Misty, Sundae and Sabrina have never gotten along with Yai and Toozi , but Bai Mo also knows each other when talking on the phone with Mei and Toozi. Now, it’s not too unfamiliar.

“Why are you back?” After everyone greeted me, Mew asked the question Ram asked before.

Hearing this, Yayi and Toozi were afraid for a while, and Meiw’s arm around the ring bulged and said: “The big sister is big, you must give me Retaliate.”

“The Shiny Metagross is really strong. I can’t beat Toozi and I, so I contacted Mo Lai to subdue it. But just today, a woman with very tasteless dress appeared suddenly and asked us about Shiny Metagross. Circumstances.”

“Let’s not say, she actually directly released a powerful Salamence to attack us, if it weren’t for us with a small Leafage, we would automatically return to Small World when we encountered danger. I must be hurt now.”


Mew frowned when she heard Mei’s words, but soon, she said with a smile: “Bai Mo It’s already in the town of Strong Wind. If you are here, he will definitely not be able to contact you, so he will find the location of Shiny Metagross by himself.”

“If I meet that woman, he will definitely give you Retaliate, you guys Just wait here for the news.”

“That’s good!” Yayi waved his fist angrily, Toozi suddenly laughed, and then looked towards Xiao Nai and said: “Aren’t you okay with you? “

“It’s okay.” With a gentle smile, Xiao Nai said softly: “Latias is following Mo!”

What Gardevoir didn’t say was that Bai Mo asked for it last night She has been too many times, she is now soft and prone, and it is safer to be in Small World.

At the same time!

After some inquiries, Bai Mo reached the valley where Shiny Metagross was located.

This bizarre valley is not far from the town of Strong Wind. Bai Mo reached a three-way intersection without using Teleport a few times. A sign was erected at this intersection.

I don’t know who set up this sign, but Bai Mo thinks it should be a girl, because it is painted with a cartoon-shaped white golden Shiny Metagross image.

At the same time, there are a few lines written next to explain the situation, mainly that the Trainer on the journey should not enter this valley. Of course, this is a reminder for those who are not strong enough.

For a powerful Trainer like Bai Mo, it is a guide.

Bai Mo does not know is that the establishment of this brand of clothing that shoots two women, two women did so, because this Shiny Metagross have some special!

Without much thought, Bai Mo directed a sign to move towards one direction. He waited until he reached a cliff and found that there was no road ahead.

Seeing this, Bai Mo looked around and found that there were bare Rocks everywhere, and there was no sign of Pokémon activity.

But outsiders can’t tell, Bai Mo doesn’t have to be so troublesome.

Directly release Psychic moved towards all around and start the investigation, Bai Mo immediately discovered the location of Shiny Metagross.

Noting Shiny Metagross, Bai Mo found that he, like the original, seems to have a territorial awareness of his homeland. Now it happens to be hiding behind a huge rock, seeming to be waiting for a sneak attack.

This Shiny Metagross looks at himself without blinking. This posture is like a weak spot Normal of a sophisticated hunter patiently waiting for his prey.

The corners of his mouth curled up, Bai Mo turned to the rock and shouted: “Come out, Metagross, I have seen you.”

But Bai Mo was surprised Yes, after hearing his words, Shiny Metagross chose to pretend to be deaf and dumb, still just staying there quietly.

Obviously, it feels that Bai Mo is just trying casually, but it is also right. Shiny Metagross has Psychic, and it can use Psychic to observe enemies. It certainly does not believe that a human being has the same Pokémon as it is. ability.

“The IQ is really high!” Seeing that Shiny Metagross did not appear, Bai Mo gave a secret compliment, then threw a Poké Ball and shouted: “Aggron, Earth Power!”

” roar! “

As the white light flashed, and with a roar, Aggron’s heavy body fell heavily on the Ground.

In the moment he landed, it is a heavy step on Ground, a soil Yellow strength came from his feet, straight is moved huge Rock towards the piece Shiny Metagross H to hide.


Earth Power came suddenly. Shiny Metagross did not expect such a situation at all. Rock was shattered and continued to move towards the rear and shoot.


Earth Power also hit Shiny Metagross, and because it was behind the Rock, the Rock that was crushed by Earth Power also had a sharp break. The sound flew out.

Suddenly, a pile of rubble hit Shiny Metagross’s body, causing it to roar with pain.

At this time, Shiny Metagross naturally understands that he has really been discovered, and he is no longer smart, and directly uses the electromagnetic Levitate Ability to levitate himself. In this way, it can avoid harm to itself to a certain extent. Very high Ground Type Ability.

And here, Bai Mo has begun to seriously looked at from in front only Shiny Metagross.

Its whole body is white golden, the paws on the limbs and the cross-shaped pattern on the face are golden yellow, and the eyes are crimson, thinking of a bit cruel, but Bai Mo knows that Shiny Metagross is absolutely calm and abnormal The lord.

Bai Mo immediately used his Psychic to observe the situation of this Shiny Metagross.

Well, the strength of Elite Top Rank and the Aptitude of top grade are not bad, but they have almost the same training value as their own Salamence.

However, Shiny Metagross has a Psychic Type Attribute, which should be more compatible with Bai Mo.

In addition, although this Shiny Metagross of Aptitude than Steven that almost, but the body fight in a circle, can be considered extraordinary natural talent.

also be prodded, Bai Mo looked Shiny Metagross faint opening said:

“Shiny Metagross, I have come to rein you in, and you as my Aggron strength, it Let’s make a fair fight?”

But what Bai Mo didn’t notice was that high in the sky, a woman standing on Salamence’s back was Lock On!

Chapter 0546 Aggron VSShiny Metagross!

Although he has Psychic, Bai Mo is not used all the time, especially when he wants to command Aggron and Shiny Metagross to fight, he takes it more seriously.

“Aggron, Metal Claw!”

Following Bai Mo’s command, Aggron’s legs glared towards the Shiny Metagross moving towards the front, and dazzling appeared on both claws. Metallic luster.

At this moment, Shiny Metagross suddenly used a high-speed movement, and a flashing body suddenly moved towards Bai Mo and rushed quickly. At the same time, he also raised his right paw, which also appeared on the paw. The metallic luster.

This Shiny Metagross turned out to be the alloy claw used by Bai Mo without the slightest hesitation!

Faced with this scene, Bai Mo, who has the strongest strength below Divine Grade, that is below Pokémon at the championship level, seems very calm, just looking at Shiny Metagross, who is constantly approaching him. There was a strange flash in his eyes.


Aggron’s reaction seemed quite slow. After he noticed Shiny Metagross’s movements, he hit his Metal Claw on the ground, Assist paws Turned around with great intensity, accelerated, and soon caught up with Shiny Metagross.

After that, before Shiny Metagross was about to hit Bai Mo, Aggron directly used Protect Unique Ability to block Bai Mo’s body, preventing Shiny Metagross’ attack.


With a sound, the rays of light on Shiny Metagross’s hand disappeared, and the white radiance on Aggron’s body also disappeared.

Next moment, it’s a tacit understanding. The hands of the two Pokémon have a metallic luster again, and they use Metal Claw together!


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