A flash of interest and strange gaze flashed in his eyes, Blaine haha ​​smiled, and immediately said, “Rhydon, Stone Edge!”


Get Order, in the field, Rhydon roared, the power of Earth Yellow appeared from his body, and two cross-rotating Earth Yellow light bands appeared around his body. Then, the light band turned into countless stones towards the Mega in the air. Salamence launched.

” roar!”

did not issue commands such as Bai Mo, in midair, Mega Salamence own Jishe face Stone Edge comes, loudly roared is hit up the body Golden rays of light emerge.

Wrap the golden rays of light, Mega Salamence smashed the sharp stone without blinking his brows, and hit Rhydon fiercely with a press forward imposing manner.


No accident, Rhydon was directly hit and flew out, and after falling on the ground, he marked a short distance before reluctantly stopping.


Under the attack at this time, Rhydon barely wanted to stand up, but after barely getting up for another step, he shook his body again, a little embarrassed. Kneeling on the ground, he could only stare at Mega Salamence.

I can only wait for Mega Salamence to slowly get through the rigid time.

Seeing this scene, Bai Mo intends to direct Mega Salamence to give the final blow immediately after the freezing time has passed.

But at this moment, white rays of light appeared on Rhydon.

“This is the evolved rays of light!?”

Looking at this scene, everyone was surprised again, and the Sundae was surprised even more strangely said: “Rhydon still Can it evolve?”

But obviously, apart from Bai Mo, none of the girls who also don’t know the answer can give him a reasonable explanation.

Bai Mo frowned while looking at the scene in front of him, because he knew very well that Rhydon could not complete evolution. Speaking of which, he could train both Rhydon and Magmar who had not yet fully evolved. At the championship level, Bai Mo really admires Blaine.

If Blaine’s Magmar and Rhydon evolution, and that his current success, at least in this regard Trainer is not inferior to Professor Oak.

This is also one of the reasons Bai Mo intends to recruit Blaine, because as long as he recruits him and puts him on the shackles to ensure that he will not be betrayed, after Help Rhydon and Magmar evolve, then Bai Mo’s men are very likely It will soon appear a Sect Master level Trainer.

When the time comes, the WT he established can really become a force of the same level with Team Rocket and Alliance.

Not to mention these for now. At this time, in the venue, just as Bai Mo had expected, after rays of light appeared on Rhydon’s body, it began to slowly disappear.

Upon seeing this, Bai Mo intend to let Mega Salamence use may have been a fatal blow to freedom of movement, but this time, the accident appeared again.

In the venue, white rays of light appeared again on Rhydon’s body. Bai Mo observed that its strength began to grow, but its face showed a painful look.

“Rhydon!” Blaine suddenly looked nervously at Rhydon in the venue. He is really anxious now. Could it be that Rhydon is going to follow the same old path as Rhyperior Tyrunt.

to survive, may soon die, because now about to have the power of this body can not Rhydon control, even good luck to survive, and also the potential doomed, lifespan greatly reduced, barely the strength to Champion-level Peak, but there will be no further opportunities unless it evolves!

But the evolution of Rhydon and Magmar, I have never heard of it.


Thinking of this, Blaine’s eyes suddenly changed, because he had received news that Bai Mo had a way to evolve Magmar. If he hadn’t left Cinnabar Island for fear of being designed Revenge by Team Rocket, he would have done it for himself. The Old Partner rushed to go.

In that case, would Rhydon?

Thinking of this, Blaine immediately turned her head and looked towards Bai Mo and asked, “Bai Mo Professor, Rhydon’s situation is not optimistic. My Magmar also encountered this situation and almost died at the time.”

“Although I barely saved my life later, I also lost a lot. Now I still need to warm up in the lava every day.”

“I have something to say, I don’t know if you have studied it. After Rhydon, can it evolve anymore?”

“oh?” Seeing Blaine’s initiative, Bai Mo, who was thinking about profiting from somebody’s misfortune, suddenly turned a corner of his mouth, said with a smile:

“I really know that Rhydon’s evolution is called Rhyperior Tyrunt.”

“The evolutionary conditions are somewhat special and require specific things. I happen to have this thing too. “

” but, why should I Help how about you? “

Chapter 0541 Mewtwo! Mew is blown up!

Bai Mo’s words, while giving Blaine hope, he was a little frustrated for a while, because now he is in the gap between Alliance and Team Rocket, and even Professor Oak and Agatha are not so good. I contacted, and I really can’t get any good price.

After all, anyone with a discerning eye can see that once Rhydon evolves into Bai Mo’s Rhyperior Tyrunt, not only will his strength be greatly increased, his potential and physical fitness will also be greatly increased. At that time, he will become a Sect Master Pokémon. Not impossible.

Sect Master level, it is now known that humans can reach the level of pinnacle, and the number of people who reach this level on the entire world may be only two hands.

I took a look at Blaine, Bai Mo didn’t really ask him to give a reply like that, because there are many things that Blaine wants to do. If you have done things now, you will lose out. .

Thinking of this, Bai Mo directly took out a set worth millions from the space ring, but in Bai Mo’s eyes it was just a bauble’s strange protective gear that was available at any time.

Take out the protective gear, Bai Mo’s eyes flashed with blue rays of light, and the whole person came to Rhydon’s side and began to put it on.

After Rhydon put on his protective gear completely, the white radiance appeared on Rhydon’s body, and it suddenly reached the brightest level. In the rays of light, its body was obviously changing.

Obviously, Rhydon has really evolved.

This scene immediately attracted everyone’s attention, and they were all very curious. This time, they could see some novel Pokémon.

That is, at this time, the rays of light disperse, and a brand new Pokémon appears.

only Pokémon image and Rhydon’d quite like, but in his whole body but has a red armor, looked very powerful body, it seemed robust a lot.


The evolution is complete, and Rhyperior Tyrunt uttered a roar at Bai Mo, which was a thank you.

“You are welcome!” Slightly smiled, Bai Mo waved his hand to Rhydon, and at the same time, he waved his arm to cancel Mega Salamence’s Mega Evolution.

Now, Rhydon became Rhyperior Tyrunt, strength is to champion Peak, this game can be played bad, there is no need to hit.

“Bai Mo Professor, many thanks!”

Seeing the appearance of Rhyperior Tyrunt with his own eyes, Blaine felt that she was going to be old and crying. He really didn’t expect that he would still be there in his lifetime. If you have the opportunity to become a Sect Master Trainer, your Old Partner can also accompany you for longer.

Took a deep breath, Blaine took out a notebook from her arms and handed it to Bai Mo: “Professor Bai Mo, although I don’t know if it’s enough, it’s my most precious thing. Thank you.”

“The above records some research projects that I participated in when I was in Team Rocket. One of them was to study Mew’s eyelashes to make a Pokémon that would surpass her. I hope to help you. “

“Xia Mi!?”

“Beyond me?”

In the girl, the Sleep Talk who was playing Yawn originally heard Blaine’s words , I was shocked, a flash came to Bai Mo’s side and took the note in the hand of his chin.

On the other side, in the void, Ho-Oh, who had been dozing off, also came to his mind after hearing these words.

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