average person I really don’t think there will be a group of people living here.

If Bai Mo and the others have special abilities, you can release Psychic to find the way, otherwise if no one leads the way, you really won’t find this place!

Soon, I walked into this village, and if I look closely, I can find that many houses here are built on big trees.

Although these houses look a little rudimentary, there is something unique in them.

But now is not the time to observe these. The appearance of Pokémon such as Bai Mo’s entire group and Salamence quickly attracted the attention of the villagers living here.

One of the women with green hair stood on the outermost tree house in the village, and moved towards Bai Mo and the others condescendingly, shouting:

“Who, are you? Come here, Is it lost, or is there any trouble?”

When she heard the girl’s words, Bai Mo immediately shouted:

“Someone here is injured, can you help us?”


Speaking, Bai Mo stretched his finger to Samuel Oak on Salamence’s back.

When the green-haired woman heard it, she quickly climbed down the ladder of the tree house.

At this time, Samuel Oak on Salamence’s back finally woke up, but he obviously hadn’t figured out the current situation, and instinctively rolled over and shouted:

” Give up, I won’t give Celebi to you!”

Chapter 0839 Daisy See the young grandfather!

“Won’t hand over Celebi?”

“Is it possible that Celebi is on this boy?”

I heard Oak Syracuse yell out unconsciously , Sabrina and Cattleya were all interested, and let out Psychic to feel it:


Soon, the girls frowned, although Oak Snow Cheng talked about Celebi, but they felt a bit and found that there were indeed a few Pokémon on his body, but among them, they were not at all particularly powerful.

At least Celebi will not be so weak.

Be aware that although Celebi is called the Pokémon of illusion, on the surface it looks harmless to humans and animals, and the battle strength is not strong, but the energy in the body is stronger than Normal Level 3 and Level 2 gods .

“I’m not here, I should find a place to recover in the forest.” Mew said flatly, “If Celebi is injured, he will definitely choose to recover first!”

Mew see you The number and frequency of Celebi I have passed is not small, and I know it very well.

“Are you awake.” Bai Mo didn’t care about the girls who were chatting, he actually had a conversation with the Daisy girls in Small World when he was on the road.

The time is just right now.

Thinking of this, Bai Mo thought about it and showed Daisy and Vivi to summon.


Vivi and Daisy, who were already prepared, appeared and greeted Bai Mo. Then the two of them diverted their attention and finally stayed at Samuel Oak’s Body.

Looking at Samuel Oak, Daisy’s eyes suddenly became weird.

As the granddaughter of Professor Oak, Daisy has naturally seen photos of Samuel Oak as a child.

When Bai Mo said before, Daisy didn’t believe it, but now that she really sees it, she has to believe it.

At the same time, Daisy felt uncomfortable in her heart. She felt that Professor Oak was hiding too deeply. She grew up so big that she didn’t know what Professor Oak had seen when she was a child.

Beside Daisy, Vivi is also looking at Professor Oak seriously. Of course, he is from the perspective of a doctor.

As an excellent Breeder, the doctor’s ability must not be less. Vivi came out to show Professor Oak.

After all, the latter is Daisy’s grandfather, although this grandfather is younger than Daisy now.

At this moment, the green-haired woman who spoke with Bai Mo and the others finally ran up to them, and the reason why she arrived slowly was because she brought someone with her.

Behind the green-haired young girl was an old woman. The old woman and the young girl looked seven to eight points similar, and she seemed to be her grandmother.

When the old woman arrived in front of Bai Mo and the others, she saw the appearance of Professor Oak. She was taken aback for a moment, then she ran up to hug him with excitement, and said with excitement:

“It’s you, didn’t expect it’s really you!”

“Eh? Grandma, do you know him?” The green-haired woman was a little strange. Daisy also frowned. Samuel Oak was still a teenager, but his grandfather was right.

Grandfather was so hugged by another mother-in-law, she was very unhappy.

Fortunately, at this time, hearing her granddaughter’s question, the old woman was nodded again and again.

“Yes, of course I know him.”

“Remember what I said when you were a kid? He was the boy who disappeared in the forest 40 years ago. It’s Samuel!”

“Samuel!” Daisy raised his brows, and the doubts in his heart became a little less. “The name is right, is it grandfather?”

When he was a teenager, Samuel Oak recovered from being suddenly hugged, and looked at the grandmother in front of him curiously. After a while, he asked incredulously:

“Well, are you that one? The elder sister who gave me bread?!”


The old woman smiled slightly:

“It’s me, I thought you were Something happened, didn’t expect 40 years later, and you came back safe and sound!”

“This is really very good.”

“Forty years!? “Samuel Oak was shocked, but before he asked him, Daisy on the side finally couldn’t help but said:

“Hello, I want to ask you one thing, is your surname Oak?”

“Oh, yeah!” Oak saw Daisy. I don’t know why. He felt that Daisy gave him a strange feeling, which made him inexplicably kind, so he ordered nodded and said:

“Yes, my full name is Samuel Oak, what’s the matter?”


Now, Daisy finally confirmed it completely The young man in front of him is really Professor Oak, and undoubtedly her grandfather.

I didn’t expect to see Professor Oak 40 years ago. Daisy feels that today is really a bit fantasy.

But thinking of what Bai Mo told, she also understood a little bit. Why Professor Oak appeared here must be the reason for Celebi.

“Ah, what do you think will happen if I bring him back to Pallet Town?” Bai Mo suddenly asked the girls telepathically.

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