Salamence is practicing in the air with Charizard X all day, and the relationship between the two Pokémon is very good.

Charizard X also yelled at this Salamence and looked at Dragonite. He felt threat from Dragonite and knew that the other party was an opponent.

And Dragonite stared at Charizard X as well, and the two champion Pokemon directly competed in an imposing manner.

Seeing Bai Mo sent the famous Charizard X, Marina thought for a while and asked Bai Mo as if he didn’t go to war directly, but asked Bai Mo, “Mo, what do you think Kabu grandfather will fight with you in the last game? Okay?”

“No!” Before Bai Mo could answer, Kabu took the lead to stop him: “Young Lady, this is against the rules, it’s no good, you are already a bit wrong with Dragonite. “

“I’m a referee!”

Indeed, according to Alliance rules, this is absolutely impossible. The Yulong clan is still known for its integrity and will certainly not know the law and break the law.

Now Marina doesn’t know what to say, she glanced at Bai Mo like a rescue.

Seeing this, Bai Mo said with a slight smile, “I have no problem, Marina, did you just say that, Normal’s game is two-on-two, and Badge will definitely give it to me, just When the rules are re-announced.”

“Next this time, it will be a friendly match between me and Cabo Old Mister.”

“Good!” Marina listened. To Bai Mo, he agreed without giving Kabu a chance to speak.

“Really!” Kabu smiled helplessly, but he was also very happy in his heart. He also wanted to fight with the powerful Trainer again with his Old Partner.

Bai Mo is undoubtedly a powerful Trainer.

Of course, the most important thing is that Kabo knows that Bai Mo didn’t say this for Badge. After all, according to the rules of the Gym game, his Dragonite will also defeat the almost full-blown electric dragon and Salamence plus one Only Charizard X can win.

Bai Mo is an absolutely powerful person. Kaboo definitely won in this situation and Marina is also impossible.

No longer refused, Kabu went directly to Marina’s position, and Marina volunteered to be the referee.

Standing at the battle position, Kabu said to Bai Mo.

“Thank you, Bai Mo Young Master.”

In this regard, Bai Mo just smiled. Kabu called him Young Master. It seems to be respect for him. After all, he is not a royal People from the Long Family.


At this time, Kabu’s imposing manner changed, and he raised his head and shouted at Dragonite:

“Old Partner, we can do it again Fighting side by side, you can’t lose the original name.”


Dragonite turned his head and roared domineeringly at Kabu in response.

Seeing that both parties are ready, Marina immediately announced.

“The game begins.”

“Charizard X, first strike the enemy, use Flamethrower.”

Champion-level battle, opponent or Old Senior, Bai Mo didn’t ask for a big deal, and took the lead in giving orders.

Hearing the command, Charizard X immediately spit Up the flame. The flame was blue and even the middle part showed signs of turning to purple.

This is the characteristic of Charizard X. The formidable power of the flame is stronger than that of the Normal, and it looks more cool and cool.

“Dragonite, the water fluctuates.”

Kabu reacted immediately, and Dragonite moved very quickly. One mouth sent a water wave towards Charizard X, the water wave formidable. The power was very strong, and it directly dissipated the flame and hit Charizard X.


This one made Bai Mo eyes shined. He didn’t expect this Dragonite to be quite good.

Furthermore, Dragonite, like Hippo King, belongs to the open existence. Almost all departments of Unique Ability can learn a few, and the formidable power is not weak.

Now Dragonite uses the water wave effect to be very good.

“Charizard X rises rapidly to the Sky for an aerial battle.”

In order not to be restrained too much by Dragonite’s Water Type Unique Ability, Bai Mo let Charizard X rise first air.

“Dragonite, use Ice Beam to block Charizard X’s actions.”

Kabu is also an experienced old man. He Detected Bai Mo’s plan and asked Dragonite to stop him immediately.

However, Kabu obviously underestimated the speed of Bai Mo Charizard X. Charizard X, which was trained in the air every day, easily avoided Dragonite’s Ice Beam and flew high.

Charizard X’s agile movements were obviously beyond the expectations of Kabo’s Dragonite. After discovering that Unique Ability was missed, Kabo would no longer attack stupidly, and immediately shouted:

“Dragonite, let’s fly up too, and we won’t be afraid of air combat.”

“Roar Wu!”

Dragonite immediately stirred its wings and quickly approached Charizard X.

Soon, the two Pokémon met at high altitude. Flamethrower and Ice Beam came and went, but they didn’t hit each other.

At this moment, two Pokémon were about to pass by again, and Bai Mo suddenly ordered.

“Charizard X, grab the Dragonite’s tail and use Seismic Toss.”


I heard Bai Mo’s voice, I was wrong At the last moment, Charizard Xexpression congeals reached out and grabbed Dragonite’s tail, then rose sharply, and began to spin in the air.

“Dragonite, use Superpower.”

Seeing that Dragonite was captured, Kabu was anxious, but the experienced he found that Dragonite’s hands were not at all controlled. Lord, only the tail was caught in Charizard X’s hands, and he immediately responded.

In the air, Charizard X has finished turning and is about to descend rapidly and press down. Dragonite heard Kabu’s command and moved both hands to use Superpower against Charizard X.


Charizard X was in pain, and immediately released the hand holding the Dragonite, and then fell to the ground, smashing a huge hole.


Bai Mo’s expression congeals, he found that Kabu is a difficult opponent, and it is estimated to be more difficult than Blaine in terms of battle.

But Bai Mo was not afraid, seeing Dragonite using water waves again against Charizard X on the ground, Bai Mo quickly ordered.

“Charizard X, cheer up and use Substitute.”

At this time, Charizard X has just got up, and Pokémon, like the machine, is very slow when it first starts to act. The process, with Charizard X’s size, is basically impossible to avoid before being hit.

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