well?”

“Or, go see a doctor.”


It seems to be stimulated by Gengar’s words. The blue rays of light in the eyes of the youth suddenly up, along with his shouting loudly, spoons and finally becomes slightly bent a little.

To see this scene, girl who are now applauding them, but his face with a joking expression.

These young people did not go to the tube, heard the applause, he closed his eyes, a look of pride and said: “See No, this is the Psychic, Psychic no person is unable to play Psychic Type Pokémon the strength! “

” like I Sabrina Gym Leader, is inside of representative figures. “

” of course, you mortals may not know, but there is a person, you must know, that is the Alliance’s youngest Professor, Bai Mo Professor. “

” people, but super Psychic, and even allows Psychic Type Pokémon brief evolution, such a person, ordinary person it impossible to do It’s here.”

“Wow, it turned out to be like this.”

“Bai Mo Professor is amazing.”

“Psychic is really strong. “

hear the words of the young, girl who immediately lamented up there, get Bai Mo while silent.

“Okay.” Bai Mo waved his hand helplessly to stop the girls from talking. He reached out and used Psychic to control the spoon in the young man’s hand to fly in front of him, and blue rays of light appeared in his eyes. directly to the spoon became a mass of iron mud, and then to the young man said:

“! Come with me to see Sabrina, I want to challenge Gym”

Chapter 0425 Iceberg beauty, Sabrina!

“This, this, this!”

Suddenly seeing a spoon made of iron mud in front of him, the youth suddenly became speechless.

and at this time, Bai Mo random reaching a mean, before the iron mud fly Guardian Ya, which is at this time the eyes appeared a blue rays of light, next moment, iron mud again become a spoon!

“I am!” This is what the young people also know that they are in the display one’s slight skill before an expert, and you can not help but swallow the saliva seriously looked at from Bai Mo, the next moment, his eyes shrank , The look became excited.

“You, you’re Bai Mo Professor, turned out to you, I Yanzhuo up.” Young people are really excited, Psychic who is in ten-thousand does not have one in the ordinary person, rather Sabrina is so powerful as it is rare in the world, but compared and Bai Mo, Sabrina is also a difference on a lot.

In the eyes of Psychic’s, Bai Mo, is definitely worth worship, and even can be called the existence of faith.

“I was.” nodded with a smile, Bai Mo looked young one said, “There Psychic, is good to see you this way, the seed has awakened, good exercise, you will become a powerful Psychic Those.”

“But this World is dominated by Pokémon after all. You can’t put the cart before the cart and despise others just because you have Psychic.”

“Look at you admiring me so much, I suppose I have to send your suggestion. “

” Yes! “Bai Mo hear the words, young people unconditionally accepted, and then immediately turned and said,” several Please come with me, I’ll take you to find Sabrina Gym Leader. “

Then, a young man was moved towards one direction and walked inside.

Soon, under the leadership of the youth, Bai Mo entire group came to a gate. After the youth stepped forward, a battle field appeared in front of everyone.

types of sites actually belong to a very common type, but some rich decorated, as if, like an ancient temple.

But also, after all, Road Gym Leader Sabrina is this girl, Pokémon using Psychic Type.

As soon as he opened the door, the young man rushed in with excitement, came under one-knee kneels in front of the curtain of the opposite high platform, and shouted respectfully and excitedly, “Master Sabrina, someone wants to come. Challenge Gym, it’s Bai Mo Professor, that is to make Alakazam, Latias, Gardevoir and other Bai Mo Professor evolve again.”

“Didn’t you say that only he is worthy of being your opponent and friend, he ! “

speaking of which young people, ranging from the words he spoke, blue rays of the layer of light appeared around him, his body on this Levitate out of thin air behind them moved towards the upside down out.

” Sabrina adults, please forgive small, is too small a mouth!” By this time, young people also know that they too excited, to say the extra words.

Sabrina obviously can not let him, control him directly toward the door flew directly to young people so that shares are invisible Mental Force to throw out of the court.

Subsequently, “peng” bang Snooze, also under the control of the door Sabrina automatically closed.

In this scene, May and the others couldn’t help but blink. This Sabrina Gym Leader does not seem to have a good temper.

But before that young people listen to the meaning of words, looks like Bai Mo Sabrina for some special treatment ah.

At this moment, on the other side of the venue, the door curtain suddenly rose slowly. What entered everyone’s sight was a little girl sitting on a chair. At this moment, her eyes were emanating weird. red light.

“That’s Sabrina it?”

saw a small girl, May the eyes of some incredible, girl around is almost the same.

They all did not expect this Gym the Gym Leader turned out to be a little girl, and it seems the other side should be around the age of six or seven, this is too weird.

Is it hard to be a trainer at this age?

Or, the other because it is the Psychic, we had some special! ?

“No, it’s just a puppet, daoist hidden behind the curtain.” Bai Mo directly tell the truth, but also to the hearts of doubt girl has been answered.

In this regard, Mew Little Loli and Guardian Liya is already found in nature.

“Cuckold~ As expected, you are Bai Mo Professor. It is really amazing. Your Psychic is also very powerful.” Bai Mo’s voice made the little girl giggled.

With the fall of laughter, that behind the curtain lights suddenly lit up, Ram and several other ordinary girl found the original behind the little girl, even sitting still wearing a a red uniform, staring at the purple hair girl, the girl’s face expressionless, as if the years iceberg Normal, giving a cold citrus.

” Bai Mo Professor, I challenge you to do that?” Sabrina looked cold Bai Mo inquired, cold tone, without anger, feeling faint asked.

This makes girls frowned involuntarily.

The girl who felt the change with Psychic Sabrina, who seem to feel the cold also contributed to a point.

But and girl are different, Bai Mo did not get angry, he knew that Sabrina was not intentional, just because people are not used to direct the opening and talk, so tone sounds stiff that’s all.

Therefore, Bai Mo still has a sunny said with a slight smile on his face, “Of course I am here to challenge Gym, otherwise, I can’t be here to teach Sabrina Young Lady how to use your Psychic Right?”

The tone of Bai Mo’s speech, with naked ridicule.

When I heard Bai Mo’s words, I felt the tone of his words, and when I saw his smile, inexplicably, Sabrina felt that there was a kind of itchy feeling in her heart that she had never had before. feel deeply concealed, though still cold, but her eyes but still shows more angry Road:

“! Gym challenge can be”

saying, Sabrina his arms little girl with Psychic controllers continued, “but, on one condition, if you lose, you will be my friend, to play with.”

” you like it?”

Unlike previous, Sabrina this time to ask questions in the eyes of more than a trace of a strange fluctuations, seems to be looking forward to Bai Mo answer.

Sabrina and hear the words, Bai Mo but said with a slight smile, “and Sabrina Young Lady friends is an honor for me, regardless of the outcome of the game can be, but what you say is play with you how kind? ”

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