“Kamezley Young Lady’s catwalk performance is not only that, she is often seen on TV! Moreover, many of these people seem to be from From other regions!!” Brock on the side seemed to be very clear about the situation and said:

“Hey, isn’t this Bai Mo and Xiaolan? You guys are also watching the costume show! How about it, Kami’s performance Not bad!”

While the Bai Mo girls were looking at the charming Kamizley, Jasmine suddenly appeared on the side and walked towards them with Kexia.

Listening to Jasmine’s call to Kamizley, the two obviously knew each other a long time ago.

Thinking of what Kexia said during the day, Bai Mo suddenly reacted. The mysterious guest that the former said during the day was Jasmine’s friend must be Kamizley.

Afterwards, Bai Mo introduced the girl and Jasmine around him to each other. In the future, Jasmine will travel with them for a month. It is necessary to get to know each other.

After everyone chatted for a while, Jasmine suddenly asked everyone:

“By the way, do you want to visit the backstage?”

Chapter 0779 Sudden Accident

“Right! Do you want to see the backstage?”

“I can take you there!”

In girl After we chatted for a while, Jasmine asked them enthusiastically. From here, we can see that she really knows Kamizley, and the relationship is not shallow. In addition, Gym Trainer should also have privileges, otherwise the show will start now. No matter what, people who don’t matter will never enter the backstage.

After all, there must be a bunch of models gathered in the backstage.

“Is it really possible? Please, Jasmine!”

When I heard Jasmine’s words, the girls’ eyes lit up, and Bai Mo came over to see more beautiful women Unlike the models, these girls are very interested in this show. Now that they have the opportunity to watch the backstage, it is naturally very desirable.

In this regard, Bai Mo said that of course he is very interested!


“Huh? Isn’t this Jasmine?”

When he came to the backstage, Bai Mo looked at the models everywhere, feeling that his eyes were Look at the flowers, and at this moment, a very nice voice came into everyone’s ears.

moved towards looking in the direction where the sound came from, everyone saw a girl in a little red dress.

Look at the woman’s iconic yellow short hair and earphone accessories. It is Kamizley who is going to go for the second time after the game has changed clothes in the background.


Seeing Kamizley’s appearance, Jasmine was very happy to meet her and hug her.

At this time, the girls and Bai Mo both looked at the world supermodel with full halo points.

Kamezley’s age does not seem to be very old, a bit younger than Shirona, about twenty-two-three, and his body development is not excessive, at least not comparable to Milotic and Serperior. But it is much better than Mew Poké Ball or even Ram.

The most important thing is that her sexual dress highlights her figure and temperament, and it is easy to become the focus.

Hugged with Jasmine, Kamizley’s face showed a caring look and asked: “Jasmine, how is Guang’er!?”

Kamezley and Jasmine Sure enough, the relationship is not Normal, Mingming is far from Unova, and I only came to Johto today, but I already know about Dianlong Guang’er.

“It’s getting better.” Speaking of Guang’er, Jasmine showed a smile on his face, and then explained the situation to Kamizley.

Hearing that Guang’er has not only been out of danger, his physical condition is more likely to be eradicated, and he may even take the opportunity to break through to the Elite level. A trace of envy and heartfelt blessing flashed in Kamizley’s eyes, congratulations After a few words from Jasmine, she looked at Bai Mo with curiosity, and then said with a slight smile:

“Bai Mo Professor, hello, I’m Gym Trainer Kamiz from Unova Region Nimbasa City Lei!”

“Thank you for Help Guang’er, Shin’er and Guang’er are good girlfriends like me and Jasmine.’

Speaking, Kamizley is enthusiastic Stepped forward and greeted Bai Mo.

“You don’t need to be so polite.” Bai Mo smiled modestly, making people look good inadvertently.

“Hey, this child is Pikachu.” After greeting Bai Mo, Kamizley’s eyes were attracted by the autumn on Little Huang’s body, and her eyes shone brightly. It can be seen that this is a girl who loves Electric Type Pokémon from the heart.

“Ah, hello!” Little Huang was a little timid and said hello to Kamizley. In her eyes, Kamizley was really dazzling and made her a little embarrassed.

“Don’t be so restrained.” Bai Mo noticed Little Huang’s performance, reached out and stroked her head, then looked towards Kamizley and asked: “By the way, Kamie Young Lady, listen Say this time is a special catwalk with Pokémon, don’t mind letting us see your Pokémon!”

“Of course you can! Shine rays of light, my darlings!”


Hearing Bai Mo’s request, Kamizley readily agreed, and then threw two Poké Balls.

This time, there were only models in the first half of the catwalk, and in the second half of the catwalk with Pokémon, only Kamizley played alone. Now that she has changed her clothes, she is ready to release Pokémon.

As the two rays of light of Poké Ball shone out, two figures gradually appeared in front of everyone.

After that, everyone saw a Pokémon resembling a squirrel falling on Kamizley’s shoulder, while the other appeared next to Kamizley, shining brightly all over his body.

When the two Pokémon appeared, Kamizley introduced her Pokémon to everyone:

“These are the two partners I brought out, Emolga and Zebstrika!”

“Yes, they are all Pokémons I have never seen!”

When he saw two Pokémons he had never seen before, Ram’s eyes lit up and picked up the camera in front of his chest. .

The girls on the side also began to look at the two gods Pokémon.

After a while, the first half of the catwalk is completely over, and the second half of Kamizley’s solo show is about to begin. At this time, a staff member came to everyone’s side and said:

“Kami Young Lady, the second half of the catwalk is about to start.”

“Ok, I get it!” Nodded to the staff, Kamizley turned his head and said apologetically to everyone : “Sorry everyone, I will work first, let’s talk after the catwalk is over!” With that, Kamizley turned around and led Emolga and Zebstrika to the special passage.

The special catwalk of Kamizley began. Bai Mo and the others also visited the backstage. Naturally, they were not staying here, but all returned to the front desk to watch Kamizley’s catwalk.

Sure enough, the Mega supermodel name is not in vain. Whether it is an outstanding temperament appearance or a typhoon, it is more than other models than other models. In addition, it is a unique Pokémon catwalk, and Kamizley won There was constant applause from the audience.

Bai Mo also looked at Kamizley with admiration. At this time, she had changed back to her signature dress. She was dressed in a black Yellow thunder pattern. It was very bright under the light. Following that Zebstrika, the latter shining with Spark at this time, making Kamizley’s contrast even more dazzling.

Soon, Kamizley walked to the front of the front desk. She saw Bai Mo and blinked mischievously.

Seeing this, Bai Mo shook the head funny, but at this moment, his gaze suddenly became conscious, and he looked up towards a light in the sky.

At this time, there was a sudden explosion in the air!


The sudden sound attracted the attention of everyone present. They all looked up, and after that, everyone found that the big sound above the center of the stage The chandelier is falling down at an extremely fast speed.

And just below this big chandelier, is Kamizley.

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