with Bai Mo voice down, small Chennai who rays of light flashed behind him, the image of the girl immediately became a blue-haired Gardevoir appearance.


Seeing this scene of Gardevoir’s changes, Koga, Ayane and the referee were all surprised. Koga is a champion Pokemon, and the two people who know him naturally also know Pokémon part to the championship level can Human Transformation thing, but I will choose Pokémon this step is very small.

Now, look Gardevoir suddenly changing shape, the reason they surprised, because, Elite Gym class is not allowed to use the title-level Pokémon.

“Don’t worry.” Noting Koga’s expression, Bai Mo indifferently said: “I know the rules. If I want to abuse you, release Latias, you will be useless even with your Venusaur.”


“Gardevoir is Elite Top Rank’s strength, rest assured come.”

” you!” Bai Mo hear the words, Koga also a burst of shortness of breath, because Bai Mo said he was going to beat time It seems kind of random garbage clean face is too Qianbian up.

But the point is, Koga really do not think you can beat Latias this Venusaur are at least champion level existence of the Divine Beast!

At this time, after Gardevoir turned into a Pokemon form, a Teleport came to the court and calmly looked at Crobat.

Although Crobat the strength of some stronger than their own, but Gardevoir do not feel they will lose, because, Bai Mo said to win!

” Crobat is Poison Type of plus Flying Type, Flying Type, does not affect, Gardevoir is Fairy Type and Psychic Type, Psychic Type restraint Poison Type, but Poison Type and restraint Fairy Type, this game, said speaking of which touches evenly matched. “

” the next is to look at Bai Mo command and coordination of the Gardevoir. “see Bai Mo release Gardevoir, ahead of her daughters is a second extreme attention because Bai Mo actually say that’s the case, then the next game will definitely show operations, oh no, the show IQ.

By this time, the venue, looked calm as Crobat, Bai Mo did not speak mind an idea appears.

did not use telepathy, this time Gardevoir like Mega evolutionary morphology Normal and Bai Mo empathy, Bai Mo a look he came to understand, the eyes appear blue in the rays of light.

Chapter 0489 girl would say they are!


The eyes appear blue rays of light, Mental Force Crobat rolled down half-empty at the moment, then, the current turn is also a golden moment of wrapped Gardevoir the body, and finally unite into a strong current between breathing blasted, playing in Crobat body.


is Psychic and electricity hit, Crobat suddenly uttered Tonghu, body trembled can not help but moved towards Ground fall.

Koga apparently did not expect Bai Mo and Gardevoir will suddenly attack, and does not give him the slightest chance, he simply had a chance to give directions escape, Crobat already under attack.

know Crobat eating uttered a sharp pain lament, Koga only come from the reaction, quickly shouted: “!! hold down to the ground.”

At this time, Koga expression very serious, Electric Type Unique Ability with respect to the Flying Type Attribute Crobat is absolutely critical nonetheless, and Crobat Thunderbolt or be hit unsuspecting state, not to mention Crobat also been Gardevoir of Psychic attacks, almost it is instantly been hit.

At this point the situation Crobat looks very miserable, mouth, continue to smoke, who are also electrically too dark, looks very awkward, with emphasis, Mental Force also is shrinking.

“Damn! You guys outrage, you only Gardevoir is how you do! This is foul!” OTC, Ayane react after the sudden dissatisfaction loudly asked them.

Ayane hear the voice behind Bai Mo’s, girl who expressions are changed.

May squint laugh loudly opening: “? fouls committed is your Fuchsia Gym regulations”

” is.” Misty is disdainful smile: “I grew up in When Gym grew up, I really didn’t see what Bai Mo was committing. As a challenger, Gardevoir was the first to attack.”

“Yes.” Ram clicked nodded, and then shot with the camera in his hand. ayane indifferently said: “and Gardevoir enter the battle site has more than ten seconds of it, in accordance with regulations, the race has already begun.”

” Gardevoir attack completely wrong ah.”

” Oh ! “sundae face appeared suddenly realized the way and asked:” you do not want to say out loud Gardevoir is Bai Mo useless to attack things “

” but how can this foul. “?

“I ask, here are the rules which of the provisions Trainer If you do not give directions, Pokémon can not make their own action do?”

Sabrina Guardian Liya and it is a lot of calm only in that the cold and spit out the word.


girl who then get Ayane got a little speechless, said something evil can only mouth fiercely watching Bai Mo.

Actually, it’s no wonder that Ayane was so excited. After all, Koga’s Crobat was hit hard at the start, and Bai Mo attacked before Gardevoir had issued an order. In the case of Normal, it means this Gardevoir. Simply does not listen to the command of one’s own Trainer.

Because men qualified Trainer Pokemon Trainer is listen to the command of operations, we can play with the better battle strength.

But Gardevoir and Bai Mo relationships and look, obviously not the case, so Ayane on the excitement a bit.

venue, this time Koga look has become more dignified, and he clearly Bai Mo apparently spent some unknown means he does not know secretly Gardevoir issued a directive, and his guess is good enough , This power should be Psychic.

Although the power of power is very cheating, Koga cannot say that Bai Mo is cheating as long as it does not directly act on his Pokémon.

After all, said the image, Bai Mo is more than the average person a hand only, which is extraordinary natural talent, you can not allow for so-called fair Bai Mo cut off the hand of it.

If this is the case, if there is a Trainer with only one hand, shouldn’t all people with two hands have one hand off?

pull so much useless, Koga is clearer Bai Mo’s tough, and expression congeals immediately shouted: “! Crobat, Roost”

Crobat because Koga before when the sound began to fall constantly correcting your posture, which will stabilize the figure had dropped to the ground, with just a Roost Ability.

Roost Ability, is the Flying Type Pokémon fall to the ground to recover half of his biggest strength value, but after the run out of this move, the Pokémon of Flying Type Attribute will disappear in a short time, another Profound Truth rule can not be used.

But Crobat the opponent is Psychic Type and Fairy Type Gardevoir, Flying Type Attribute regarded as tasteless, can rapidly restore physical strength, Koga decisively to give up this Attribute.


Crobat stood on the Ground and folded two pairs of wings, and then light green rays of light appeared on the surface of its body. wrap its body, then the body surface that was burned Thunderbolt body immediately began to speed healing of naked eye visibility, but after a while becomes intact.

To see this scene, Bai Mo mind is slightly surprised, he really did not expect the other side will be even Roost This Unique Ability.

Roost this Ability, is hard to come by, it is difficult to learn, because this Ability can not only regain their strength, but also allows the user Flying Type Attribute transition to Normal Type, can be said to have a lot Flying Type Pokémon Trainer’s necessary Unique Ability, while designed to deal with Flying Type nemesis …… Electric Type Pokémon.

“means Although Bai Mo Professor Psychic command you use is very difficult, but these are just small means, and I am not afraid.” See Crobat to regain his strength, Koga regained confidence, opening again, “now it’s our turn to fight back, Crobat, Supersonic!”

Supersonic is a special sonic attack, fast, its formidable power is also very large, the most deadly, but also let opponent state of disarray.

However, in the face of this seemingly tricky ultrasound, Gardevoir seemed very calm, only releasing Psychic to form a protective film to isolate itself from the damage of ultrasound.

Opposite see Gardevoir not the whole body appears Psychic attack Crobat, Koga thought it was only Supersonic worked to make Gardevoir attack himself, mouth a hook again shouted: “! a good opportunity, Crobat, Cross Poison”

Cross poison, poison Type Ability, easy to hit the other crucial, but also easy for the other poisoning!


Getting Koga’s instructions, Crobat flapped his wings suddenly, and purple rays of light appeared on both wings and quickly flew straight down from the sky.

face of all this, Bai Mo’s eyes flashed a strange rays of light, opening suddenly shouted:

“. Small Chennai, encore, Thunderbolt”

Chapter 0490 to play a wave of routine

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