Speaking, Kamizley sighed.

“Kami, be careful with yourself anyway.” Bai Mo stretched out his hand and patted on Kamizley’s shoulder, then turned his head and looked towards the girls around:

“Everyone, wait for Officer Jenny I must investigate this accident today.”

“Let’s go back first.”

As for Bai Mo’s decision, girl naturally has no opinion.

Soon, the entire group came outside the Pokémon Center, and at this time, Xiaolan finally couldn’t restrain her curiosity, and asked:

“Mo, how are you and Kami? What did you say?!”

Chapter 0781 fights against Jasmine’s Gym!

Little Lan looked towards Bai Mo with a curious look, as did the surrounding girls.

“It really didn’t expect you to bear so long to ask.” Funny shook the head, Bai Mo put his hand on the little blue forehead, and then explained to the girls:

“It’s just that I found out the identity of the key Kami.”

“Someone wanted Kami!?”


The girls were all surprised. Jasmine took a step forward and cared: “Did someone deliberately cause the situation before?”

“Yes.” Bai Mo clicked nodded, eyes slightly narrowed, “You should have heard what I said in the backstage. The big chandelier was destroyed by someone early in the morning.”

“And the time of destruction was quite coincidental. It was when Kami was walking the show alone. It’s hard to see that there is something tricky.”

“Who did this?” Jasmine couldn’t help but ask. Kamizley is her best friend, and she doesn’t want her best friend to be affected anymore.

hearing this, Bai Mo shook the head said: “I don’t know who it is, but the scope can be well delineated.”

“I believe Officer Jenny will not be It’s hard to find the murderer, so don’t worry.”


Seeing Bai Mo’s words, the girls never looked at each other and decided to continue to inquire, anyway You will know the truth when you see Kamizley again on 2nd day!

The time came to the 2nd day, Bai Mo entire group came early in the morning on the 3rd day of the city.

After having breakfast in Small World, Bai Mo took the girls to Qian Cong Gym again.

A moment later, Bai Mo came to the door of the ladder-shaped building, looking at the three big letters GYM on the middle door, Bai Mo this time directly opened the door and walked in with the girls.

As soon as they walked in, everyone saw a little girl who was about ten years old in a Yellow dress greeted her.

“Are you here to challenge Gym?”

Before seeing the person’s appearance, the girl quickly asked Bai Mo and the others.

Seeing little girl looking eager, Bai Mo and Xiaolan corner of mouth twitching, the former rolled his eyes and said: “Kexia, it seems that Jasmine didn’t have a good Punishment for you yesterday!”

The little girl in front of me is Kexia. It seems that this girl is still thinking about fighting against the challenger.

“Ah, Bai Mo Big Brother, little Elder Sister Lan!” Hearing Bai Mo’s voice, Xia finally saw Bai Mo and suddenly stuck out her tongue.

“Okay, take me in!” Bai Mo also didn’t want to overtake Help Jasmine to teach Kexia, stretched out his hand to beckon her to lead the way.

“Okay!” But Xia knew that she couldn’t realize her careful thinking today, so she could only lead the way well.

Soon, the entire group came to the battle hall.

When Bai Mo and the others entered the hall, the lights in the hall suddenly lit up, illuminating the whole hall instantly. At the same time, the middle of the hall was a battlefield, and the other side of the hall was still standing. A sweet-looking girl with light brown hair is Jasmine.

Jasmine put his left hand on his waist and saw Bai Mo, a smile appeared on his face:

“Bai Mo, I have been waiting for you for a long time, Guang’er has recovered. I will play the Gym game seriously.”

“That’s natural!” Bai Mo and Xiaolan exchanged glances, and slightly smiled took the lead to stand in the battle position.

When he came to the battle position, Bai Mo did not forget to ask: “Jasmine, has Kami’s problem been solved?”

Hearing Bai Mo’s problem, Jasmine hasn’t Answered, the door on the side of the playing field suddenly opened, and a girl’s clear voice came from it: “Of course it has been solved, thanks to you Bai Mo!”

As the girl’s voice fell, Kamizley walked out of the door. Today she wore a dress, which looked very fresh.

Kamezrei came to the lobby and looked towards Bai Mo. There was a slight change in her eyes. Last night, after Officer Jenny arrived, she told Officer Jenny and Officer Jenny what Bai Mo had said to her. The scope of the suspect was successfully reduced, and then it didn’t take long to find out the secret mastermind that was going to hurt her.

This secret mastermind is exactly a model on the catwalk, and the reason for his action is also very simple, which is to cause jealousy.

As for how Bai Mo judges, this is not important anymore.

“You don’t need to be so polite, no effort at all.” Seeing that Kamizley is in good shape, Bai Mo with a smile on his face, looked towards Jasmine and said: “Let’s start the Gym game first, and then chat. , How.”

“No problem.” Jasmine nodded lightly, and took out a Poké Ball with one hand.

Aside, Kamizley both hands crossed near chest, as if thinking of something, looked at Bai Mo and shouted: “Bai Mo, I heard about your electric dragon, this battle you But behave well!”

“en!” Bai Mo couldn’t help raising his eyebrows when he heard Kamizley’s words. The electric dragon thing should refer to the evolution of Mega, didn’t expect Gym Trainer already knew it.

He remembered that in some plots, Kamizley also had an electric dragon, which seemed to be curious about this power.

“Don’t worry, as long as Jasmine can cause me pressure.” Bai Mo smiled lightly and did not refuse, but what he said made Jasmine make a rare unpleasant pouting action.

Seeing that Jasmine and Bai Mo were ready, the referee took out one green and one red flag and shouted:

“Now we are holding the Gym Trainer Jasmine and the challenger Bai Mo’s official game with Badge as the bet!”

“There are two Pokémons in the game, and one team loses their battle strength. The game is over!”

“Now, the game begins!”

After finishing the rules, the referee took the flag in his hands and waved it to both sides, solemnly announcing the start of the game.

“This child is the first to play.”

Jasmine took out the first Poké Ball and threw it out. As a white light flashed by, the poo appeared from the Poké Ball. It is in the shape of only three Magnets and a Magneton with piercing Divine Eyes in the middle.

“It’s Magneton, maybe Elite Peak? Go ahead, Charizard Y!”

See Jasmine sending Magneton, Bai Mo also throwing Poké Ball.

White light flashed, Charizard Y with a strange appearance appeared on the court and stared at Magneton with stern eyes.

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