After that, Bai Mo’s hands were dishonest for a while!

And Xiaolan, she didn’t know what she was doing for a long time, until she felt the pain in her lower body, she had a moment of clarity:

“Hey, this is… “

“Wu wu, I just promised to be a girlfriend, why…”

“Is it necessary to be a girlfriend?”

“But I seem to be Mo’s girlfriend, and I won’t change it. Sooner or later, things seem to be fine…”

“But, did I’sell’ myself?”

Several thoughts flashed in Xiaolan’s mind, but soon, she stopped thinking about them, because a feeling called going to the cloud made her no brains to continue thinking.

The time came to 2nd day early in the morning, Bai Mo specially made a nutritious meal for Xiaolan, and then there was an inexplicable smile on the faces of the daughters of Ram and Jasmine and Kamizley. The two women boarded the tanker.

Next, they will travel in Whirl Islands for a period of time.

Whirl Islands are divided into four large islands, namely Qingyan Island, Huangyan Island, Chiyan Island and Yinyan Island, and the first stop is Qingyan Island.

Qingyan Island is very prosperous. The Harbor city where Bai Mo landed is full of lanterns and flags. It looks very lively.

Bai Mo and the girls first went to the Pokemon Center on Qingyan Island to register for the Whirl Islands competition.

Unexpectedly, this time Kamizley also wanted to participate in the competition. She and Bai Mo registered together, but she is not at all Water Type who specializes in Electric Type Pokémon. Pokémon, so she needs to find a target to conquer her on the way.

And this, Bai Mo naturally intends to help.

“That’s it. The registration of the two to participate in the Whirl Islands tournament has been completed.”

Pokémon Center, Nurse Joy has already done it for Bai Mo and Kamizley The entry procedure, talking.

She also handed over a manual and ordered.

“Please keep this guide book. This book is a rule book for participating in the Whirl Islands tournament. The venue is on Chiyan Island. There are 35 days before the match date. Please participate on time. “

Opening the manual, Bai Mo quickly found the route, “Red Rock Island, according to the route, it should be on the third island of Whirl Islands, heading to the next island, Huangyan Island’s boat is in Chi Take the town.”

“Traveling all the way in the past should be able to arrive before the game. This time I will use the hippo king. I just use the time on the road to train and prepare for the game.”

Make arrangements, Bai Mo and the girls went to Huangyan Island on the 2nd day.

On the next journey, Bai Mo gave his Shiny Slowbro a special battle training while rushing. Bai Mo usually trains him, but he doesn’t often let him fight. Normal Slowbro doesn’t want hippos. Wang belongs to Pokémon with a particularly high IQ.

But Bai Mo’s Shiny Slowbro is different, especially after it has been trained by the hippo king who was originally in Asia, it has become more powerful.

A few days later, Bai Mo took the girls to Cina Island, and then took a boat directly to Huangyan Island. Huangyan Island is named after the Yellow Rock on the island, and the specialty is made of Corsola. Various accessories made.

Bai Mo knows that Lorelei and Shirona are also very fond of such beautiful accessories. After visiting the island for a few days, they bought a lot of favorite accessories and mailed them home. Anyway, the courier company is his WT It’s open.

Time passed quickly.

On this day, Bai Mo was leaving Huangyan Island for Chiyan Island. A discovery made him stop. He found a group of Wild Corsola.

Corsola Normal is active near the Whirl Islands. It is a specialty Pokémon, but it is not so easy to encounter.

This time Kamizley wants to participate in the Whirl Islands tournament, Bai Mo intends to help her win a Pokémon of this kind, and Misty and Izumi must also like Corsola, so Bai Mo has been paying attention.

Corsola wants to be subdued for her own woman or future woman, Bai Mo naturally wants to help carefully select it, and decisively release Psychic.

After a short period of investigation, Bai Mo finally selected a relatively petite Corsola and two largest Corsolas among this group of Corsola. The Corsola in front looks like it should be hatched. The soon one.

Although this Corsola has only recently hatched, its horns and body color harmony are the most beautiful of all Corsola, and its eyes are also the most energetic, and its overall mental appearance looks like Very good, a Pokémon worth training.

Of course, the most important thing is that her Aptitude has top grade.

Corsola is an ultra-rare Pokémon. Aptitude is generally high, but the top grade is also quite rare. For example, there is only one small Corsola present.

As for the two big ones, only high grade Aptitude.

At the end of the observation, Bai Mo looked towards Kamizley, said with a slight smile:

“The smallest of those Corsola is only the top grade Aptitude, but it is worthy of your acceptance and training Click.”

Chapter 0790 easily passed the preliminaries, opponent Bouy! ?

“top grade Aptitude!?”

Kamizley’s beautiful face showed a shocked expression, she did not doubt the authenticity of Bai Mo’s words, because the latter had no reason Lie to her.

What Kamizley didn’t expect was that Bai Mo could judge Pokémon’s Aptitude at a glance and asked her to subdue it.

The Pokémon of the top grade Aptitude, the Aristocratic family of the world’s cream of the crop, and the Pokémon level that is absolutely eager for strength.

Although Kamizley is an Electric Type Pokémon Trainer, but a top grade Aptitude Water Type Pokémon is placed in front of her, she can’t help but want to conquer.

“Yes.” Bai Mo definitely clicked nodded, and asked again: “Do you want it?”

“I don’t need it. If you don’t, I will accept it. I will find an opportunity to give it to others in the future, or put it in the company.”

“Yes, of course I want it!” Bai Mo said that this is the case, of course Kamizley will not refuse , And she intends to participate in the Whirl Islands tournament. Although she is not eager to get a high ranking, it is still necessary to win the Water Type Pokémon to participate.

Put a top grade Aptitude Water Type Pokémon in front of her, and the fool will refuse.

However, in Kamizley’s mind, Bai Mo’s image has become even more different.

Seeing Kamizley’s decision, Bai Mo directly released Slowbro and let it use mental interference to grab three Corsolas with good Aptitude, and the top grade Aptitude was given separately. Arrived in front of Kamizley.

After doing all this, Bai Mo commanded Slowbro to easily solve two high grade Aptitude Corsola and then conquered, and then watched the battle between Kamizley and Corsola.

Kamezley uses Magnemite, this Magnemite was taken by Jasmine with Kamezley, high grade Aptitude, for many Trainers, is already an existence that deserves to be cultivated.

Magnemite and Kamizley have been around for a while, and their strength has an intermediate rank, plus its Attributes originally restrained Corsola, and Corsola was just born.

After a few rounds, Corsola was stunned by Magnemite’s Thunder Shock, and Kamizley successfully subdued Corsola.

Next, the journey continues.

Nothing happened along the way. Bai Mo and the girls went directly to Kako City on Chiyan Island by boat and signed up for the preliminaries at the Pokémon Center.

At this time, there are about 20 days before the start of the Whirl Islands tournament. Bai Mo took the girls on Chiyan Island for a few days to visit the various towns on Chiyan Island. This Chiyan Island The island is also a tourist attraction, it is worth visiting.

A few days later, there is less than half a month before the start of the game, Bai Mo did not rush to play on Silver Rock Island, although there is his Lugia silver wings of the year for day and night. News.

Bai Mo decided to stay at the Pokémon Center for the next time, giving Slowbro their concentrated training, and Help Kamizley to give Corsola some suitable training.

Time passed quickly in the special training.

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