But Bai Mo not at all meant to watch. He took the girls after saying goodbye to Bingye and Ash, and Bai Mo and Blue went back to the Pokemon Center to rest, and the next one was nearest At the location of your Gym, head towards Blackthorn City!

The next few days.

Bai Mo took the girls through the grassland where beautiful flowers and Vileplume live. Little Huang happily took over one of the beautiful flowers, which was very lively and liked to dance.

After that, on this day, the two Bai Mo came to a very sultry Valley.

“Why is the neighborhood so hot? According to the map, it should be cool. There will be an ice cave afterwards?”

White and Xiaolan He hung his head and complained, and even had the urge to go back to Small World to escape the heat. Both of them were very afraid of heat.

“There is only one possibility for such a situation, that is, there are many Fire Element Pokémon living nearby. The energy released by those Pokémon raises the temperature nearby.” Bai Mo, who has watched the animation, vaguely remembered something. I just wanted to explain it to the girls, but the girls didn’t believe it in return.

Indeed, the average person will not believe that there is a large-scale Fire Element Pokémon living near the Ice Cave.

At this moment, a Slugma appeared in front of the two.

This Slugma saw the two Bai Mo and immediately got into the grass moved towards one direction and ran away.

Seeing this Slugma, Bai Mo eyes shined thought of a way to prove his claim, and immediately pulled the reluctant Xiaolan and the plain-looking Sabrina and Cattleya and other women to follow along. Past.

After running a distance, Bai Mo two went deep into the Valley, and groups of Slugma and Magcargo appeared in front of them.

Seeing this scene, Bai Mo rarely put on a proud face:

“See it!”

“I just said this There should be a lot of Fire Element Pokémon nearby, especially Slugma and Magcargo Pokémon, they are always around Flamethrower.”

Chapter 0817 Fire Element Elite Young Trainer, Fire Divine Insect !

“But I didn’t expect that there will be so many Slugmas gathered here.”

Looking at so many Slugmas in front of me, his eyes revealed an unexpected look. At the same time After releasing Psychic, if Aptitude is good, he plans to take it away.

Quickly picked Pokémon from Slugma, which is better at Level and Aptitude. Bai Mo sent the hippo king to use Psychic to select them, and solved them efficiently, and then immediately took Sabrina and other girls away. Here.

I have to say that the environment here is really hot. If it weren’t for Psychic to filter the temperature, Bai Mo couldn’t stand it.

Well, Xiaolan feels angry inexplicably.

But just when Bai Mo and the others were about to exit the Valley from the other end, a handsome young man in short sleeves and shorts suddenly jumped off a rock and stood in front of the others and asked:

“You guys, are you Trainers?”

Although it was a question, the tone of the person who came was very calm.

But also, the Normal Trainer wears the Trainer Level Badge. When you see this, you will know the fact that the other person is a Trainer.

“Yes, what’s the matter?” Everyone was nodded, and Little Huang asked curiously.

I was confirmed, the young man smiled and said:

“My name is Lu Tong, and I am called the king of flame. I want to challenge you.”

“My name is Bai Mo, what are the rules?”

Someone challenged, Bai Mo Normal will not pay attention. After all, his strength has reached his this step, but the man in front of him made him interested because he looks better than him at worst He is a few years old, but Badge on his arm indicates that he is an Elite Trainer.

This is a genius.

Bai Mo is very interested in competing against geniuses.

“My name is Lu Tong. In the game, it is 2 to 2 and can be replaced at any time. Whose Pokémon loses the battle strength, even if it loses.”


Speaking, Lu Tong stretched out two fingers.


Clicking nodded complied, Bai Mo throws a Poké Ball.

“My first player is him, go to Garchomp!”


With a roar, Garchomp is strong The body appeared in front of Bai Mo.

Because the strength is not enough, Bai Mo has not let Garchomp and Trainer fight for a long time, so this time out of the station, Garchomp is very excited.

“Well, such a robust Pokémon, well-trained, but still no better than my partner!”

“Arcanine, come out!”

Lu When Garchomp appeared, a look of shock flashed across his face, but he quickly regained his inexplicable confidence and threw a Poké Ball.

With the white light flashed, a huge Arcanine confronted Garchomp.

“Arcanine, Rock Slide!”

Lu Tong first ordered an attack, Arcanine immediately glared with his feet and stepped on Ground. Suddenly, the surrounding mountain walls shook. Countless stones appeared and fell towards Garchomp.

“Dragon Claw!”

After Bai Mo determined that Lu Tong’s Arcanine had Elite level strength, he also worked hard to order, he didn’t want to fall in the sewer!

“chi chi ~”

Garchomp reacted very quickly. The paws on his hands burst out with purple light and swayed quickly, constantly turning the stones that hit him into powder.

“Body Slam!”

At this time, Lu Tong loudly shouted, and then saw the huge Arcanine jump up and press down towards Garchomp.

“Garchomp, Dragon Rush!”

Bai Mo ordered a counterattack. Although Arcanine is much larger than Normal Arcanine, Bai Mo himself can’t match it, but he I believe that using the power of Garchomp to use Dragon Rush against Arcanine’s Body Slam is nothing to worry about.


With a loud noise, Garchomp flashed white light and hit Arcanine fiercely against the mountain wall. The result was the same as Bai Mo thought. , Arcanine fell into the wind and let out a scream, showing an expression of pain.

“Arcanine, come on, use Flamethrower!”

Lu Tong shouted anxiously.

Hearing Lu Tong’s order, Arcanine’s mouth immediately bulged up, and then a Flamethrower faced Garchomp, drowning Garchomp.

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