A sense of helplessness filled Bai Mo’s body while thinking about it, but in the end, his eyes became firm again.

“I can’t just die like this! I finally came to this World, and I have not yet become the strongest Trainer. I have not yet reached the top of the world, I absolutely can’t give up!!”

At this moment, a strong desire to survive fills Bai Mo’s body!

I don’t know if it’s because of the desire to survive. Suddenly, Bai Mo felt that he had used Mental Force excessively, and the pain that had always existed in his mind was inexplicably reduced a lot!

I felt my Mental Force, Bai Mo’s eyes immediately lit up!

“You can also teleport once!!”

“This time, I hope I have good luck!”


As Bai Mo’s voice appeared, his body and Too Zi suddenly disappeared into the air again!

At this time, Mew covered his small mouth and smiled slightly in the clouds, and then disappeared abruptly!

After half a day!

In a cave, Toozi’s eyes are red and he looks at Bai Mo and Gardevoir who are lying on the ground with their eyes closed.

Looking at Bai Mo’s frowning brow and cold sweat from time to time, Too Zi wiped it with the handkerchief from time to time.


At this moment, Bai Mo is unconsciously snorted in pain!

Hearing Bai Mo’s painful hum, Toozi’s tears fell unconsciously.

Half a day ago, Bai Mo used Teleport for the last time. The place where he and Toozi appeared was still in the middle of the sky.

Only this time, the two of them had good luck. They were only about ten meters away from Ground. Moreover, there was a small pool directly below the two of them. Finally, the two fell in the pool.

There was no damage!

For the humans of Pokemon world, the height of ten meters is almost the same as that of the Earth humans falling from a height of three meters. Just find a good location and nothing will happen, let alone fall into the water. !

After falling into the water, Bai Mo fainted because of the Mental Force overdraft Contest!

But at this time, bad luck happened again, because Toozi discovered that she and Bai Mo accidentally alarmed a Seviper who was drinking by the pool.

Seviper’s face was directly exposed to the water splashed by the two falling! !

Then, this violent Poison Type Pokemon used Poison Tail to attack Bai Mo and Touzi!

At the crucial moment, Gardevoir appeared in front of the two, but Teleport was used!

This time, Bai Mo and Toozi had no bad luck, and they were taken to a cave by Gardevoir.

However, the same Mental Force emptiness Gardevoir fainted like Bai Mo. No, to be exact, Gardevoir is Mental Force emptiness and entered deep sleep, while Bai Mo is due to strength. The eruption made him difficult to control for a while.

Now, he is actually awake and can eyes opened at any time, but he doesn’t want to do this, because if this happens, his rare opportunity for Mental Force to become stronger will pass away, and he can only be wronged. I didn’t know it.

Toozi didn’t know everything, but quietly began to take care of this person, Pokemon.


At this moment, there were two more lovely Pokémons beside Toozi. These two Pokémons looked at Toozi with concern and stretched out The tongue licked Gardevoir’s cheek, seeming to want to bring a touch of comfort to her in pain.

“Little Eevee, do you have any water here?” Wiping away tears, Toozi’s face showed a reluctant smile, and turned to look towards two Pokémon, which is the Eevee in her mouth! .


Cocked his neck and seemed to be thinking about what Toozi said, and finally two Eevee called out, and at the same time they bit Toozi’s trousers, and then moved Run towards the cave.

Seeing the movements of the two Eevees, Toozi ran and ran after him. After walking for a while, she heard the sound of “hua hua wa”!

Hearing this voice, Too Zi was overjoyed. She knew that there was already a current nearby, so she immediately quickened her pace.

Soon, following the footsteps of the two Eevees, Toko came to a stream.

Looking at the water flow in front of him, Toko immediately came to the shore and slowly squatted down. First, she reached out her hand and took a sip of water to wash her face, and then after a few sips, she opened it. Take out the space backpack behind him, take out the towel and water glass from it.

I washed the towels and filled it with water. Too Zi immediately got up and ran back to Bai Mo and Gardevoir.

Take out your own water glass and cautiously give Bai Mo and Gardevoir a sip of water.

Taking a sip of water, Toozi didn’t know if it was her illusion. She thought that Bai Mo and Gardevoir’s faces looked much better!

This sighed in relief.

At this moment, the two Eevee came to Toozi’s side and pulled her trousers, then they rolled over there, slapping their stomachs constantly!

Seeing this scene, Toozi looked at the sky outside the cave and found that it had begun to darken a little, and immediately asked, “You two little fellows, are you hungry?”

“Boy~~” The two little Eevee immediately clicked nodded!

“Well, when I was fetching water before, I found that there was a Berry Tree there. I’ll pick some fruit for you and eat it!” Seeing two little fellow nodded, I thought that I had found it because of their blessings. Toozi stood up again.

Speaking of which, because of what happened at noon, I didn’t eat lunch. Toozi felt that he was really hungry now!

Because Bai Mo’s craftsmanship is so good, and he likes to eat the freshest Pokémon food for his Pokémon, the ready-made food in Bai Mo and Toko’s backpacks has long been used up, only some left material!

Toozi can’t make Pokémon food and is not good at cooking, so I can only pick fruit for Eevee and myself!

By the way, also prepare some for Bai Mo!

“You have to behaved, wait for me here, okay?” Standing up again, Toozi said to the two Eevee, and said to stand up, the place where she and Bai Mo are sitting now should be Eevee At home, I just don’t know why it’s been a long time and I haven’t seen Eevee’s parents!

“Boy, Booy!” However, after hearing Toozi’s words, both Eevees shook the head, as if they were going to be by her side and wanted to go together!

“Then you two must follow me, don’t run around!” Seeing the two Eevee insist on following themselves, he smiled helplessly, and Toozi could only take the two of them together moved towards the cave go with.

Chapter 0094 Bai Mo wakes up

When he reached the entrance of the cave, Toozi looked back at Bai Mo and Gardevoir who were still in a coma and whispered, “Mo, you have a good rest Come, I’ll pick some fruit, you can eat it when you wake up!”

“I’ll be back soon!”

After speaking, Toozi took firm steps moved towards Walking outside the cave, what she didn’t notice is that Bai Mo’s eyelids moved at this time! !

On the way to Berry Tree, Toko lowered her head and recalled that she has always had a lingering fear from noon to the present experience.

From the very beginning, when he was besieged, Bai Mo came out to make a relief.

Then Serperior and Gardevoir were crushed and defeated!

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