Anyway, someone else is impossible to copy his success.

When the time comes later, he will use the Gardevoir Mega Evolution as an opportunity to propose the Mega Evolution theory.

As for what is the right time, naturally, after he has searched for enough Mega Evolution Stones, just like now, he already has an Alakazam Mega Evolution Stone. This is the beginning of everything!

“Shadow Ball!”

Bai Mo’s calm voice sounded at this time, pulling back the thoughts of everyone who was stunned by the scene before them!

“Sana, Duo!”

Gardevoir put his hands on his chest, a black and purple ball of light quickly formed, and then it also flew out and Exploud use Umbra collided in mid-air!


Two Shadow Balls collided, and they exploded in midair without a stalemate!

“What the hell happened!?!”

Looking at the distinctive Gardevoir in the venue, everyone from Wanmu to Xiaosheng felt that their three views were changed.

Gardevoir has evolved again, and it seems to be carried out under the deliberate guidance of Bai Mo.

Moreover, the strength after the evolution has been qualitatively improved.

You need to know that Exploud is Elite. Although Ghost Type’s Unique Ability does not get the Profound Truth bonus, it can be used with the current Exploud lifespan at the end, at best it can be regarded as the Quasi-king Peak level.

It is also the strongest formidable power under Elite.

Now, after Gardevoir was weakened before, the Shadow Ball used by Gardevoir is evenly matched with the Shadow Ball used by Exploud.

In other words, Gardevoir actually has the strength of the quasi-king Peak at this time!

May watch Bai Mo and Gardevoir’s eyes become brighter than ever before.

In just this battle, Bai Mo has become a synonym for the words mysterious, handsome, powerful and so on in May’s heart.

Gardevoir has also become a Pokémon that May has longed for!

“Psyshock!” Bai Mo did not care about the thoughts of people around him. Mega Evolution has a time limit. He has to do it quickly and order Mega Gardevoir to attack again!


Gardevoir screamed, this time, what appeared in her eyes was not the blue rays of light, but the deep purple rays of light, in the void , One after another The spiritual blade condensed into substance appeared, and then all moved towards Exploud and flew away.


Looking at in midair, it is obvious that the formidable power has become larger, the fine divine light blade, and even those who have suffered a loss once did not dare to drag it away!


With a sound of Exploud Roar, a white rays of light appeared all over it!


Protect Ability can block Pokemon’s Unique Ability which is one level higher than yourself when it is used in the hands of Pokemon below Elite. Can block most of the Unique Ability of the same level.

Gardevoir’s Unique Ability formidable power is good, but it obviously does not cause any harm to the Protect Unique Ability with Profound Truth!

When the confrontation is over, Wanmu temporarily does not pay attention to Gardevoir’s Mega Evolution situation, and first orders:


” roar! ”

Hearing the order of all eyes, Exploud’s blood-red eyes suddenly emitted a strange blood vessel, and then a huge mouth blasted, and the sound moved towards all with Exploud as the origin. Scattered around, with different kinds of fluctuations in it!

Hearing this sound, May and the others couldn’t help but change their ears. Bai Mo frowned also used Psychic to isolate the sound, and then shouted to Mega Gardevoir who looked uncomfortable. , “Xiao Nai, use Psychic to isolate the sound!”


Gardevoir did it immediately.

When I heard Bai Mo, Wan Mu suddenly said loudly, “Boy, what you think is too simple, this Unique Ability is not that you won’t be harmed if you don’t listen to the sound!”

“Really!” Hearing this, Bai Mo is still the same, with a playful smile on the corner of his mouth, Lang Shan said, “Xiao Nai, don’t worry, just attack.”

“Use, Moonblast !”

Chapter 0060 has the upper hand


In the arena, Gardevoir lifts the head and then raised his hands, In the middle, suddenly condensed a mark of the moon.

On the strange moon, there seems to be a strange power falling, covering Gardevoir’s body.

Afterwards, Gardevoir appeared one after another Yellow rays of light dancing continuously, a purple Energy Ball slowly condensed, and after absorbing those Yellow rays of light, it moved straight towards Flew in the direction of Exploud.

“Hyper Beam!”

Although the description of Moonblast is very long, its real attack speed can be said to be extremely fast. After the condensation of the purple Energy Ball, it immediately moved towards Exploud. After the past, it was not until this time that Wanmu reacted and responded!

As for Wanmu’s surprise, it is natural that Gardevoir did not suffer any harm from his Exploud Boomburst Unique Ability!

As for the reason, only Bai Mo knows for now!


Golden Yellow’s energy light ball quickly condenses in the mouth, and soon it turns into a beam of light moved towards Moonblast and shoots away.


next moment, the beam collided with the Energy Ball, and it was just a stalemate for a while. Hyper Beam, a Unique Ability with a common Profound Truth, will blast the Moonblast Swallow, and flew straight towards Mega Gardevoir.

“Nai, can I use other abilities!?” When the two abilities collided, Bai Mo’s voice sounded in Gardevoir’s heart. He knew that Moonblast did not carry Profound Truth. The normal type is the opponent of Hyper Beam.

It’s luck to be able to block for a while.

“Not yet, Mo!” Gardevoir thought of Bai Mo with a helpless voice.

“Sure enough!” Bai Mo’s eyes flashed helplessly. The provoked Gardevoir Teleport, Double Team, and and so on Wish and other auxiliary class abilities are all useless. , Not even Protect!

Actually, before Bai Mo asked Gardevoir to use Moonblast because he guessed that Wanmu would use Hyper Beam to directly crush it, and Gardevoir’s current Ability formidable power that can be used quickly is not bad, Moonblast.

If you use Focus Blast, the formidable power may be enough, even because of Fighting Type Ability and Hyper Beam can last longer.

But the speed of Hyper Beam is very fast. Bai Mo has already seen it. Impossible gives Gardevoir too much time to prepare.

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