Later, he temporarily conquered a Darklei and almost grabbed a Deoxys.

Behind, Archie also put on “Simultaneous” and “Yong”, and named it-Greggeda.

When I arrived at Sinnoh, she flicked Akagi all the way.

Absolutely powerful woman.

If this woman is not so ugly and her taste is not good, Bai Mo would consider absorbing her into her own harem and influence.

But for now, forget it.

While Bai Mo was thinking, he suddenly felt a murderous aura coming from his side. He turned his head quickly and found that it was Shirona that glare like a tiger watching his prey.

“What’s wrong?” Bai Mo was a little strange.

“Are they pretty?” Shirona asked immediately.

“Hey, hello, do you think I have such a low taste, would I like that woman?” Bai Mo suddenly rolled his eyes silently, then looked at Shirona weirdly and asked:

“Wife Shirona, you won’t be jealous, are you?”

Chapter 0504 I tell you who the Team Rocket BOSS is!


“Will I be so superficial?”

Shirona denied it, but turned her blush and betrayed her.

On the side, Yulongdu looked at Bai Mo solemnly at this time and asked: “Bai Mo Professor, take the liberty to ask, Jirachi is a Level 2 god, Sect Master level, it can completely ravage the opponent Okay, can you tell me why you didn’t make the move?”

“No matter how bad, with Shirona and me, It shouldn’t be afraid of each other?”

“That’s Because you don’t understand them.” Seeing Yulongdu’s attitude was good, it was not a questioning. Bai Mo didn’t want Shirona to think too much, so he gave out the reasons he had prepared.

“In fact, Sird has a Darklei in his hand, and his strength should be like a Level 2 god.”

“It’s just that she hasn’t completely subdued it, so she can’t Use.”

“But if I really take out Jirachi to fight, she will definitely take out Darkley.”

“when the time comes, a Sect Master class The attack broke out, and we were completely spectators, and they also had a chance to escape.”

“The last thing to suffer is this Wild Wilderness area.”

“The gain is not worth the loss, so, I let them go because the result is destined.”

The real reason, Bai Mo obviously would not tell Yulongdu, he also counted on when the time comes to make a fortune with these prophets. Become a World’s Mightiest person and own the World’s Mightiest organization.

As for Sird, Bai Mo doesn’t know if she has Dakley now, but she will have it sooner or later, just because she can’t control it all the time, and she’ll be exiled to mysterious space in the end. .


Hearing Bai Mo’s words, Yulongdu’s pupils shrank sharply. He didn’t want to believe it, but he also felt that Bai Mo had no reason to lie. He, so it shocked him as well.

Shirona on the side has the same idea, Divine Beast, which is so rare.

Seeing Yulongdu’s expression, Bai Mo shook the head, “Du, Kanto and Johto’s water is too deep.”

“You still need to hurry up. Promote to the Sect Master level, otherwise, you will not be able to do anything in the future.”

“Have you ever thought about your Old Ancestor, President Damalanqi, Professor Oak, Agatha mother-in-law , Which is a simple character, but even so, Team Rocket is still rampant.”

“Team Rocket, it’s much more difficult to deal with than you think.”

“This!” Bai Mo’s words made Yulongdu silent again. He didn’t expect to think of these things, but he didn’t dare to think about it. But now Bai Mo said that, he knew that his strength was still too weak.

Took a deep breath, Du earnestly nodded to Bai Mo, “Teached, Bai Mo Professor, it seems that this meeting is over, I need to go to the Dragon Cave to stay for a while.”

Speaking of this, Yulongdu said, “Speaking of which, Bai Mo Professor, you can go to the Dragon Cave to conquer one of the Pokemon at will.”

” Don’t worry, I won’t give you the Yulongjia province.” Bai Mo also teased with Yulongdu.

Afterwards, Yulongdu and Bai Mo chatted a few more words and left the valley with vision and brought Tommy, as for the Dragonair mother and daughter.

While crossing the Dragon would like to accept the mother and child, but he clearly did not Bai Mo, not only to protect the mother and child no less, that is, do not know how much will be lost, so decisively abandoned .

Soon, Bai Mo and Shirona were left in the entire valley.

“My wife, I miss you.” Looking at Shirona’s eyes with an expression, Bai Mo reached out and hugged Shirona in his arms.

Although she is shy, but this time, Shirona, the royal sister, also not at all refused. She rarely showed her shy side and nestled in Bai Mo’s arms.

In the first few months of travel, there was a hint of fornication in the evening, coupled with Bai Mo until now’s telephone porridge offensive, as well as the continued strength of his own achievements and dazzling performance, no doubt, let The temple Saintess was moved.

“Bai Mo, are those three people really that strong?” Shirona asked in disbelief as he listened to Bai Mo’s heartbeat quietly.

“Indeed.” Touching Shirona’s silky hair, Bai Mo’s gaze has several points of depth, said solemnly: “Don’t say anything else, it’s just a Sect Master Trainer. Attention, yes. Trainer and Team Rocket have three.”

“You know this is strong, you know, in Sinnoh Region, besides your grandfather, the patriarch of the temple clan, who has this strength.”

“!” Shirona’s pupils shrank sharply when she heard Bai Mo telling her the truth. She really didn’t want to fight. Team Rocket is so strong. Doesn’t that mean that as long as Team Rocket is willing, it can completely dominate? One area or even two areas?

The most important thing is that Team Rocket has this strength, and Kanto and Johto are still the world of Alliance.

The strength of Kanto and Johto…

Thinking of this, Shirona’s expression became a little more dignified. “Grandfather said before that the Kanto mainland is the deepest and unmeasurable, even if it is now divided into The two areas are still the strongest. I didn’t feel anything.”

“This time, I really felt it.”

“My strength is still Too weak .”

“Don’t worry, just steadily become stronger.” Bai Mo lightly tapped on Shirona’s forehead: “I am there.”

“en “For Bai Mo, Shirona did not deny that she will continue to grow stronger, but she also feels that Bai Mo will definitely be better, because Bai Mo’s current strength, she understands that she is not far behind herself, of course, Without Divine Beast.

After that, Bai Mo and Shirona got tired for a while, and took her to meet Misty and other women to get to know each other.

The girls have known each other a long time ago, so the conversation is not very blunt.

Shirona is Kanto who has something to do, so she is about to leave. Bai Mo made a meal for her after a long absence.

As for the Dragonair mother and daughter, Bai Mo discovered that Dragonair is a high-grade Aptitude, while the little Dratini has a top-grade Aptitude. They were raised to Small World first.

After experiencing this time, Dragonair not at all refused Bai Mo’s invitation because she felt the fluctuations in Bai Mo that made her comfortable.

Soon, the time has come to separate again.

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