“The Power Gem just now is a special attack ability of Rock Type.”

“There are very few Pokémons who know this. Originally, Slowbro didn’t learn this move. It’s just me. Slowbro can be learned only when it is special.”

Chapter 0793, Shiny Slowbro’s special

Bai Mo’s Slowbro is very special. It is Shiny Pokémon. There may be Rock Type genes or Attributes in the body, so You can use Power Gem this move.

Power Gem can use very few Pokémon, Slowbro and Slowpoke will not, Shellder and Cloyster will not, but use Kings Rock which evolved from Slowbro and Slowpoke.

Bai Mo conquered the talking hippo king of Asia, and Slowbro’s Power Gem was learned from it.

Speaking of Power Gem, this move is a Rock Type Ability that belongs to the special attack category. The formidable power is good, or it is a long-range light attack, which is a good method.

After listening to Bai Mo’s explanation, Kamizley, Jasmine, and Bui all showed a clear look, and silently wrote down the Power Gem this move in their hearts.

At this moment, Bai Mo suddenly thought of something and rushed to the side to say with a smile: “Your child has a Rock Type, but you can also learn this move. I will let Hippo King when I have time. Teach you.”

“Hmm!” Kamizley knew that Bai Mo was talking about Corsola, and clicked nodded to show that she understood. She has been together for almost a month, and she has become accustomed to Bai Mo. Know what rejection is, anyway, rejection is useless!

Time passed quickly. It was Kamizley’s turn to play. This time Kamizley did not continue his luck in the previous three preliminaries. The Pokémon used by opponent was a Lanturn. Corsola of Water Type was restrained.

Corsola has been trained well under Bai Mo’s Help, at least if it returns to its original ethnic group, the battle strength is also high.

But it is obvious that Corsola’s potential has not been maximized. At this time, she can only be regarded as a growth stage, and she has not yet grown up.

When Attribute was not dominant, Kamizley was suppressed for a while.

But she is the Gym Leader of Electric Type Pokémon and she has a lot of knowledge about Electric Type Pokémon. Besides, it is not fake to get along with Bai Mo for nearly a month. In the end, she seized the opportunity to let Corsola use A Skull Bash knocks the opponent’s Lanturn into the air.

After hardly resisting a Hydro Pump Stockpile, he defeated opponent with the Grass Type ultimate of Solar Beam and won a thrilling victory.

Tongxin’s game was on the morning of the 2nd day, and he defeated opponent’s Qwilfish smoothly and entered the next game.

In the afternoon of Bouy’s game, the opponent used a Gyarados. The victory was unpredictable, and was laughed at by Tong Xin for a long time.

After deciding 32 players, the Contest Category of the 32-to-16 contest was shown on the big screen in the Pokémon Center. Bui, Tongxin and Bai Mo were lucky and not each other. Meet.

Bai Mo is the first of the four people to compete. It is still the First Stage in the morning, and opponent is a girl named Xiaoli.

Time flies quickly. Early on the 2nd day, the first round competition started on time. Bai Mo walked into the venue. Opponent Xiaoli used Seadra and Seaking two Pokémon, but they were not as good as Bai Mo’s. Slowbro, defeated by Slowbro, allowed Bai Mo to advance smoothly.

Obviously, neither Trainer nor Pokémon are at the same level, and Bai Mo won without pressure at all.

The next battle between Tongxin and Bu Yi was similar. Bu Yi used only one Swampert from beginning to end, and Tong Xin only used one Blastoise.

Bai Mo estimated that Blastoise is Tongxin’s Starter Pokemon. Since both of Tongxin are good at strength, his original idea of ​​taking the opportunity to learn about their second Pokémon fell through.

Whirl Islands tournament is not like an Alliance tournament. It takes eight Badge to participate. Therefore, although there are many people participating in the tournament, there are not many powerful ones.

But now that the game is up, the remaining Trainers naturally have a few brushes.

After two days of observation, Bai Mo found several more powerful Trainers. One of them uses Gyarados, and the other uses Blastoise. These two people are the same as Bai Mo, only Use one Pokémon to defeat the two Pokémon of opponent.

It was Kamizley’s victory very reluctantly.

She has already used the Milotic given to her by Corsola and Bai Mo. The two Pokémon are top rank and the other is elite, while the other is elite and the other is quasi-Elite. The result is very hard for Kamizley.

At the end of the game, Corsola used Bai Mo to make the Power Gem taught by Hippopotamus not proficient before barely winning, but depending on the situation, there must be no physical strength for the next game.

The 32-to-16 match finally ended in the afternoon. When a group of four returned to the Pokémon Center, the 16-to-8 match list was also announced.

First Stage is the female Trainer Xiaotong who uses Gyarados against Tongxin. Bai Mo’s match is ranked second after Tongxin. Opponent is a Trainer named Drake. Bai Mo remembers He is the first trainer to use the fast swimming baby.

And Kamizley and Bouy are divided together, which means that one of these two people will be left in the top sixteen.

“Tong Yan, tomorrow, fear is a bitter fight ah, opponent striker I’m afraid it would only superior strength Gyarados.” see Brackets, Bowie facing Tong Hin concern said.

“Although Gyarados is great, but there is no chance. You have to know that Hyper Beam has a delay. Just seize the opportunity.” Bai Mo said casually, obviously not taking opponent taking seriously.

“Yes, after using Hyper Beam, Gyarados will get into a frozen state. When the time comes is the best time to counterattack.” Bui suddenly realized it, but he quickly became confused: “But Although Tongxin is powerful, can it stop Hyper Beam?”

“Stupid, I can’t stop it, won’t I avoid it?” Tongxin helplessly said.

“Yes, Tongxin said very well, just avoid it. The Trainer named Xiaotong uses Gyarados, which is that when the opponent uses the formidable power capability, Gyarados directly lets Gyarados use Hyper Beam to attack. So it is clear that Cilan Xin can use the fast Pokémon during the battle.”

Bai Mo opened his mouth and said: “For example, Tongxin uses a more flexible Pokémon, such as Seadra, and Xiaotong uses Gyarados. Tongxin first let Seadra use Water Gun, but don’t try your best!”

“In the face of this move, Xiaotong will definitely let Gyarados use Hyper Beam, at this time, Seadra suddenly accepts the move, and then uses the quick Move to avoid the Hyper Beam while approaching Gyarados, hit Gyarados’ head and stop. At this time, Gyarados is also in a frozen state, and then use the big move to add damage.”

“Victory, absolutely within reach. Got it!”

Chapter 0794 Quick Game!

“Okay, just do it!” Hearing Bai Mo’s words, Tong Xin’s eyes brightened. Obviously, Bai Mo’s hypothetical method is a good battle plan.

“Ai, I’m miserable, I guess it’s not Bouy’s opponent!” At this time, Kamizley was helpless. Bouy was a Trainer specializing in Water Type Pokémon, and two participated in the competition. Pokémon are still quasi-Elite, and it is really difficult for the former to win.

hearing this, Bouy scratched his head a little bit embarrassingly, “Um, you are also very strong, tomorrow we can fight with all our strength, I may not be able to beat you.”

Kamizley is a popular supermodel, Queen Unova, although she is fighting against Water Type Pokémon, but she claims to be unable to fight, Bouy is still a little bit happy in his heart, but that’s all. With Bai Mo on the side, he feels in this world If anyone can get Kamizley’s favor, it would be Bai Mo.

“Xiao Ju’er, just rest assured that the game is fine, it doesn’t matter if you lose, when the time comes, I will give you Retaliate, and it will be ugly for him to lose.” Bai Mo habitually extends the hand and touches the card. Mizley’s head gave a slightly joking comfort.

At this time, Kamizley, who feels the touch on his head and the gentleness of Bai Mo, has no idea what Bai Mo is talking about. It is really red on the pretty face.

” Eh ……”

Kamizilei noticed that rare shy look, Bai Mo This could react, seems to develop in themselves because their body Gardevoir and Little Huang Get used to it, and act a little instinct.


Looking at Kamizley, he was only shy and not a bit unhappy. Bai Mo felt that the misunderstanding at this time was very good.

No words for a night, the time came to 2nd day.

First Stage, the match between Tongxin and Xiaotong will begin soon!

As soon as the battle started, Tongxin sent her second Water Type Pokémon, Marill Li.

In the game at first, just as Bai Mo speculated, Gyarados directly violently used Hyper Beam against Marill Li’s Water Gun.

Seeing this situation, Tong Xin naturally followed the instructions of Bai Mo, and the next game was just as Bai Mo guessed.

First, Marill Li directly dodged Gyarados’ attack, and then launched Hydro Pump into Gyarados’ mouth.

Azumarill’s move caused Gyarados’s Hyper Beam that Gyarados was not ready to end, and the former’s own use of Hydro Pump, both exploded in the latter’s mouth, causing considerable damage.

At this time, Gyarados fell into a frozen state due to the use of Hyper Beam Unique Ability.

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