The content that has been known for a long time matches the real sense, which makes Bai Mo think, his speed is much faster than Ash, and Team Rocket’s current situation in Johto is also the same as the original. Some things may have changed.

No matter what, Bai Mo intends to subdue a Lugia if possible.

So, after a simple cleanup at the Pokemon Center, Bai Mo couldn’t wait to take Kamizley and other girls along with the induction and walked towards the south of Silver Rock Island.

After half a day, Bai Mo took the girls to the location he sensed.

At this time, Bai Mo and the girls came to the edge of a cliff. The turbulent waves below the cliff were surrounded by vortex.

“Salamence, Charizard X, Aerodactyl!”

After carefully observing the surrounding environment, Bai Mo suddenly raised his head and called down the three Salamence flying in the air.

When the three Pokémon were in place, Bai Mo took Daisy on their backs in twos and threes this year. Latias, Mew, Mewtwo and others all used Psychic to fly in the air by themselves.

Flying down the cliff wall, releasing Psychic Bai Mo, soon found a hole surrounded by several boulders protruding from the sea.

Chapter 0801 Two Lugia Eggs

“Surely there is a secret hole!”

When Bai Mo found the hole, Bai Mo was overjoyed and quickly directed Salamence to take the lead Flew in.

After entering the cave, what appeared in front of everyone was a cave. The upper and all around of the cave were covered with luminous stones. As for the bottom, it was all sea water, and there was no place for people to settle down.

Continue moving towards the inside of the cave, and the space that appears in front of everyone is getting bigger and bigger, but there is no place for people to stay.

Until the end of this cave, surrounded by the sea, a rock like a stone pillar stands there, on which it is estimated that there is a circular field with a radius of two meters.

There is a giant nest resembling a bird’s nest on this round ground, but the structure of this nest is not Normal, it is a deep-sea vine.

This kind of deep-sea vine is very precious, with a market value of one meter million Alliance coins, and there is no market!

Wear the Water Type Pokemon to fight, and the Water Type Unique Ability formidable power can be increased by 1.5 times.

And so many deep-sea vines can make a giant nest with such a large handwriting, naturally only Lugia is the only one.

In this nest, two eggs are lying quietly at this time.

Bai Mo let Salamence fly to the vicinity of the column, and then came to the two eggs by himself, began to feel it with his own Psychic, and then turned to face the women and said: “It’s Lugia’s egg! “

“Is this really Lugia’s egg? It’s amazing. I can actually see the super Divine Beast egg.”

According to Bai Mo, Jasmine and Ka Mizley looked incredulous, super Divine Beast, some people never saw it once in their lives, and they followed Bai Mo, and now they saw Lugia’s egg with their own eyes, it really seemed like they were dreaming.

Compared with Kamizley, Ram and even Xiaolan and other girls are much calmer, because they have seen too much with Bai Mo, and they talked to Ho-Oh some time ago , I have also seen Bai Mo conquer Articuno and Suicune.

Moreover, Mew and Jirachi get along with them day and night.

Some things, they have become numb, um… they are used to it!

The girls sighed aside, but Bai Mo, who was standing next to the two Lugia eggs, was puzzled because there were two Lugia eggs in front of him, which was different from what he knew. same.

Is there one less depicted in the anime? !

But in the next second, when Bai Mo’s ability touched the two eggs more, the doubt in his heart suddenly disappeared.

Bai Mo clearly felt that the life force of the two eggs in front of them was dissipating. If there were no accidents, the two eggs would definitely have died before hatching.

Getting this information, Bai Mo guessed in his mind that the big Lugia should have got something, and only one of them was cured, so only one Lugia appeared in the anime.

If you encounter Bai Mo, this kind of thing will not happen naturally. Although Bai Mo’s healing ability is still very weak, it can still have an effect on these two eggs.

It’s just that Bai Mo doesn’t know how long it will take if he stays here to restore the power of the egg, and he doesn’t know when the big Lugia will return.

Now that Lugia is not in a good mood because the two eggs are in a bad state. If you encounter it, nothing good will happen.

Sometimes, I really think about something. At this time, a dark shadow suddenly emerged from the bottom of the water and flew up along the stone pillar.

As soon as the shadows appeared, they found Bai Mo next to the two eggs and Pokémon and people in the surrounding circle.

Suddenly so many outsiders appeared, Lugia’s mouth suddenly issued an angry roar, and then when Bai Mo didn’t react, he opened his mouth and launched a Hyper Beam!

Hyper Beam was emitted from Lugia’s mouth and hit Salamence directly. Salamence was hit on the side of the rock before he could avoid it.

Until this time, Bai Mo didn’t react.

Looking at the rock face is extremely miserable. Although Salamence has not lost its combat capability, but is obviously short of breath, Bai Mo suddenly corner of mouth twitching, and at the same time, he glanced at Mew and the others in an angry way. He didn’t believe it. Mew will not notice the appearance of Lugia.

But at this time, Lugia’s second Hyper Beam was already brewing, and it was about to be released. Bai Mo immediately took out the Poké Ball and took back Salamence.

He is really speechless now. Salamence is now a champion. He always thinks that even if the opponent is an ordinary Lugia with Level 1 god strength, he should be able to fight for a while.

But now it seems that it’s not the case at all. Although Lugia is a sneak attack, it did solve Salamence with only one move. And seeing Lugia’s use of Hyper Beam, there is no such thing at all. Unique Ability Stiff state.

This is absolutely abnormal!

Only thinking about it, Bai Mo put his eyes on Lugia, about five meters tall, white body, five sets of symmetrical Black scale feathers on the back, and two pointed Black tails. Scale feathers.

At this time, Lugia’s eyes were red, and Bai Mo felt hairy in her heart. On the contrary, it was Kamizley and other girls because there were Mew girls in front of them, so their body was not too special. a feeling of.

“If it weren’t for the two Lugia eggs by my side now, I guess I would have been bombarded by Lugia a long time ago and there would be no residue left.” Bai Mo consciously moved his body to the two Lugia eggs. Lean on, and then said to Lugia lightly with a smile:

“Um, ho, I don’t have any Malice, so you don’t have to look at me like this.”

“Oh! “

For Bai Mo’s words, Lugia obviously doesn’t believe that some humans covet them, but he knows everything about them.

Bai Mo also knows that it’s definitely useless to say so. He raised his hand slightly and a white light appeared before he continued, “You can feel that I have Help you child, that is, these two The ability of the egg to recover, so maybe we can have a good chat.”

Feeling the power in the white light in Bai Mo’s hand, Lugia’s eyes suddenly became a little more excited.

“This power has the smell of Arceus, boy, who you are?”

A hint of a surprised female voice appeared in Bai Mo’s heart.


Bai Mo finally settled down. As long as he can communicate, there is no need to fight against him. Although he has Mew and the others, he is opponent. If it is Level 1 god Lugia, they may not be willing to take action, and in the end they will take her away.

After all, the relationship between Super Divine Beast is definitely better!

Chapter 0802 Lugia’s help is beyond the limit of Divine Beast!

“Yes, for some reasons, I awakened the most essential power of Arceus under Ho-Oh’s Help. Although it is not strong, it should be enough to provide Help to your child.” sighed in relief Bai Mo of Bai Mo showed his kindness to Lugia as much as possible.


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