At the same time, when looking towards May, he also thought carefully.

Gardevoir, Bai Mo’s first girl toppled, is also the most reliable other half he encountered in this World.

Secondly, Bai Mo won Toozi, and after that, Serperior and Mei, who took the initiative to devote themselves, are now traveling together in Sinnoh.

Later, Bai Mo got Milotic, and then got it in an accident, Shirona. Because of this accident, Shirona went back to Sinnoh early.

And Ram.

In addition, there may also be considered Winona accident, but later cultivated deep feelings, more is where water flows, a canal is formed .

In addition to these girls, Bonfire and Izumi are hidden in Team Magma and Team Aqua for themselves. When the time comes, they must play an important role.

Now, when I arrived in Kanto, Bai Mo was surrounded by Sabrina, Misty, Sundae, Cattleya, and Latias were also successfully transformed.

Out of this, there are two thousand-year-old virgins Gengar and Ziling, and now the newly joined Darklei.

As for Mew and Jirachi, um, these two loli, Bai Mo is still not too distracted, well, it’s actually because the opponent is too strong.

With these girls, Bai Mo feels that he still needs to develop a relationship, but among the girls, he has been following his May from Hoenn. Today, Bai Mo feels that he should leave something.

Time comes to 3rd day.

In the morning, in Small World, Bai Mo woke up slowly, looking at May lying beside him, a smile flashed across his mouth.

The night before yesterday, Bai Mo not at all got his wish because he was going to participate in the Contest tournament on 2nd day May. However, I was very happy to win yesterday’s Contest tournament May. So in the evening, Bai Mo did something for everyone Things that all understand.

extend the hand gently scraping on May nose, Bai Mo eyes of the rays of light flashed man appeared in the bathroom.

After taking a shower in the bathroom with changed clothes, Bai Mo once again used Teleport to come to the Small World tree and looked at the space under his control.

“Hey, Bai Mo.” Just as Bai Mo was stretching, a girl’s cold voice sounded behind him.

hearing this, Bai Mo slowly turned around and looked at the girl in front of him said with a smile: “It’s you, Lay, didn’t you restore your origins on the moon stone? Why did you come here? “

“I have something to tell you.” Darkley, who was Ley, looked at him seriously.

“You said it.” Seeing Dackley’s serious expression, Bai Mo’s expression was also stern, but the corners of his mouth couldn’t help but twitch at the next moment.

“Next time, can you make your woman scream more quietly?”

“I am a little upset about it.”

Ley Looking at Bai Mo unhappy.

“Do you still eavesdropping habit?” Bai Mo speechless watching Nasdaq Ley.

“I’m not that boring.” Waved his hand, Dakley curl one’s lip said: “With my strength, it is not difficult to hear your voice within a certain distance, the moon stone is away Your villa is near again, so I heard it naturally.”

“Okay.” Seeing Dakley’s words, Bai Mo immediately said that he remembered to use Psychic to isolate the sound in the future.

But at the next moment, Bai Mo suddenly thought of something.

Darkley’s strength can be heard in the place of the moon stone.

Other people don’t say, then Mew, Jirachi, Latias, Gengar and Sabrina and Cattleya who are also Psychic should hear the voice.

But think about it every time they meet each other, they face doesn’t change, nothing happens, and they don’t talk to himself like Dakley.

This is too fake.

So it seems, and the girl child recently listening to root corner slightly.

Think of this, Bai Mo mouth evoke a touch of arc.

” hehe, interesting.”

” It appears that all Raisin thing.”

Chapter 0477 Dark City doubles Gym!

I learned something unexpectedly. Bai Mo felt that he might be able to change his way of dealing with several girls in his usual life, and his mood was unexpectedly much better.

Afterwards, Bai Mo returned to the villa and prepared breakfast with Ziling and Vivi who had already gotten up.

After breakfast, Bai Mo took Gardevoir, Ladisya and Gengar, who were used to wandering around, returned to the Pokémon world, and went directly to Salamence’s back moved towards the next Gym location, dark City forward.

Salamence’s strength has approached the championship level, and it has begun to slowly master the Flying Type Profound Truth. Its flying speed is very fast. It only took a day to reach the dark city at night.

not at all anxious to challenge Gym, Bai Mo looked at was surrounded Black emissions, the air filled with the smell of various cities frowned, decisively chose to return in a Small World.

Resting for one night in Small World, Bai Mo got up early in the morning on the 2nd day and planned to challenge Gym. All the women knew about the dark city from his mouth, so except for the two Sundae and Misty, they also needed The girl who challenged Gym said that it would be nice to stay in Small World.

There sundaes and Misty both went outside Small World, Bai Mo trio went straight to the Dark City Gym.

Different from the original, the Dark City not only has a Gym, but also the strongest quasi-Elite Gym. The most important thing is that this Gym is very special.

Originally, the dark city was a big city. Like Saffron, there were two gyms. However, due to over-development and irreversible pollution, most people moved.

So, two Gyms became one Gym.

These two Gyms are Steel Type Gym and Bug Type Gym. The Gym Leader happens to be a man and a woman or a couple, so there is no contradiction in the integration of Gym, and it has become the strongest quasi-Elite level. The name of Gym.

to a whole body is surrounded by steel building, Bai Mo trio leadership of the staff down to the battle site.

“Hello.” Seeing Bai Mo and the three of them standing on the other side of the battle field, the woman took the lead and said: “I am Siya, one of the Dao Gym Leaders. , Next to my husband Carre.”

“Hello.” Bai Mo and the three are nodded.

Seeing Bai Mo and Carre’s eyes flashed, he stepped forward and said: “We are the Trainer of the Dark Gym. The rules of our game to Gym are different from those of other Gyms. The game will be one or three games. doubles match. “

” If it is a, then the game either one after another all the way to lose two Pokemon battle strength, end of the game, if three games, three games to take that system. ”

Speaking of which, a Cary towards Bai Mo said with a smile: “Bai Mo Professor of strength I have heard, three games too much trouble.”

” I And the insider will come up with their strongest Pokemon, just better than one game, how about it?”

“No problem.” Said Dao Gym Leader, Bai Mo naturally clicked nodded, indicating that there is no problem. He was originally here to exercise his Pokémon, who is still normal, and he is not here to abuse food.

see the two sides reached a consensus, venue side of the central referee immediately shouted:. “Continued carried Gym race for the bet to darkness Badge”

” game is a game, In the doubles competition, when both Pokémon on one side lose their combat capability, the game is over!”

“Now, the game begins!”

“Go, Scyther, Magneton!” As the referee’s voice fell, the two Carrés threw their Poké Balls together.

“Hey, not bad!”

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