“If Slowpoke really evolves into Slowbro, it can continue to increase in value!”

“I have a hunch that Slowpoke will not only increase in value!”

Looking at these comments, the corners of Bai Mo’s mouth curled up, “Interesting, it is so, let me add another fire to you!”

laughed, Bai Mo logged in to his area Page, sent the organized written and video materials!

When all this was done, Bai Mo shut down the navigator directly, and ignored the rest. He took Gardevoir and Sabrina and sat directly on Latias’ back moved towards Violet City and hurried away. He wanted to go back to Kanto. Continue your own Gym challenge!

Although Bai Mo calmly started to hurry, this World was detonated by his sudden update.

“Surprised! Video data only costs 10 Alliance coins, Bai Mo Professor is the most conscience!”

“Blast! Slowpoke evolution is really the king of hippo!”

“Fantastic co-evolution!”

“Do you think Slowpoke is enough? No! You still lack Shellder!”

“With Slowpoke and Shellder, I did an experiment , Evolution is real!”

“Slowpoke +Shellder = Sudden counterattack! Suddenly stronger Slowbro!”

Regardless of these people’s arguments, there are quite a few Other people also moved.

Pallet Town, Professor Oak researcher, Oak, who immediately received the news, decisively experimented with Slowpoke and Shellder that his grandson Gary had brought back, and successfully obtained Slowbro.

The whole person is instantly like a Supreme Treasure.

“Bai Mo is really smart. Pokémon and Pokémon can evolve together. I can’t accept it!”

“But what kind of life style will these two Pokémon be like after being together? Well, let me study it!”

“As expected, this kid can find such evolution.” Oda Juan in Hoenn Region is also haha.

And some of the powerful Water Type Pokémon Psychic Type Pokémon family and family, or individuals are quickly on your way to get the Slowpoke and Shellder, finally got Slowbro.

Although Slowbro Species Strength is only 490, it can’t stand it as a Psychic Type, and it can be used for both purposes. It quickly became the main candidate for many people!

At this moment, on the seven islands, Lorelei looked at the information in his hand and showed a surprised look!

“Slowbro, did you come here?”

“Professor Bai Mo, so young, really interesting!”

Chapter 0454 Challenges the Rainbow Gym, giant vine monster!


Looking at the data in her hand, looking at the name she had heard countless times, Lorelei suddenly became interested in it, Slowbro, she has, It is still one of the main Trump Cards, but she did not expect Slowbro to come from this way.

“Fantastic man, I don’t know if I can solve my problem.” Lorelei paid more attention to Bai Mo in his heart.

Unova Region, Professor Aurea Juniper Laboratory, did the same thing with Professor Oak, and the eyes of the yew also flashed brilliantly.

“Two Pokémons can be combined and evolve, so amazing!”

“Bai Mo, I don’t know how many surprises you can give me. I look forward to your coming to Unova on this day! “

Sinnoh Region, constantly scanning the information on the navigator in his hand, both Touzi and Yayi had no idea of ​​rushing, and directly found a place to sit down.

“Toozi, Mo Ke is free, and I took Ram and the others to Johto to play.”


“Aren’t you jealous?” “

“I am not jealous, I envy!”

“Hehe, envy, we will increase the speed of collecting Badge, and then use the leaves to return to Small World, let Mo Ge I have a special training, wait until the opening of the tournament, come here again!”

“Hmm, speed up!”

Regardless of the discussion and changes caused by the publication of a message, Bai Mo was sitting in Latias, showing extreme speed, and took a flight from Violet City to Celadon City in the evening.

On the plane, almost every passenger asked him for an autograph and a group photo. In this regard, Bai Mo not at all, who had been accustomed to these, refused, but patiently satisfied the requirements of these people.

In the early morning of 2nd day, the plane landed at Celadon City Airport on time.

After a day’s flight, Bai Mo was not in a hurry to challenge Gym, but took the girls for a day in Celadon City.

The time comes to 2nd day.

In the dormitory of Pokemon Center, picking up the coat on the bed and putting it on, Bai Mo opened the door and went out!

Today is the time to challenge Celadon City Gym.

Celadon City Gym’s current gym leader is Ellija’s mother, Emily!

Emily is an Elite Trainer, and the Rainbow Gym ranks sixth in the Elite Gym.

Yesterday, when visiting Celadon City, Bai Mo naturally did not forget to take the girls to the most famous perfume shop in the city, Rainbow Gym, to have a look and buy some suitable perfumes.

While buying perfume, Bai Mo also saw Emily, the Dao Gym Leader of Rainbow Gym, and made an appointment to play this morning.

Elite level gym, unlike most quasi-Elite level gyms, Normal is still very empty. After all, not everyone is as ignorant as Ash and dare to challenge Elite level gyms. Of course, in If the Gym Leader did not release the Elite Pokémon, it was indeed funny that Ash really won by luck!

Ten minutes later, Bai Mo took the girls to the Rainbow Gym!

“Is this the Rainbow Gym? It looks like a botanical garden!!” At the door of the Rainbow Gym, with the huge Gloom-shaped building in front of him, May couldn’t help but sigh.

Pewter City Gym is a Rock Type Gym, and its appearance is Rock, and Cerulean City is a Water Type Gym, just like an aquarium, Sabrina’s Psychic Type is more simply a palace.

In comparison, the Normal Type Gym where Normal is located is really too Normal!

Hearing May’s words, Sundae explained thoughtfully, “It’s actually a big botanical garden, similar to a greenhouse!”

“In this botanical garden, the most common The smell is stinky. Gloom is dangerous and afraid of releasing enough odor to make any Pokémon stinky, but its extract can be used to make the whole Celadon City full of fragrance. The perfume we bought yesterday is useful for this. “

“It’s amazing!” May looked surprised, and beside her, Sabrina and Cattleya were standing there like two icebergs. I also ordered nodded. Bai Mo gave it yesterday. They are still very satisfied with their perfume!

Between talking and laughing, Bai Mo took the girls into the Rainbow Gym and found that there were flowers and trees everywhere, and there were also many Grass Type Pokémon, similar to Oddish, Bellsprout and the like!

“Excuse me, is anyone there?” Everyone walked outside of an obviously battle field.

After looking at all around, Bai Mo decided to use his Psychic when no one was there, but Misty was the first to speak, and the voice rang throughout the botanical garden.

Seeing this scene, Bai Mo slightly smiled, and he didn’t use Psychic anymore!

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