As for the Pokemon egg, since there is no ownership in the Pokemon Center yet, it is not counted for the time being!

However, Wurmple is what he intends to give to May. Poochyena is not as good as Mightyena, so I will definitely not waste time training.

Bai Mo still used Pokemon Pokédex to set it up to send Poké Ball back to the single item.

“Bai Mo, what did the previous Wurmple say!” When Bai Mo teleported the two Poké Balls away, Too Zi fluttered and asked with his big eyes, but there was a touch of tension in his eyes, because, before When Bai Mo talked to Wurmple, he mentioned a cute girl!

Keenly noticed the tension in Toozi’s eyes. Bai Mo secretly praised that it was not white for a week, but on the surface it was faintly smiled and said, “Wurmple said she didn’t like fighting and didn’t want to follow. Trainer!”

“I know a younger sister, and I will be traveling next year. What I want to be is to be a coordinator trainer. I have observed the tail of Wurmple, and finally it can evolve into Beautifly, which is quite suitable for her !”

“Younger sister!” Hearing Bai Mo’s explanation, Toozi’s focus was obviously wrong. He tugged at the corner of his clothes and asked, “Is your younger sister beautiful!?”

“Of course it’s pretty!” Bai Mo said without hesitation, Too Zi pursed his lips, but at this moment, Bai Mo continued, “But it’s still a bit worse than ours!”

Bai Mo thinks that May is not here anyway, just coax Toozi first, but what he doesn’t know is that when Toozi was with May, he ate a lot because of these words. Suffering.

When Bai Mo said this, Too Zi was delighted, but on the surface it was slightly red and argued, “What, I am not yours!”

Hearing this, Bai Mo just smiled and continued to walk forward. The Pokemon he released before was only one of the cages, and there are a total of six cages in this room!

What Bai Mo has to do now is to let go of all the Pokemon that he doesn’t need, and take all the Pokemon he wants!

The Pokémon in the second cage is just the same as the first cage. After Bai Mo let them go, he conquered one of them, the Zigzagoon with a high grade Aptitude, and this Zigzagoon did not resist!

In the third cage, the number of Pokémon is less, but the quality is indeed higher.

Looking at the Pokemon among them, Bai Mo suddenly lightly exclaimed.

“I really didn’t expect, I met Kanto’s Yusanjia in Hoenn!”

“Team Magma’s luck is pretty good!”

Chapter 0090 Bulbasaur and Ralts

Pokemon is placed indoors on Team Magma’s operational helicopter.

Bai Mo feels that every cage he opens is a surprise.

Different from the cage you imagine, the three sides of the cage in this room are solid. Only the side with the door has some small gaps to see the inside, and this is in line with Actually, otherwise Normal’s cage is too easy to be damaged by Pokémon’s power.

Because the three sides of each cage are entities, unless Bai Mo uses Psychic, he doesn’t even know what kind of Pokemon is inside unless he stands at the door.

The first cage and the second cage are filled with Poochyena, Wurmple and Ziggagoon.

And there is only one Pokemon in the third cage, this is a Bulbasaur! !

“Wow, it’s so cute, it’s Bulbasaur!!” Seeing Bulbasaur, Toozi’s eyes immediately turned on after seeing the two cages before, and he reached out and opened the cage. Bulbasaur gave him a hug. stand up.

“Bai Mo, will this Pokemon let me conquer? Let me conquer!? I have liked it for a long time, and I always want to go to Kanto and try one’s luck!” Touched Bulbasaur’s head After touching, Too Zi looked at Bai Mo expectantly and asked.

“Of course no problem!” Bai Mo not at all refused Touzi’s request.

There are many reasons. First of all, he has seen Bulbasaur. It is not bad. It has a high grade Aptitude, but it is also a high grade. It has a treecko with a top grade. He is not against a high grade Aptitude Bulbasaur. begging.

Besides, he had harvested three Pokémon before. If Toozi doesn’t have one, it is easy to have a gap. After all, although Toozi has a good affection for him, the time between them is not long after all.

Use a Pokemon that you don’t need in exchange for the girl’s heart. Bai Mo doesn’t think there will be any loss.

The most important thing is that Bai Mo regards Toozi as his own woman, everyone is his own, what Pokémon, um, of course also his own!

Toozi doesn’t know Bai Mo’s thoughts, and her heart is full of touch at this time!

In her arms is Bulbasaur, one of the three Pokémon imperial families. The Aptitude is generally very high, and the training value is also very high. It is much better than the three Pokemons that Bai Mo previously conquered. .

If she hadn’t really liked this Pokemon for a long time, she would never ask to accept this Pokemon so suddenly.

As for Bai Mo, he agreed without even thinking about it.

This time, thinking back to the various travels with Bai Mo this week, looking at Bai Mo’s casual and sincere smile at this time, Too Zi found that Bai Mo’s imprint in his heart is already very deep and very deep!

“Mo, I only need this Pokemon, I don’t want the Pokémon behind!” I held Bulbasaur tightly, and looked at Bai Mo seriously!

“Don’t be so dismissive!” Reached out his hand and touched Toozi’s head, Bai Mo’s mouth evokes a perfect arc, the sound in Toozi’s mouth, “Mo”, is the best Harvest!

In Toozi’s arms, looking at the Toozi and Bai Mo who are in the middle of you, Bulbasaur rolled his eyes, “Hey, you have to subdue me, first ask this Young Lady’s attitude? !”

“I said I would like to be subdued by you!?”

“There must be a limit for being affectionate!”

“this Young Lady is very proud!”

At this time, Too Zi took out Bai Mo from his back and gave Serperior’s special Grass Type Pokémon food and handed it to Bulbasaur!

“Bulbasaur, I am Toko, can you make Pokémon? This food can be enjoyed every day!”

“Also, I have a Pokémon that is quasi-Elite, you If you doubt my qualifications, you can fight a game!”

“en!?” Hearing Tooko’s words, he blinked and glanced at her. Bulbasaur wrinkled his nose and Swallowed Pokémon food. Very well-behaved to touch the Poké Ball in the other hand!

“hmph, this Young Lady is because of Pokemon food, definitely not afraid of some quasi-Elite Pokemon, absolutely not!”


I don’t know what Bulbasaur thought, but she was in a good mood to successfully subdue her and put Poké Ball on her waist!

Then, the two came to the fourth cage again. This time, when they saw Pokemon in the cage, Bai Mo raised his eyelids, and his pretty face was blushed.

“Mo, that!” Toozi stuck out his tongue and looked at Bai Mo.

hearing this, Bai Mo stretched out his hand and gestured to her casually, “You accept it, I already have Xiaonai!”

“Hmm!” He was still blushing, Too Zi opened the door of the cage, but the moment the door was opened, the Pokémon in it suddenly disappeared in front of the two!

“en!?” Seeing this scene, the blue rays of light appeared in Bai Mo’s eyes.

next moment, in the void, a petite figure was wrapped in a blue Psychic and appeared, and finally floated in front of Toko!


Seeing that he could not escape, a Ralts controlled by Bai Mo Psychic called out timidly!

Yes, the fourth cage imprisoned is a Ralts.

As early as when I saw Bai Mo’s Gardevoir, Toozi had said countless times that he wanted one, so when I saw Ralts, Toozi blushed and looked towards Bai Mo .

And Bai Mo naturally really doesn’t matter, because this Ralts is also a high grade Aptitude, which is far from her Gardevoir.

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