The man with the insult is a killer move, and his face is still a bit confident. He is confident that he is the only one Elite Pokémon that he has just broken through. The strongest move is definitely a move. Solve the opponent and frighten everyone on the other side.

But in the face of this scene, Bai Mo’s expression is always indifferent, just looking ahead.

In front of Bai Mo, Lucario took the initiative to use an Aura Sphere.

“bang! ”

Aura Sphere and the Hyper Beam of Fearow use are banging for a certain amount, and a loud noise is made, and the light of the blue Aura Energy Ball and the light of Jin Yellow collide Together, they begin to cancel each other out.

In the beginning, the two abilities were evenly matched, but soon, in the blink of an eye, Aura Sphere directly penetrated the Hyper Beam to break it up, and then went straight to Fearow. Fly away.



Aura Sphere did not accidentally directly hit Fearow, who was still in a frozen state after using Hyper Beam, and made a loud noise. Rang, and then fell straight on the Ground.


“How is this possible!?”

Everyone in Team Rocket present was shocked, especially the insidious man It’s even more surprising. Although this Fearow evolved from Spearow on the rotten street, Aptitude is good. He spent countless efforts and some experiments on Team Rocket to train it to the Elite level. Now he can’t stop the opponent’s random moves. ,what’s going on! ?

“Sure enough, I didn’t even make my Pokémon have a good level of fun.” Bai Mo sneered, looking towards the surrounding Team Rocket and everyone’s eyes became cold:

“Lucario, get rid of them, I have to interrogate them.”

“hmph! Don’t underestimate people!”

The silver man finally let out an unwilling roar, right hand Touching his waist, he intends to release all the Pokémon on his body, and at the same time intends to greet the surrounding men to take action.

Since the absolute strength is not good, then the crowded tactics, this move, the male detrimental man expresses that he is innocent and innocent.

Not waiting for this man to send Pokémon again, a powerful flame suddenly dropped from the sky, ruthlessly sprayed on the person wearing black clothed r.

The powerful flame brought these people to pieces with the temperature of the powerful impact. Several of them jumped directly into the lake because of the heat.


As the flame disappeared, a loud Dragon’s roar sounded over everyone’s heads.

Everyone raised their heads curiously and looked up to the sky. What came into view was a strong Dragonite with a person sitting on its back.

Chapter 0812 Long Shidu

“This person is a bit familiar?”

Looking at the person on the back of Dragonite in the sky, Ash muttered to himself , He always felt as if he had seen this person somewhere.

Hearing Ash’s words, Brock immediately held his forehead with his hands. The person in Sky is the same as Bai Mo. There are really few people who don’t know in this world.

Thinking of this, Brock couldn’t help but glance at the insidious man on the opposite side like an idiot. The man didn’t recognize Bai Mo, and he took the initiative to work with Bai Mo. There is definitely a problem with his brain.

But next moment, the thing that caused Brock’s tooth to fall all over happened. Among the Team Rocket present, only the insidious man managed to survive the previous Flamethrower attack, although he looked very embarrassed. , But you can still stand.

When the Dragonite attack is over, the insulting man moved towards sky and looked at him, unhappy and said:

“You guy is who?”

“Dare to control our Team Rocket’s matter!?”

Brock said that he was definitely not waking up from a dream, otherwise, how could he encounter such an idiot, who did not recognize the identity of the man in the sky, and revealed the identity of Team Rocket.

Really do it!

“hmph, Team Rocket!”

“Just admit that you are Team Rocket, save me the investigation!”

The sky guy is coldly snorted, The tone is serious:

“I am Pokémon search officer Yulongdu, I suspect that you are related to an illegal Pokémon experiment!”

“Now give me all obediently surrender, and all follow me back to Mahogany Town assists in the investigation!!”

Yes, the person here is the Yulongdu, one of the Kanto Elite Four known as the Yulongshi!

“Wait! We are employees of a regular company, you have no right to catch us!” Hearing the other party’s identity, the insidious man’s IQ was finally online, so he immediately protested with sophistry.

“Hehe, didn’t you just say that you are Team Rocket? Besides, the Dragon Envoy didn’t say that he wanted to arrest you, he asked you to assist in the investigation!” Bai Mo on the side said immediately:

“I heard it with my own ears.”

Bai Mo now very much wants Help Yulong. Although he said he was assisting in the investigation, it was just a lip service. Say.

Bai Mo knows these guys from Team Rocket very well, and he won’t tell the truth unless he takes them off.

They definitely feel better when they arrive at the police station!

Bai Mo thinks this is very good, so it seems that it is too cheap to let the damned man finish the game.

In sky, Yulongdu’s eyes also looked at these people coldly. The people of Yulong family are notoriously jealous and hateful. Listen to the wailing of the red Gyarados and the members of Team Rocket. Wearing a uniform, his attitude is like doesn’t raise.

Faced with his cold eyes, the insulting man’s heart suddenly throbbed, knowing that this time might be wrong and he might be planted.

The impaired man can become a small Executive of Team Rocket with the strength of an Elite Pokémon, so a little vision is naturally there.

Before Bai Mo, he didn’t expect to meet someone like Bai Mo here, and Bai Mo is surrounded by so many beautiful women, his mind was clouded by some of his own dirty thoughts.

But as soon as he calmed down, his IQ returned and he sorted out the situation at once.

Anyone, whether it is a police officer or a search officer or a criminal offender like them, has a different personality.

Some people are upright, some people are more casual and just get along.

There are more people who are unilateral, even Team Rocket people.

In the face of different people, people with a little eye will have different response measures.

And now, the male impaired is very aware that he has encountered the most troublesome situation, because the name of the person in front of him is Yulongdu, their number one enemy of Team Rocket.

In the hands of this person, even if Team Rocket is in the Alliance and the police system, no one can keep him, his level is not enough!

I can’t fight again. Thinking about what I have done in the past few years, if I am in the hands of Yulongdu, it is hard to say whether I can survive this life.

Thinking of this, an angry look flashed in the eyes of the insidious man!

“No, I must run away!”

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