A helpless smile appeared on Yahida鈥檚 fat face. Bai Mo was obviously interested in the construction of Battle Frontier, and his strength and influence crushed him in all aspects. Yahida didn’t think she had the possibility of rejection.

Anyway, the addition of Bai Mo will only make him gain more, so Yahida spread his hands and said that it’s okay for things to be like this.

“Okay!” The corner of Bai Mo’s mouth was curved, and a confident, majestic, yet gentle voice sounded:

“I’ll talk more about other things.”

“Specifically, when the time comes, let鈥檚 take a moment to talk, Mr. Ahida, you can start now. I will be the Chief-In-Charge at the Battle Frontier in Hoenn Region.”

“I know your challenge system, and I will come forward at the last time.”

“No problem.” Now that a decision has been made, Yahida quickly entered the state, click Nodded, he curiously asked:

“What kind of battle facility do you plan to build, Professor Bai Mo?”


Bai A meaningful smile flashed across Mo’s face:

“When the time comes, I will tell you the request. I will pay the money and you will come the rest.”

“No problem. “Yahida was simply nodded.

Agreeing with Yaxida, Bai Mo turned his head and looked towards Brandon, “Mr. Brandon, what do you think?”

“Join my WT, you will get resources, and You will not lose freedom. You need to do everything to protect the dignity and everything of WT without violating your own guidelines as a Pok茅mon Trainer.”


Brandon looked at Bai Mo’s eyes seriously, and did not easily draw conclusions. For people like him, if he really makes a decision, he will never betray easily, so he is really careful when making a decision.

For a long while, Brandon said with a serious expression on his face:

“Bai Mo Professor, I will try my best to defend WT and eradicate all enemies, but what I need to do must not hurt Pok茅mon. There is also the principle of being a person and a trainer. Can this be guaranteed?”

“This is inevitable, isn’t it?”

Bai Mo gave a quick smile and then glanced at side Ya Sida, speak again:

“I will tell you the information in the information you have now, and treat it as a meeting ceremony.”

“You will not understand in the future. You can send it to me at any time, and I will answer you immediately when I have time.”

“In addition.”

“Mr. Brandon, I wonder if you are interested in it. Battle Frontier, take a part-time job!?”

Chapter 0809 Pokrantis Empire


I heard Bai Mo’s question to Brandon Everyone present couldn’t help but roll their eyes, even the girls such as Daisy were not surprised.

Everyone can see that Ahida at first came to Brandon to invite him to join the Battle Frontier.

But now it’s alright, Bai Mo poached Brandon sideways, and now he thinks of Brandon joining Battle Frontier again.

But thinking that Bai Mo has now become a shareholder of Battle Frontier, everyone didn’t say much, except that Yahida felt so hurt in her heart.

At this time, instead of waiting for Brandon to refuse or agree, Bai Mo continued: “Mr. Brandon, don’t rush to refuse or agree.”

“Wait a minute, you can find time to listen. Mr. Yaxida invited you to join Battle Frontier. What do you need to make before making a decision, how about?”

“I…” Yaxida’s heart collapsed in an instant. Do it by yourself, but your own Battle Frontier hasn’t been more than half before it is launched, and Brandon has the brand of WT.

Is this bullying the honest person?

What should I do if I want to die?

Of course, Ahida thought about these words. On the surface, he still put on a smile and said: “Yes, if Mr. Brandon is free, I can talk in detail later, I believe you will Satisfied.”

“Okay.” Brandon didn’t hesitate this time, and decisively clicked nodded.

Yahida suddenly felt full of Malice in her heart.

But Bai Mo showed a smile. As a result of the original work, he knew that Brandon was the battle leader of Battle Pyramid, and Ahida was obviously successful, so it was right to hand it to him.

Today, by an accident, I got most of the rights of Battle Frontier and Brandon. I have to say that it was a good day.

“Let鈥檚 go back to the previous topic now.” Brandon has already agreed to join WT, Bai Mo is naturally not stingy, and bluntly said:

“This document records a document called The last history of the Pokrantis Empire.”

“The Pokrantis Empire?” When it comes to archaeological matters, Brandon and White both became extremely serious, and White touched his chin. , Said uncertainly: “I remember hearing this name when I traveled everywhere in the past!”

“It seems to be a place that spans the Kanto and Johto Regions now and occupies the entire Kanto place in ancient times. The ancient empire!”

“I just don鈥檛 know when this existence was suddenly annihilated.”

“It was Ho-Oh.” Bai Mo lightly Answered with a smile, but what was said was to startled everyone present.


Ho-Oh actually killed an empire himself! ?

“It really looks like her style.” Mew curl one’s lip.

At this time, Brandon and Ahida really couldn鈥檛 believe Bai Mo鈥檚 answer. Brandon even more instinctively blurted out:

“Bai Mo Professor, you are like this Is there any basis for the claim?”

“Isn’t the evidence given to me?” Bai Mo raised the document in his hand.

“Do you really know the words on this?”

Brandon startled, in fact, it’s not to blame him for making a fuss about nothing, Bai Mo is very difficult to deal with no Wrong, Alliance’s youngest Professor, his knowledge is absolutely amazing.

But archaeology relies on the accumulation of experience and long-term knowledge. It takes a lot of time to delve into the age of Bai Mo. It is impossible for any normal person to believe it easily.

After all, there are a lot of old home to a lifetime of study time on the top, but for some sites and text always remains little understood.

Bai Mo turned out to read an article. This gap is too shocking.

“I don’t need to lie to you!” Bai Mo was not angry at Brandon’s surprise. After all, it was such is human nature, and he actually only occupied Mew’s light, but there is no need to tell this Brandon.


Seeing Bai Mo’s self-confidence, Brandon actually wanted to ask where he learned this knowledge, but he knew that he didn’t just open his mouth. Failure to obtain results will only make Bai Mo unhappy.

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