“Bai Mo!”


“Meeting you is the greatest luck in my life.”

“It’s also my happiness to get May.”

“I can make you happier.”

“Really, let me see. Recently this Has the side become bigger!”

The magical Jigglypuff of Chapter 0507


In the morning on 2nd day, I took a look at my arms May and Xiao Nai, Bai Mo exhales one breath saying, feel that they are getting stronger and stronger.

Last night, he asked for May three times, and his legs were soft all three times. He even begged for mercy and even used his mouth, but he still didn’t satisfy Bai Mo, so Bai Mo called later. Xiao Nai.

I asked Xiao Nai three more times before Bai Mo vented once.

As a man, he thinks this is good.

It is conducive to harmony in the harem.

Both girls are tired. Although Bai Mo can obviously fight again, but he did not continue, but when he was at Rest, he still felt that it was time to fight Milotic for 300 rounds. , Used to be narrow wins, now, what he wants is to conquer.

A kiss on the foreheads of the two girls in his arms, Bai Mo decisively used Teleport to go to the kitchen.

When Bai Mo disappeared, Xiao Nai and May opened their eyes at the same time.

It was found that the other party was awake, and there was a trace of blush on the faces of both women.

“Xiao Nai elder sister, you called so loud last night.” May teased Gardevoir, Xiao Nai’s face became redder, but she also said, “I begged for mercy yesterday.” Who is that person.”

“You can’t blame me, then.” May muttered a cute little mouth.

“Bai Mo is so big and so long. He is a younger sister and can’t eat it.”

“Aiya!” Gardevoir took this with his hand holding his forehead. The little girl who was broken by Bai Mo.

After eating breakfast, at noon, Bai Mo went out. Seeing that Ash hadn’t come, he returned to Small World to train his Pokémon again.

Several times in a row.

On this day, Bai Mo discovered that Ash and Brock had finally arrived in Neon Town.

“It’s finally here!” Seeing the two, Bai Mo immediately looked around. Soon, his gaze was Lock On on a round pink spherical Pokémon in Ash’s footsteps.

This Pokémon has small cat ears and big blue eyes. The arms are very short, but the feet are large and there is no tail.

After all, there is still a bunch of hair-like curls on its head.

This Pokémon is Jigglypuff.

At this time, Jigglypuff looked dejected and was chatting with Pikachu.

Bai Mo was unscrupulous and used his Psychic to listen to what these two guys were talking about.

Soon, Bai Mo decided not to show up for the time being after I heard things clearly, because Jigglypuff said that he has no confidence in Sing now, so Bai Mo wants to assist the plotter, let Jigglypuff know Sing first. .

So Bai Mo returned to Small World first.

Time, it was night soon. On this night, a stage was set up in the center of Neon Town and said that someone was going to sing.

When the time was almost up, Jigglypuff took the stage and sang a song with courage.

Following the singing, the whole town fell asleep. When Jigglypuff opened his Sing, he habitually squinted his eyes. Seeing what happened in front of him, it suddenly exploded. .


Jigglypuff, whose heart was filled with anger, took out a watercolor pen, and for the first time brought a graffiti on the faces of these people at the scene.

But at this time, Bai Mo appeared.

“Jigglypuff, your song, you sing very well.”

“Polly!?” Hearing the sound behind him, Jigglypuff instinctively turned his head and saw It is a handsome man with a smile on his face.

Well, at least, in terms of Jigglypuff’s aesthetics, I think this man has a very good appearance, which makes her very good.


“Polly? Polly!”

Jigglypuff walked up to the person a few steps and asked a few seriously. Questions.

hearing this, the man, Bai Mo, answered these questions very well, and at this time, Bai Mo’s eyes were full of brilliance.


Because he discovered that this Jigglypuff has a top grade Aptitude, which doesn’t matter. What’s even more strange is that when this Jigglypuff is Sing, there is the power of rules in the singing.

Although this is only the power of the most common rules, it is indeed the power of rules.

Because of this power, Jigglypuff can fully display the weakest Level 2 god’s formidable power when Sing.

But what makes Bai Mo feel a little regretful is that this power should only be used when Jigglypuff is in Sing. At other times, she is just ordinary Jigglypuff, and at best, Aptitude is excellent.

Jigglypuff even its evolutionary type is not a powerful Pokémon, so Bai Mo does not intend to train her and make her a main force of her own.

He has too many Pokémon that can be the main force than Jigglypuff.

But such a good Pokémon certainly can’t be cheap to others, so Bai Mo appeared, impressed Jigglypuff with the fact that he could listen to the song, and planned to abduct it.

“Poli!” Jigglypuff suddenly offered Bai Mo a condition.

Hearing Jigglypuff’s words, Bai Mo blinked and said with a smile: “Of course I can listen to you Sing again.”

“Not only can I, I have a friend It’s okay.”

“However, if we are not asleep after listening to your Sing, can you be her Pokémon?”

“Poly!” Jigglypuff decisively nodded .

Seeing Jigglypuff’s agreement, Bai Mo triumphantly snapped his fingers, then he did not hesitate to take Jigglypuff back to Small World and found the girls.

When I saw Jigglypuff, the girls were immediately attracted by her chubby appearance, all of them came forward and touched and hugged.

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