Seeing this scene, Bai Mo looked up at Mewtwo again and said: “I taught you that Pokémon is special, now I will teach you a little more!”

” It’s called a Pokémon combo. It can be combined with Ability to give out super formidable power!”

Yes, Bai Mo’s idea is very simple, and that is to let Mewtwo experience a lot of things he doesn’t know. After all, Mewtwo now The horizons and gaze are still in Kanto.

When the education is over, and then let Mew show a wave of operations, Bai Mo intends to show off his mouth escape.

But for now, let’s win the game cleanly.

Thinking of this, Bai Mo looked towards his own Blastoise once again, his gaze condensed again, and he spoke slowly!

Chapter 0561 dispatched all the strongest lineups

“Rapid Spin!”

Bai Mo’s voice sounded again and entered Blastoise’s ears.

In the field, the tail with water and Hydro Pump attacking the stale Blastoise immediately began to spin, with the power of rotation, it directly penetrated the Hydro Pump, and hit the patterned Blastoise in one shot!


Blastoise hits directly on the head of the pattern Blastoise. Because the latter is using Ability, there is no chance of turning the head before being hit. After moved towards Down and fly out!

“Okay, so awesome!”

The few people who were watching the battle looked at Bai Mo’s command, and they were shocked in their hearts. The gap was too big!

But this is not the end!

“Giga Impact!”

Bai Mo’s voice came out again. Blastoise, which just landed quickly with the force of rotation, was covered with golden rays of light and was facing fierce imposing. The manner rushed up, and instantly caught up with the flying Blastoise!


As the Blastoise made a loud roar, it hit the patterned Blastoise, and the power of the whole body also tilted out.

With the emergence of a crisp and muffled sound of’bang’, the waves of golden energy spread out and the ripples spread out at the place where the two collided!

But it was just a blink of an eye. Originally, he didn’t make any preparations in the inverted flight. The pattern Blastoise, who had not received Mewtwo’s order, let out a scream, and the whole body was again given by Blastoise’s Giga Impact. The knocked one flew out.


A loud noise appeared, and Blastoise was directly pressed into the Ground, directly losing the combat capability.

“Next is the last game, Pupitar, it’s handed over to you!”

Bai Mo is no nonsense, after the Poké Ball took back the Blastoise and let it return to Small World, So I took out Pupitar’s Poké Ball.

Pupitar is the evolution of Bai Mo after Bai Mo rescued Shellder and defeated the subdued Larvitar with Pokémon of the same intermediate rank. Now it has the strength of an elite Peak.

Elite Peak strength, Pupitar with defense-oriented, and Quasi-Legendary, to fight against the defective Charizard manufactured by Mewtwo, Bai Mo doesn’t think there is any problem.

Maybe, there will be one more Elite Quasi-Legendary Pokémon today.


Pupitar’s voice came out, and its figure appeared in the venue. At this time, its eyes were filled with excitement. After all, except for Bai After Mo’s own Pokémon train with each other, this is his first match!

“You are very good, not to mention the strength of Pokémon, in terms of command, you do have the strength that exceeds the other trainers!”

Mewtwo at this time takes a deep look One glance at Bai Mo, the expressions all fluctuate a little. After all, the three Pokémon in the venue are all carefully-brewed replicas in her eyes. Although the achievements are limited, they must be better than the current genuine ones.

She never thought that under the same strength, they would be defeated one day. This challenged Mewtwo’s heart that the Pokémon that was created must be able to surpass the original.

Although Mewtwo seems to be very cruel, it is also caused by the environment. Her heart is still kind, and she also keeps her promise very much. After directing the last Charizard to come out and Pupitar, she confronted Pupitar. , Indifferently said:

“If the next Charizard is also defeated, I can challenge you to my power!”

“Then I really can’t wait!” It’s not with Mewtwo When he played, Bai Mo was confident and quickly commanded, “Pupitar, Stone Edge!!!”

As Bai Mo’s order fell, Pupitar saw the yellow rays of light in his eyes. Two rotating halos appeared immediately, and the halos then turned into two sharp stones, approaching Charizard.

“Iron Head!”

Seeing the dense sharp rocks flying out, Bai Mo gave another order, Pupitar’s whole body suddenly glowed with metallic luster, and the whole body shot out.


At this time, according to Mewtwo’s instructions, Charizard used Dragon Claw to continuously defend against the attack of sharp stones. I have to say that this Charizard’s power It’s very strong, so the speed is also very fast, and it is easy to smack down the Rock that hits him on the ground.

But at this moment, Pupitar’s metallic figure came first in the Rock pile, and suddenly appeared in the middle, hitting Charizard’s body in one fell swoop!


As another explosion appeared, Charizard suddenly flew out.

“Rock is blocked!”

Bai Mo gave another order, Pupitar’s eyes flashed, and a few rocks behind Charizard, who flew out, condensed in the void. It besieged it.

“Iron Tail!”

Mewtwo gave the order, Charizard flicked his tail without looking back, and Rock was smashed in an instant!

However, when Bai Mo saw this scene, the corner of Bai Mo’s mouth ticked!

“Combination, Rock Slide!”


I saw the power of the Central Plains Yellow in Pupitar’s eyes reappearing. Those should be Behind the pattern Charizard, the gravel that appeared at its feet as it flew upside down was controlled by an inexplicable force, and they all ejected and hit Charizard’s body!

noticed Mewtwo unexpected expression, Bai Mo faintly smiled and said: “Rock blockade is Pupitar use their own power created by the Rock, with it has a spiritual maintain, after being crushed, short It can still be sensed within time!”

“At this time, when using Rock Slide, Pupitar doesn’t have to look for other Rocks to strike out. You can use these rocks directly!”

After speaking, seeing that Charizard’s wings hit by Rock Slide were affected, flying was difficult, Bai Mo shouted again: “Iron Head fly over!”

“Use Earth Power!”


Pupitar once again glowed with a metallic luster and slammed into Charizard, and at the same time, within its body, an earthy yellow force began to brew.

“Metal Claw Seven!”

I swept the patterned Charizard’s wings, calculated its flying speed and time, and the speed it came over now. It is clear that the former cannot escape now. Mewtwo decisively chooses to use the right Ability to touch!

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