“Wow, is this Lavender Town?”

“Very good, Contest tournament, I am coming!”

“Don’t be so excited.” With a flick on May’s forehead, Bai Mo indifferently said, “Let’s go to the Pokémon Center to find out.”

“I haven’t heard that the Pokemon Tower in Lavender Town has been haunted recently. Be careful to catch you. “

“Ah!” Hearing Bai Mo’s words, May suddenly shrank his neck in fear, but thinking that it was too shameful, immediately lifts the head and shouted, “I’m not afraid. Ziling’s elder sister has a very good relationship with me, hmph!”

“Really?” A hint of playfulness flashed in Bai Mo’s eyes, and he gave a look at the girl.

Chapter 0464 meets Red again, the legend of Pokémon Tower!


Under Bai Mo’s instruction, Gengar’s purple rays of light flashed all over his body, turning into a ghost, and then appeared behind May, a Putting his hand on her shoulder, she said in a dense tone, “Little girl, hello!”

“Would you like to go home with me Rest!”

Said After that, Gengar still blew in May’s ear.

“Ah!” May was so scared that the three souls disappeared from the six souls. Instinctively, he plunged into Bai Mo’s arms:

“There are ghosts, there are Ghost!”

“It’s okay, Bai Mo is here.” Lightly patted May’s back, Bai Mo reached out and gave Gengar a thumbs up.

When I saw this, the girls rolled their eyes together, that is, Sabrina’s eyes twitched. Now, her emotions are getting richer and richer.

After an episode, Bai Mo took the girls to the Pokemon Center in Lavender Town.

Now, Bai Mo has Vivi in ​​his team. She usually stays in the Small World to take care of the Pokemons. On the Joy side, Bai Mo simply does not need to serve.

Although Joy is no longer needed, it is still okay to come to the Pokemon Center for rest and dinner, get news and the like.

Entering the Pokemon Center, Bai Mo took the girls to the restaurant for dinner. Seeing Bai Mo, many Trainer’s eyes lit up.

The famous Bai Mo came to Lavender Town. This is good news. Perhaps this Pokemon Professor came to investigate the Ghost incident.

While eating, Bai Mo slightly released his Psychic and began to observe the surroundings.

At this moment, two people, Bai Mo, who had a relationship, walked into the center of Pokemon.

“Welcome to the Pokémon Center.” Joy’s voice was as gentle as ever, slightly smiled to the men and women who came to him.

The two gave their respective Pokémon to Nurse Joy and planned to go to the restaurant for dinner as well, but on the way, some Trainer’s talking voices passed into their ears.

“Recently, someone said they saw Ghost appearing in the Pokémon Tower!”


“Of course, this time Many people said they saw it.”

After hearing the exchange between the two in the Pokemon Center, the boy and the girl exchanged glances, and the former stepped forward and asked, “That, about Ghost Is it true?”

When someone asked himself, the young man who was asked definitely clicked nodded and said, “Well, although I didn’t see it, everyone said that.”

“Well, what is the Pokémon Tower?” The girl asked. She and the boy are children from ordinary families, and navigators can’t afford them.

Of course, unlike others, they both have Pokemon Pokédex in their hands.

Pokemon Pokédex, is a very rare thing, Normal Peak Aristocratic Family only people can have, after all, which recorded a lot of Pokémon information.

The reason why the two have Pokemon Pokédex is because they were born in a better place. Like Ash, they are both Pallet Town.

Yes, these two people are Red and Satsuki. Their path is better and opposite to Ash, and they are now in Lavender Town.

The reason why the two have Pokemon Pokédex is also thanks to Professor Oak, because he is one of the developers of Pokemon Pokédex, and the dominance is still very high.

Of course, for the time being, in addition to Gary, Oak only gave Ash’s three people the Pokémon information in Kanto. For other things, the three people need to work hard to collect them. By the way, it depends on whether the other party has that. Potential, if all three of them have the potential to cultivate, you can give them more information.

These are all digressions. At this time, hearing Satsuki’s question, the young man being asked looked at the two of them and asked, “You just came to this city.”

“Yes.” Red clicked nodded.

“Did you know that this place is famous for Pokémon’s tomb?” the young man asked rhetorically.

“I’ve heard of this.” Red said that he had read some atlases and the like.

Hearing Red’s words, the young woman on the side motioned to the two to follow her, led them to the window, and pointed to the building not far away, “That’s the Pokémon Tower.”

“That’s it?” Looking in the direction of the woman’s finger, Red’s expression congeals.

“Yes, in this, there are a lot of places near us, after raising the Pokémon if the dead are buried them inside the tower.” explains a woman, she is also the man side this time He added, “Many people from far away cities come here to visit their graves.”

“Excuse me, the Ghost you mentioned just now refers to Pokémon?” Red asked about the topic he cares most about. With Pokemon Pokédex on it, Help Professor Oak also has the responsibility of collecting information.

Red believes in the kingly way of giving and getting. If he got it from Professor Oak, he has to pay back. Of course, it can be regarded as fighting for more.

Unlike Ash, Red is passionate, but calm and has his own plan.

“Well, but after all I heard it.” The girl said at this time, and then they looked towards Red and asked, “Do you think there will be Ghost?”

“No, I don’t think there will be any, maybe.” Waved her hand, Xiaoyue said that she didn’t believe these claims, and Red also shook the head.

“Yes, then you have a white hand on your left shoulder. I should have made a mistake.” Hearing the answers from the two, the woman covered her mouth and smiled gently.

Although they didn’t believe the woman’s words, when they heard her, the two of Red still turned their heads and looked to the left, but they didn’t find anything at all.

The two turned their heads and wanted to say something to the woman–

But this time, a magical scene appeared, and a man and a woman in front of the two suddenly disappeared.

“Haha, interesting!”

Some Psychic observed this scene, Bai Mo’s eyes flashed with a look of interest, and Gengar who was facing him glanced lightly. “It’s just a prank by two little fellows, but something happened in this tower.”

“I have been here before, but there is no legend.”

Yes, the previous pair of men and women were changed by two Gastly.

Hearing Gengar’s words, Bai Mo clicked nodded. Of course he knew that something happened in the tower, it should be Team Rocket.

I just don’t know what Team Rocket is doing inside.

However, regardless of whether the other party is here to do and so on, Bai Mo said that in the evening, after letting the girls return to Small World to rest, they will take Gengar to this tower to find out.

If there is something good, it will definitely not be cheap to anyone.

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