But after comprehending the rules, it will double.

Add 10 points, that is to say, the Sect Master primary rank is increased by 10 on the basis of 30, and the Sect Master intermediate rank is increased by 10.

That’s how it counts.

The Level 1 god Peak like Mewtwo is a Psychic formidable power commonly used. Its destructive power is 90 plus 15, plus 15, plus 30, plus 30, which is 180 , Which is stronger than the formidable power of Hyper Beam.

And if Mewtwo deals with Ghost Type Pokémon which is less than Elite, the power of that trick is 32 times 180, Elite is 16 times 180, Champion is 8 times 180, The Sect Master level is 4 times 180, and the Level 1 god is 2 times 180.

Although it is just a restrained Pokémon, it is not even a restrained Attribute.

For example, if Latias takes a Psychic with Mewtwo, the damage will be 4 times 180 instead of 8 times one hundred and eighty.

But the destructive power of 720 is also equivalent to the formidable power of five Hyper Beams.

In the case of Mega Gengar, a hit by Mewtwo is similar to the power of five Hyper Beams.

Just like now, looking at the Ability who is attacking him around, even Jirachi’s Doom Desire did not give Mewtwo any sense of danger.

Because facing Mewtwo, Sect Master’s intermediate rank Jirachi’s Doom Desire is only 140 plus 15 plus 15, plus 10, plus 10, which is the formidable power of 190, even with two Hyper Beams. nothing.

On the contrary, it is the dark cut that Darklei uses now. Because Dark Type restrains Psychic Type, it can become 380. Mewtwo took another look.

“Does this power want to hit me?”

Looking at the various Unique Ability around me greeted me, Mewtwo shook the head plainly, and then directly released it. Got my own Psychic.


The powerful Psychic used, except for Doom Desire and Dark Cutting, all other Unique Ability stopped abruptly in midair.

After that, Mewtwo’s original bewilderment suddenly disappeared, and extremely dazzling blue rays of light bloomed in his eyes.

Those who have been released Ability will follow the direction they came from after being strengthened, and return to their original path.

Several Pokémons were hit, and they all flew upside down and fell to the ground. Although they did not lose their combat capability, they obviously no longer have the power to fight again.

Beside Bai Mo, all the Pokémons who saw this scene held their breath.

This formidable power is too strong.

At this time, looking at the disappearing Doom Desire in the sky, Mewtwo narrowed his eyes and used Future Sight at will.

Next, Mewtwo didn’t care about this anymore, but looked towards Darklay, “You are very strong, and my Psychic doesn’t work for you, but if I use Fighting Type Ability, it should be easy to solve. You!”

Speaking, Mewtwo a Teleport came to Clay’s side.

In the next situation, Bai Mo could not see with naked eye simply. Darklay did not want to use the power of Level 1 god in such a meaningless situation. After all, he is now forcibly using the power of Level 1 god. , May damage the foundation.

But even so, because Dark Type restrains Psychic Type, and Psychic Type has no effect on Dark Type. The advantage of Mewtwo Level 1 god can be said to be not at all.

Darkley and Mewtwo had a fight.

In the end, Darklay took the initiative to give up.

“I haven’t recovered my strength now. It’s boring to fight. I have a chance to fight again in the future.”

“Alright!” Mewtwo doesn’t think he is also taking Dakley. There is no way for Yi, it just takes some time, but when I heard that when Da Klay is not in his heyday, the proud Mewtwo also chose to stop, because even if she wins, she will feel that she is incapable of victory. This is not what Mewtwo thinks. need.

But because of this, Mewtwo is slightly expecting what Bai Mo will tell him.

At this time, Doom Desire and Future Sight appeared at the same time!

Jirachi’s Doom Desire hit Mewtwo’s body, and Mewtwo’s Future Sight also hit Jirachi.

After one move, she looked a little embarrassed on the surface, but she directly used a self-recovery to restore it.

Jirachi’s situation is much better, because Psychic Type’s damage can only play a quarter of Jirachi.

That is, Mewtwo use Future Sight, although with formidable power 210, but also more of Jirachi just 50.

“Let’s do it!” Seeing Gardevoir, Milotic and the others were dealt with in one blow. Bai Mo suddenly understood that Mewtwo is just a freshman. With the advantage of Attribute, Jirachi and Dakley may You can really suppress Mewtwo, but you can’t win.

What is the meaning of not at all at this time?

Jirachi naturally listened to Bai Mo’s words and returned to his back. Mewtwo saw this and turned to look at Darkley and said, “We will fight again another day.”

“This time, when the game is here, I will do what I want to do first.”

Speaking, Mewtwo suddenly opened his hands, and a few Black Poké Balls who didn’t know where they came from were here. When appearing, the composition of the middle part of this Jirachi is like a red eye.

After these Poké Balls appeared, they went crazy and started shooting at the surrounding Pokémon.

Of course, except Bai Mo here.

do not know Bai Mo’s Pokémon Mewtwo gained recognition’s sake, she does not seem to replicate the idea.

Yes, Bai Mo took a look, but he didn’t have the idea to intervene. He also wanted to see if every Pokémon copy is the same.

Watching his and the others’ three Pokémons were suddenly taken away, Ash, who had been immersed in the previous big move in a daze, immediately questioned Mewtwo desperately:

” how you can take away someone else’s Pokémon “

” grab “Mewtwo was very contemptuous looked at Ash, coldly said:”?? ! you wrong, I use to create your Pokémon A stronger copy!”

“A copy that is more suitable for me!”

“I want to tell everyone that genuine copies can be surpassed!”


Speaking, a lot of Black Poké Balls suddenly appeared again around Mewtwo. After randomly using Psychic to fly the ignorant Ash, he controlled all the Poké Balls to fly out.

Chapter 0564 Ho-Oh’s Tucao, Mew vs. Mewtwo

Although there are a lot of Pokémon scattered, but Bai Mo, what does Mewtwo not at all do?

The reason for this is because Mewtwo barely recognized Bai Mo strength, or that are recognized Nasdaq Ley and Jirachi strength.

Of course, part of the reason is that Bai Mo Pokémon’s strength should not be replicated!

Except Bai Mo, the other Trainer’s Pokémon have all been arrested at this time, even after they put Pokémon into the Poké Ball!

Soon Pikachu along with Ash was caught in Poké Ball.

done all this, there is no tube Bai Mo, looking at the rest of the field in Ash and the others, Mewtwo touch of the opening, a flurry of blue eyes.

“Ant-like humans, I am not going to kill you, hurry up!”

“Of course, the premise is that you can use your own strength to pass the Hurricane rain Words!”

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