Chapter 0554 WT global arrest warrant, brush favors!

“We’ll meet again some day!”

Speaking the last four words, Pryce took out two Poké Balls and took back Gengar and Houndoom, and then took out two Poké Balls, respectively Delibird and Piloswine are released!

Delibird and Piloswine exploded in an imposing manner of their entire bodies the moment they appeared.

“really strong!”

I feel that the two Pokémons are no weaker than the imposing manner that Houndoom and Gengar have issued before. Shirona and the others are all shocked. At the same time, Pryce has become an absolute danger in their hearts and an existence that needs to be watched out.

Have the strength of at least four Sect Master Pokémons. This strength, except for the strongest power master in each Region, such as Kanto Oak, Johto Dragon, Hoenn Meteor, Sinnoh Temple, etc. Strong man.

It is estimated that other people and forces cannot even resist.

“old fox!”

Looking at the departed Pryce and Team Rocket, although the battle this time was thunderous and rainy, Bai Mo still had to admire Pryce’s strength, as well as Pryce’s old fox’s ability to sow discord.

Pryce, this guy deliberately proposed any cooperation before, obviously to provoke the relationship between him and Alliance.

After all, no matter what Bai Mo’s real thoughts are, his ability to become a Professor at a young age and two Sect Master Pokémon is really too strong.

However, Bai Mo doesn’t care about this.

As for the reason.

hehe, he himself is a Sect Master class, now he has one more Blaine under him, and he is also the son-in-law of the temple clan, and he can become the controller of the meteor clan with a single operation.

This power can already fight against Alliance, because Alliance is a combination of countless interest groups and forces, and Bai Mo is an interest group of the cream of the crop. At the same time, his There are many cream of the crop interest groups behind it.

As long as it is not public that inhuman and Pokémon are hostile to Alliance, Bai Mo is being jealous, and no one will thanklessly be targeted.

Of course, even so, Pryce yin himself, Bai Mo is still very upset, so he narrowed his eyes, and the moved towards Butler shouted:

“Bart Le, post an official WT message on the Alliance forum!”

“I promise, no matter what method is used.”

“Pryce and Giovanni can be arrested whenever possible. When it arrives, or if the head is sent to me, I will give him 100 million Alliance coins, a Quasi-Legendary Pokémon of perfect Aptitude!”

“This reward will always be valid!”


“In addition, for the Executive of Team Rocket, I will give 50 million Alliance coins for any one, and a top grade Aptitude for any Quasi-Legendary Pokémon.”

“As for the others, you Let me make it up. We, WT, announced today that we are officially and permanently hostile to Team Rocket!”

Yes, anyway, we are destined to be no friends, or, now we are already known as enemies. Fortunately, Bai Mo Just pick it up.

Anyway, Team Rocket is about to enter the shrinking period. When Team Rocket is active again, hehe, it’s hard to say when the time comes.

Ahead, Pryce, who has not walked far, heard Bai Mo’s words, and several strange rays of light flashed in his eyes. Finally, he didn’t say much, and continued to move towards the front!

And all the news that happened in WT today, at this time, was constantly being spread out, directly detonating the whole world.

Whether it is Bai Mo or Darklei, it is also a matter of Sect Master-level Darklei.

The masked man who is one of Team Rocket’s bosses is a matter of Johto’s strongest Gym’s Pryce.

Or Pryce has such a powerful thing.

More even, it is the last WT released by Bai Mo.

The whole world is boiling.

At this time, Bai Mo didn’t care about this, and directly asked Butler to solve the following issues and asked him to contact the people behind Alliance. Bai Mo greeted Shirona and came to the highest level of WT. Office of the Chairman.

“Thank you three for coming to rescue our WT.” In the office, Bai Mo smiled at Shirona.

In this regard, Shirona directly chose to ignore it. Diantha and Lorelei are not too familiar with Bai Mo. Modestly said: “Professor Bai Mo, this joke of yours is not funny at all.”

“If you don’t come, it doesn’t matter who saves anyone.”

What Diantha said is indeed the truth. With the existence of Pryce, they need Bai Mo The rescuer is right.

“We don’t tell the facts, we just say our hearts!” With a light smile, Bai Mo waved his arm and two boxes appeared on the coffee table in front of the four.

“What is this!?” Looking at the two boxes that appeared in front of them, Diantha and Lorelei both blinked curiously.

hearing this, Bai Mo did not rush to explain, but reached out and patted it!

“pa! pa! pa!”

As three sounds appeared, a wall of the chairman’s office suddenly separated slowly, and then a huge TV screen was revealed.

After the TV screen appeared, two videos were played on it.


“It’s incredible!”

When the video was over, the eyes of the three girls were shocked, but Shirona didn’t speak, only Diantha and Lorelei were surprised again and again.

“This is the power of our WT research, called Mega Evolution.” Slightly smiled, Bai Mo briefly explained the so-called Mega, and then said: “What the two of you saw just now is what I am wearing. Evolution Keystone, and the evolution process of Gardevoir and Slowbro with their respective Mega Evolution Stones.”

“Now it’s this tool for the two of you. You two can find time to try it out in private, as long as you Connecting with your Pokémon, completing Mega evolution is definitely not a problem.”

“Mega evolution.” Hearing Bai Mo’s narration, Lorelei and Diantha looked at each other, and in the end they couldn’t refuse this temptation. Especially since they have just seen the power of the Sect Master level, to be able to become stronger, for them, it is really eager.

Although this kind of thing is noble, Lorelei and Diantha have the same idea, that is, even if you owe favors, you have to get this.

Accepted a set of Mega evolution equipment, Diantha and Lorelei have a lot of eyesight, and after a little chat with Bai Mo, they withdrew, leaving only Bai Mo and Shirona.

“Shirona wife, work hard!” When Diantha and her two left, Bai Mo immediately sat next to Shirona and gave her a pretense massage.


Tsundere’s coldly snorted, Shirona tastes: “They all have good things, what about me?”

Chapter 0555 At the office with Shirona…a sudden invitation

“You are my wife, naturally more!”

With a smile on his face, Bai Mo took out a box, There are four beads in the box. In fact, one is the most Primal Evolution Keystone.

“This larger one is an evolutionary keystone!”

“These three smaller ones are Lucario, Garchomp, and Gardevoir’s Mega evolutionary stone!”

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