So time passed…

When it was almost evening, Sky suddenly added a layer of Black thunderclouds, mixed with lightning, but it rained not at all, and then A yellow figure appeared from it and slowly flew into the middle of the lake!

At this moment, everyone knows that Zaptos appeared.

During the time that Zaptos went to the lake, Bai Mo never made a move, but Yu Sha a little admired the side, but after that, I thought about it, and Bai Mo would suffer. , She knows that the heyday Zapdos is very strong.

About ten minutes later, Zapdos seemed to be completed by Charge, and flew out of the lake. His injuries and physical strength had been fully recovered, and he flew straight to the clouds and planned to leave without paying any attention to Bai Mo. .

“Charizard X, Salamence, Aerodactyl, stop Zapdos, don’t let it go.”

Bai Mo naturally won’t let Zappos just leave, and immediately let him stay there. Two Pokémon in the air blocked the way of lightning.

I glanced at the two Pokémon, Zapdos could feel the threat they brought to himself, but he did not act rashly, but took a human look at Bai Mo, clearly knowing that he is the head.

Chapter 0820 Fierce Battle with Zapdos

Seeing that Zapdos is not going away, Bai Mo glanced at Yusha who seemed a little afraid of not keeping his promise, and then took out one Poké Ball released Garchomp, then spoke to Zaptos.

“Zapdos, now you are fully recovered. The two Pokémon above are my partners, but they just prevent you from leaving. Now I use Garchomp to fight with you, one on one, if you If you win, I won’t stop you from leaving, or I will subdue you.”

Garchomp has come from behind to break through and reached the championship level. Bai Mo is confident that he has his cooperation and takes the advantage of Attribute. It is also a win against Zapdos. bigger!


Hearing Bai Mo’s confident voice, Zaptos suddenly uttered an angry scream. It was the first time he encountered a person who provoked him. But it also felt the imposing manner of the three Pokémons confronting it in the air, and knew that if they joined forces, it would definitely be uncomfortable for itself.

Now Bai Mo says he wants to be one-on-one. It doesn’t think this is a problem, and he also feels a comfortable feeling from Bai Mo, which is not really repulsive, so looked towards Bai Mo tweeted a few times.


Bai Mo understood the meaning of Zaptos, and it agreed.

Bai Mo knew that with the pride of Divine Beast, Zaptos would never lie, so he directly called Charizard X and Salamence and Aerodactyl back.

Next, Bai Mo asked Zapdos to leave the lake a little bit. After all, Zapdos can recover as long as he goes to the lake. The location is really not allowed to be occupied, and there are a lot of Pokémon around. It’s not good to hit them.

When we came to a wide open place, both sides set their postures.

On the side, Yusha, who was following Zapdos, Bai Mo and the others, was a little nervous. He has recognized Bai Mo now, and naturally knows how good he is, thinking about using one he doesn’t know. Pokémon seems to be very strong.

She started to worry a little about Zaptos.


As Divine Beast, Zapdos naturally values ​​his majesty. Now it is provoked by Bai Mo and is the first to attack.


Zapdos screamed, flashed all over his body, and a spark of Spark shot at Garchomp.

Feeling the currents flowing around in the air, Garchomp walked towards Zapdos step by step.

Zapdos hit Garchomp with a Thunderbolt, and Garchomp let the opponent’s attack hit him and walked forward step by step. Zapdos’ attack couldn’t cause Garchomp at all.

Ground Type Pokémon is immune to the attacks of Electric Type. This is common sense and a guideline.

This rule came into play at this time. This is also one of the two reasons Bai Mo uses Garchomp. Garchomp, which has Dragon Type and Ground Type Attributes, is immune to Zaptos’ strongest Electric Type Unique Ability.

Of course, if the strength gap between the two sides is too great, other chain reactions such as a simple explosion caused by Zaptos’ Thunderbolt can severely hurt Garchomp.

In the battle between Pokémon, even with the Attribute advantage, the restrained Unique Ability may not be useless in the face of opponents that are much higher than their own level.

However, Garchomp was sent by Shirona. Aptitude is self-evident, and Bai Mo has been trained in various targeted methods. Its strength is already at the same level as Zaptos, so there is no need to worry about Electric, which Zaptos is most proud of. Type attack.

“pa pa pa!”

Zapdos saw that Thunderbolt didn’t work, and his whole body was shining. Instead, he used his full strength and used a Zap Cannon to hit Garchomp.

“Stone Edge!”

Although Electric Type does not work well for Garchomp, but Ability like Zap Cannon is not good for hits. Bai Mo decisively chooses to let Garchomp fight back with Unique Ability .


Zap Cannon’s destructive power was amazing, easily smashing a few sharp stones that were flying oncoming, and then hit Garchomp again.

The strong current made the Ground under Garchomp’s feet shattered. However, at this time, the effect of Zap Cannon has been weakened by Stone Edge. Garchomp took the advantage of Attribute and did not suffer any damage.

On the other side, the remaining sharp stones of Stone Edge all attacked Zapdos.


Zapdos expression congeals, waving its wings, but soon, it suffered a loss.

Zapdos originally wanted to use powerful wings to block the attack of the remaining sharp stones, but it underestimated the formidable power of Garchomp’s attack. After a few sharp stone blades hit its wings , Making its wings aching.

Under such an attack, Zapdos did not dare to be big anymore, and immediately used Steel Wing to smash the subsequent Stone Edge.

“Which is the legendary Pokémon, the speed of launching Steel Wing is so fast.” Bai Mo couldn’t help sighing.

“Bai Mo, shall we be affected by their fighting here?” Little Huang asked worriedly aside.

“Don’t worry, I will end the fight with Garchomp as soon as possible.”

Bai Mo smiled confidently at Little Huang, then turned his head and shouted at Garchomp:

“Garchomp, Aerial Ace!”

Although Garchomp is the existence of Ground Type and Dragon Type, flying at a certain distance can also be done easily. The Ability of Flying Type is also very easy.


Garchomp has amazing jumping power, and there are shark fins on both sides of its claws, and there are two small wings on the back to make it You can adjust your body shape appropriately in the air and fly in the air for a short time.

Aerial Ace is the only Flying Ability that Garchomp can learn.

Bai Mo’s tone barely fell, Garchomp has already rushed towards Zaptos.

Zapdos is not afraid of it. Zap Cannon is launched almost without storing electricity.

Garchomp leaned back and avoided the attack of Zap Cannon. The thick-mouthed Zap Cannon directly hit a big tree behind it. The whole tree was swept by Zap Cannon and disappeared in an instant.

At this time, Garchomp, who had already rushed in front of Zapdos, made a beautiful turn, and leaned over and slammed into the opponent while Zappos was in the middle of the attack. Zappos was hit by the ground from the air.


Zapdos was smashed to the ground, and the thick dust on the Ground in the forest was blown up by the airflow. In order to ensure the sight in front of you and the surrounding The girls will not choke, Bai Mo decisively releases Psychic to blow away the dust.

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