After receiving Bai Mo’s order, Charizard X, who had already risen to the top of the imposing manner, gave a roar of fighting intent in his eyes, expression congeals, and exuded a terrifying imposing manner, Black ‘S figure rushed out like a cannonball.

Charizard X was extremely fast and came to Aerodactyl in an instant. At the same time, a huge purple illusory shadow appeared on two sharp claws and sent out, and there was a piercing sound in the air.


In the face of the menacing Charizard, although the attack is close at hand, Aerodactyl’s expression is already relaxed. When the attack is about to fall on it, Then it flapped its wings suddenly, and the whole body flipped back gently, avoiding Charizard X’s Dragon Claw attack with no difficulty.


Aerodactyl dodged Charizard X’s attack, but the latter’s Dragon Claw attack did not disappear as a result. Instead, it hit the stone in front of it. On the pillar.

At the moment of attacking the Primary Rank stone pillar, the rock pillar was smashed to pieces, and finally turned into powder.

Seeing this scene, although dodge attacked, the huge Aerodactyl’s gaze really became serious.

It didn’t expect Charizard X’s attack to be so powerful.

Although Aerodactyl has a Rock Attribute, a hard body, and a strong ability to fight offenses, I think of the feeling that Dragon Claw hits me.

The huge Aerodactyl’s eyes changed and he became serious!

Chapter 0516 The Battle of Attention! A huge Aerodactyl that can autonomously Mega Evolution!

In the cave, Bai Mo is slightly frowned when looking at the situation in the sky.

If Charizard X and the huge Aerodactyl battle, the damage will be no small, maybe it will affect the appearance of this low cave, and it will also wake up those ancient Pokémon who are sleeping.

“It’s good to change the playing field.”

Squinting his eyes, Bai Mo turned to look at Mew and said: “You use Teleport to transfer us, Charizard X, and huge Aerodactyl. Go out, this place is too small to be used.”

“If you don’t help against the game, no one will say about you.”

“Little things!” Mew didn’t care. Waved, blue rays of light appeared in his eyes.

next moment, blue rays of light appeared on everyone and Pokémon’s bodies, and after that, their situation changed, and they came to a clearing in the wall of the WT base, and it was huge. Aerodactyl and Charizard X are above the blue sky.


I noticed that the surrounding environment has changed, and the huge Aerodactyl has a sense of alertness in his eyes. Someone can move him out of a place silently, absolutely not simple .

It was the moment when the giant Aerodactyl was so absent-minded, Charizard X made a fierce shot and used a move of Steel Wing.

The metallic Black wings slid across the sky, and after splitting the air, they hit the huge Aerodactyl.

I was hit by Steel Type Ability, and Steel Wing with good formidable power, and the caster was Charizard X after becoming stronger. After being hit by the huge Aerodactyl, I felt pain.

As the ancient overlord of sky, he has always had his own part in bullying others. He was just released from freedom, and he was beaten by other Pokemon. Can this be tolerated?


With a violent roar, the giant Aerodactyl spread its wings again and took off, showing its already best speed, and his eyes became abnormally red.

His appearance clearly conveys his mood at this time to everyone.

Two words, Rage!

Seeing this, Bai Mo, a Teleport, came to Latias’s back, indifferently said, “Latias, it looks like that guy doesn’t accept it, anyway, I’m going to beat it until I’m convinced, Charizard X doesn’t know. Cultivation can’t do, take me up to the array first.”

“Okay, master!”

Latias slightly nodded, and then showed his own speed and flew up.

Just as Bai Mo took the Latias into the air, the huge Aerodactyl quickly approached Charizard X with its wings spread, and as it approached, purple energy began to accumulate in its mouth.


Without the slightest accident, the huge Aerodactyl sprayed out a purple wave, directly hitting Charizard X.

“Yi!” Seeing the Ability used by the giant Aerodactyl, Bai Mo felt a little weird in his heart. You should know that if you play against Pokémon, you can either use the Ability of your own Attribute, because there is a Profound Truth, which is a bonus to the rules.

Or, use the Ability that restrains the opponent’s Pokémon Attribute, because the effect is better.

The huge Aerodactyl is definitely good at Flying Type and Rock Type, and Rock Type Ability has four times the damage to Charizard, Fire Element, and Flying Element. Of course, Charizard X is Fire and Dragon Type, Rock Type Ability’s damage to it has doubled, but it is still restrained.

In the case of Normal, Rock Type Ability should be used for huge Aerodactyl. How can Dragon Type Ability be used?


Unless you think of this, Bai Mo eyes shrank.

At this time, Charizard X, who was hit by the Dragon Wave, instinctively used Aerial Ace after suffering a while.

After changing positions quickly, Charizard X began to approach the giant Aerodactyl at high speed.

At this moment, the huge Aerodactyl opened his bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, and began to condense the orange and Yellow light.

It seems that I am planning to use Hyper Beam.

“Charizard, use Flamethrower first.”

“Use Blast Burn afterwards!”

Without any hesitation, Bai Mo immediately issued the order.

Get the order, Charizard X, who was flying, opened his mouth and moved towards the front Spit Up, a pillar of fire!

next moment, the light of orange and yellow and the flame of blue and purple also sprayed out at the same moment, and they collided fiercely in an instant.


A huge explosion appeared, attracting the attention of Trainers who were registering temporary certificates around the WT base to excavate fossils!

“What’s that?”

“It’s Pokemon fighting!”

“The two Pokémons fighting are…”

“That’s Aerodactyl?”

“God, doesn’t that mean that Pokémon is extinct? How could it appear?”

“Charizard was the one who was fighting against him?”

“It should be Shiny Charizard, right?”

“Really strong, handsome Charizard, is it Wild?”

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