“So you agreed to be my wife in the future, didn’t you?”

Bai Mo finally asked Jirachi, who was sluggish for a long time and carefully sorted out the logic. After a while, I clicked nodded, “It seems, it makes sense, that’s what it means.”

“Keep your promise.” With a grin, Bai Mo touched Jirachi’s head, “My fiancee.”



Jirachi repeatedly nodded, indicating that he knows it.

Seeing this, Bai Mo feels that Jirachi is definitely the best Divine Beast to abduct. There is no one.

Solved Jirachi, Bai Mo looked at Mew, raised his brow and said: “Super Divine Beast won’t renege on a debt, right?”

“hmph!” Mew Little Loli Tsundere hugged her chest, “You will be ready soon.”

“Very good.” With a tick at the corner of his mouth, Bai Mo turned his head and looked towards Vivi, “Vivi, as my backyard Chief Steward , Are you okay?”

Speaking, Bai Mo blinked.

“No…no opinion.” Vivi shook her head shyly, saying that she had no opinion. She couldn’t ask for it. In the world, Normal Trainer and her Breeder came together.

“Misty? Sundae?” Bai Mo looked towards Misty and Sundae.

“hmph, our four sisters have all been harmed by you, nonsense.” Misty bulged, and Sundae was shy, “whatever you say!”

It is also rare for top students to behave like an endearing little bird.

“Elise Jia!” Bai Mo looked at Elise Jia and said: “Parents’ orders, matchmaker’s words.”

“I listen to my mother.” Elise Jia is shy Bowed his head.

“Sabrina?” Bai Mo finally looked towards Sabrina.

“Me?” Sabrina turned her head blankly and looked at Bai Mo, and then said: “If you don’t want me, I will turn you into a doll.”

“Very well, They are all perfect.”

With a smug smile, Bai Mo looked at Cattleya, “So, these all are your sisters, you know?”

“Just you are my apprentice , Come and help!”

“I won’t!” Cattleya stood up excitedly: “Even as an apprentice!”

“What is the relationship between teacher and student? Is there a relationship!?”

Chapter 0531 The shy Cattleya proactively offers kisses

“It’s not impossible to love teachers and students!”

Cattleya stood up directly and looked at Bai Mo persistently, but at the next moment, when she noticed the eyes of the girls around her, her pretty face immediately turned red.

“No, I mean…”

“It’s not what you think!”

For a while, I didn’t speak much Cattleya would be like losing her language ability Normal, stammering, and didn’t know what to say.

But girls obviously wouldn’t just let Cattleya who accidentally expressed her innermost thoughts.

Sabrina didn’t speak, she just gave a thumbs up, Mew said straightforwardly, indifferently said: “Liya, didn’t expect, you still like this tune, teacher-student love, It seems to be very emotional!”

“Wouldn’t the feeling of changing from an apprentice to a teacher’s wife be great?” Sister Gengar blinked meaningfully.

Ziling Qian Qianyi said with a smile: “Maybe, or why does Liya like this.”

“Ai, the world is getting worse!” May learns from herself The look of grandfather sighed over there.

As the girls joked, Togepi, who was sitting on Bai Mo’s lap, waved his hand happily, “Jacket encourages!”

“Ah!” Cattleya is I really couldn’t bear it, no way, blue rays of light appeared in her eyes, and she planned to use Teleport to stay calm and calm.

However, at this time, Bai Mo spoke up and said seriously: “Don’t say that about Liya, it’s too embarrassing.”

See Bai Mo speaking to herself, Cattleya’s heart I was moved, but at this time, Bai Mo changed his words:

“After all, it’s shameful to have a crush on his Master and want to do things like his master’s mother, Li Yaneng said Come out, it’s already pretty good!”

“Damn it!”

After hearing Bai Mo’s last words, Cattleya blushed and yelled, using a Teleport and I don’t know where to go. Up.


Seeing Cattleya’s departure, the girl burst into laughter!

When Bai Mo saw this, he was also slightly smiled, and then began to finish tonight’s dinner. After a while, the dinner was completed. The long-lost Bai Mo brand curry rice.

After the girls started to eat, Bai Mo did not eat at all, but used Teleport to come to Cattleya’s back. This Small World, but his Small World, knows everything well. , Where is Cattleya, naturally I can’t hide it from him.

“Damn it, it’s all Master’s fault.”

“Just kidding me, why should I be with May and the others, I’m so ashamed.”

“It doesn’t matter, when the time comes out, I will slip away and wait for a long time to come back.”

Looking at the lake in front of you, Cattleya was alone I don’t know what I’m talking about.

At this moment, a pair of hands suddenly appeared on Cattleya’s waist and hugged her.


Suddenly hugged, Cattleya was about to release Psychic, but at the next moment, she found out that her Psychic was not available.

Although Psychic can’t be used anymore, Cattleya’s panic is gone, because she knows very well that in Bai Mo’s Small World, only Mew and Dak can’t use Psychic. Lay, Jirachi and Bai Mo can do it.

Others, even Sabrina and Xiao Nai can’t do it.

And now that you can suddenly hug yourself, it’s only Bai Mo.

“I heard that my good apprentice is leaving.” Putting her head on Cattleya’s shoulder, Bai Mo blew on her ear, making her itchy.

“Who let you guys tease me like that.” Cattleya lowered her head and played with her fingers, and argued in a low voice.

“That’s because everyone is their own, so I made a joke.” With a smile, Bai Mo said softly: “Liya’s heart, Master received it. After that, you I need to be full-time.”


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