After finishing speaking, Will regained his peace again and said with a faint smile: “Mr. Koga has concerns, I know, you can think about it again. Three days, three days. After that, I will ask you for the answer.”

After speaking, the rays of light flashed in Will’s eyes and disappeared in the garden, and the referee also disappeared.

Looking at Will’s disappearing back, Koga, who has always been decisive, is caught in an unprecedented dilemma.

After all, if this matter is not handled properly, it will not only cause him, but also Ayane will cause huge trouble.

However, he didn’t want to deny that Team Rocket’s solicitation of him was really, very tempting.

“how can I do?” Koga could not help but muttered, but on this time, a sound is suddenly appear out of thin air in his ear:

” I suggest, you can agree to him!” Hearing this voice, Koga turned around instinctively and looked at appear out of thin air in front of him. People couldn’t help but eyes shrank:

“Bai Mo!!!”

Chapter 0494 Bai Mo’s cut-off, Koga submits!

“Bai Mo!!!”

Seeing Bai Mo appearing, Koga’s heart tightened. Instinctively, he took out the Poké Ball in his hand again and asked: “When are you here? Yes?”

“Of course I was here early in the morning. I listened to everything that should be heard.” Faintly smiled, Bai Mo is very casual. Before, after the gym, Bai Mo let the girl We all returned to our Small World, and we returned to Fuchsia City Gym again.

The reason for doing this is not that Bai Mo wants to solve Koga and so on, who has contradictions with him. He can feel the good and evil of people, even at the moment when he is really defeated, Koga There was no real hostility towards him either.

The reason for Bai Mo’s return is that the referee from the Alliance was deeply hostile to him, and he knew his identity in the blink of an eye.

Bai Mo came back to investigate when he was curious about the identity of this person, but he did not expect to hear some conversations by accident, and at the same time he knew something.

At the same time, Bai Mo also had some thoughts in his mind.

“Have you heard all of them?” Hearing Bai Mo’s words, Koga’s expression was a bit gloomy and uncertain for a while.

“Why, are you still planning to kill me and kill me?” Bai Mo faint smiled at Koga.

hearing this, Koga’s complexion suddenly said bitterly: “I want to, but I also want to have this strength. My Venusaur can last a few rounds in front of your Latias. I’m really not confident. . “

” you’d understand that “arc of mouth brought back a touch, Bai Mo some interesting asked:.” I was curious, if I do not come, listening to will, then, how would you Choose?”

hearing this, Koga flashed a few Struggle eyes, and finally changed his gaze to a firm gaze: “I think I will agree.”

“Team Rocket can exist, It shows that he is powerful. I am also very tempted by the bargaining chips they gave me.”

“The most important thing is that if you don’t spell it, I feel sorry for myself.”

“You also heard what Will said before, didn’t you?”

“Of course, I will stick to my bottom line and not do things that hurt others and Pokémon, I know , Team Rocket also has a lot of activities such as exploring the ruins. I can do those.”

hearing this, Bai Mo approved nodded. Koga obviously didn’t tell lies. To tell the truth, just Will gave the benefits and the truth, and there are really few ordinary persons who can resist the temptation.

Speaking of which, Will said that ten or so Team Rockets in the world accounted for three, but Bai Mo knew a little.

First of all, Giovanni is definitely a naked Sect Master Trainer. This guy can control Team Rocket, the world sex organization, and convinces that many people, such as the three beasts, the four generals, and several Region Executives. , And there are such existences as Blaine and Will. It is funny if there is no Sect Master level.

In addition, Giovanni’s mother, the founder of Team Rocket, the guy who doesn’t know where he is now but is definitely still alive is definitely Sect Master.

The last one should be the masked man of Team Rocket. Bai Mo remembers that his true identity is Pryce of Johto. This guy, where his age is, Yulongdu treats him very much. Respect is definitely the existence of Sect Master.

The Sect Master level of Team Rocket should be these three people.

As for the rest, I won’t mention them for now.

The thoughts in my mind changed, but in fact, it’s not at all. It’s been too long. Looking at Koga’s helpless expression, Bai Mo faintly smiled and said: “I can give you a better one. Suggestion.”

“Better suggestion.” Hearing Bai Mo’s words, Koga didn’t believe it, shook the head, “Since you saw it, I can only reject Will. No, I should even put It’s the right thing to report this to Alliance.”

“No, you can’t do it.” Bai Mo sneered when he heard Koga’s words, “Why don’t you think about it, why does Will do everything? You said, he is so confident that you will join?”

“He told you so much information, what if you leak it out?”

“You What does it mean!?” Thinking of this, Koga’s pupils shrank sharply.

At this time, in the all around jungle around Fuchsia Gym, Proton and Petrel each with three Team Rocket members surrounded here.

In addition to these two people, Will also stays here.

Team Rocket, if you can’t get it, naturally it won’t be cheap for Alliance.

“Yes.” Koga looked a pale, Bai Mo said with a slight smile : ” You could not refuse, Will now tell you so much, including the situation himself, Karen, Bruno, certainly A decision has been made.”

“That is, you must either join or die!”

“Because only the dead will not reveal the secret.”

“What am I going to do?” I also figured out the relationship at once. Koga swallowed, looking at Bai Mo as if he saw his last life-saving straw, Normal.

“It’s simple, promise them.”

“Promise them?” Koga looked at Bai Mo in disbelief, frowned: “Is it!?”

“Nature will not do that.” waved, Bai Mo disdain: “? I destroyed many times Team Rocket is a good thing, the whole world well known, how could I still Team Rocket man”

“I say this, in fact, because I have a better idea, and I want to solicit you.”

Speaking, Bai Mo turned over the palm, a Flying Type bead appeared on In its hands.

“This is?” Koga’s pupils shrank again.

“This is a Flying Type bead.” The corner of his mouth raised slightly, Bai Mo directly threw the bead to Koga, “Your Crobat can use it to become a perfect Aptitude existence, and it can also become a champion. Exist.”

“This bead can only be effective for Pokémon below the perfect Aptitude, so I am useless. I will give it to you and show my sincerity.”

Koga still felt a little incorrect with the beads in his hand, and said in a daze, “What are you going to do?”

“It’s very simple, let you join my WT.”

The corner of the mouth is hooked. With an arc of confidence, Bai Mo came to Koga and talked freely: “What Team Rocket can give you, I can give you, and what I can’t, I can give too.”

” At the same time, join me, you don’t have to carry an evil name.”

“Also, I don’t need you to do anything now, as long as you become my internal counterpart in Team Rocket.”

“Usually, you can pass on some Team Rocket information, so that Alliance, me, and Team Rocket are all your resources.”

“Of course, you must be my allegiance.”

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