Hearing this, Bai Mo understood. This is because there are too many people around, and people are gathering to make trouble. After all, everyone is digging well and looking forward to it. After all, the complete fossil is still It is very valuable, but now suddenly it is said that it has become a private possession.

It’s fine if you have the strength, but if you are tough, it would be too shameful.

Of course, if you go out in person, things will definitely be simpler. To be honest, you still want the strength to speak. Butler is obviously sorry to let Bai Mo, the BOSS, do it himself.

“Actually, you think things are complicated.” With a smile, shook the head, and in the eyes of everyone incomprehensible, Bai Mo reached out to Patted Butler’s shoulder and said:

“We In fact, there is no need to expel them.”

“On the contrary, we can use this power.”

“Use?” Everyone is puzzled, and the girls are also puzzled. They cast curious eyes one after another, not knowing how to use them.

“It’s actually very simple.” With a light smile, Bai Mo said his thoughts faintly.

After listening to Bai Mo’s method, everyone around him was shocked. They felt that Bai Mo was really a genius. Not only was he a Professor, he had a high level of competence against innate talent. He didn’t expect even business acumen. so tall.

In this regard, Bai Mo just laughed indifferently and led people into the underground cave.

After Bai Mo left, Butler took a deep breath and started to implement the plan Bai Mo told him!

Wearing WT’s exclusive uniform, Butler brought forty people in four directions and started using loudspeakers to announce the news, to the effect that this Dasha Valley is already WT’s property, and everyone has no permission. , Shall not be mined.

In fact, these people who have mined have faintly guessed in the past few days. Now let me inform you that some people who are pure after all are going to leave, but some have already dug out fossils and tasted the sweetness. Some Trainers who think they are very good don’t want to just leave.

They all know that the current battle strength of the Kanto branch that WT has just established is not strong. As long as people gather, they can continue to seize every opportunity before the Alliance sends people.

Just when some people were planning to gather a crowd to make trouble, Butler and the rest of those who conveyed the news gave another news!

“Everyone pays attention.”

“Dasha Valley has become the private property of our WT. This is protected by the Alliance. I hope everyone will not break the law!”

” p>

Hearing this, some unsuspecting people are disdainful smiles. They won’t leave until Alliance sends people here, or WT takes out the power they can’t resist.

But this time, a new voice appeared.

“However, Bai Mo, the founder and chairman of our WT, has instructions.”

“He is also a commoner background. It is not easy to know civilians. Now, as long as every Individuals who pay 1,000 Alliance coins, we WT will give a temporary certificate, allowing you to legally have a week of mining time.”

“During the period, all that you dig is yours!”

As soon as this statement comes out, the gestures of those who are mining are all a meal. This is a good thing. The current market price of fossils is 10,000 Alliance coins. As long as you dig one piece, you will not only pay back your costs, but also make a profit. Nine thousand Alliance coins.

The most important thing is legal.

There is no need to worry about this in case the Alliance sends someone, or WT is forcibly expelled. After all, Bai Mo is well known about Divine Beast, which really annoys people, and they are also afraid to tie them together. .

To put it bluntly, many people are sure that Bai Mo will not surrender his status and attack them, but they are still afraid.

And now, Bai Mo took the initiative to take away the last bit of fear in their hearts.

Although one thousand Alliance coins are worth a lot for a commoner, it’s still close when compared with rewards.

So, as soon as Bai Mo gave the first move, 90% of the people present felt willing to cooperate, but the remaining 10 adults were unwilling in their hearts, but when there were few people, they I can only follow the trend.

But, Bai Mo will let these people take advantage of these?

Of course it must be negative.

At this time, the call of Butler and the others has changed!

A few words from Chapter 0513, fossils, money, Trainer, fame, all!

“Everyone, if you are willing to cooperate, please go to the temporary certification processing point set up by our WT company at the entrances and exits of Dasha Valley to pay 1,000 Alliance coins for the certification.”

“Unwilling, as long as we leave before tonight, we will all withhold investigating.”

“After tonight, starting tomorrow, our WT will send special personnel to patrol. If we find someone who has no proof, we will Will safeguard rights and violently expel.”

“If it is Primary Rank or Intermediate Rank Trainer, we have Top Rank Trainer here to invite you to fight!”

“If you are Top Rank Trainer, we have an elite trainer here to invite you to fight.”

“If you are an elite trainer, it doesn’t matter, we also have ten quasi-Elite trainers here for you to choose to fight.”

“If you are excellent, and you are a quasi-Elite Trainer, then the reason for my Elite Trainer is with you!”

“If you are an Elite, well, although I don’t think Elite Level Trainer will also dig fossils here, but in case there is something, my boss said, I am willing to fight with you personally, he just uses a Latias!”

Hearing these words, he is digging around. People started to talk and felt that WT has a feeling of taking advantage of one’s position to bully people, but after all, WT is legal, not an illegal organization, and these people are not good to say anything.

But these people’s impression of WT is undoubtedly a lot worse, and even many people plan to send things here to the Pokemon forum.

Yes, Pokemon forum and public opinion are things that Bai Mo cares more about. He doesn’t want his company image to be negative, which is not conducive to his future opportunities.

Of course, when there is no alternative, Bai Mo will not compromise for the so-called reputation. What he believes most is his fist.

But now, it’s smart enough.

Just when someone took out the navigator, or some small computer or something, Butler and the others spoke again.

“In the previous evictions, everyone may sound like our WT is too strong, so I will convey a word from our BOSS.”

“We are legal, why should we compromise? “

“Do you still have a reason for breaking the law?”

“Then I like your Pokémon, can I grab the Pokémon?”

“Of course, we don’t bother to say these. Our BOSS means that the reason for adopting such a captain model.”

“It is a test.”

“If we are on our side If you go to Level 1 and don’t Trainer, you won. Not only we WT will not pursue you, but we are even willing to hire you twice as much as our normal WT employees.”

“Use us In the words of BOSS, if you have the strength, you deserve to be treated differently!”

After hearing Butler’s this remark, those who originally planned to post the Pokemon forum decisively chose to stop, cracking a joke, if you are If you post, if today’s things are exposed, they will have no face as a human being.

Actually speaking of which, you will give you the qualifications when you pay. WT has treated them very preferentially. After all, they have no relatives with Bai Mo for no reason.

Yes, no relatives and no reason, so why does Bai Mo give them such a good opportunity? Naturally it won’t.

So, Butler and the others speak again:

“Finally, I want to convey the final meaning of our BOSS, that is, everyone is here to make a living, we WT rely on research, But also do business.”

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