” Jibu suddenly decided to replace Pokémon. The second Pokémon is Scizor!” the commentator said loudly.

“Slowbro, freeze the light!” Bai Mo immediately gave the order.

“Scizor, use Spark!”

Following Jibu’s order, Scizor’s body was immediately wrapped in white rays of light, and continued to rush towards Slowbro, avoiding twists and turns. The frozen light that came, Tackle hit Slowbro’s body directly, sliding the top of it back.

“Now, use continuous cutting!” Jibu quickly ordered.

“Water Pulse!” Bai Mo ordered subsequently.

Scizor’s pliers emitted red rays of light, and while the power of Spark’s stone fire had not faded, it hit Slowbro with one hit.

But when he was about to launch 2nd Strike again, Slowbro saw the divine light flashed in his eyes. A blue water polo was gathered in his hand and launched at close range. The Water Pulse is likely to cause confusion in Pokemon. Faced with this trick, Ji Step Scizor immediately gave up the attack and moved quickly to escape.

“Frozen light!”

Seeing that Scizor was about to escape, a sneer flashed at the corner of Bai Mo’s mouth. He could do a lot of ordinary combo skills.

Scizor is fast, but it is too close to Slowbro just now, and now it is barely out of the scope of Water Pulse.

So as soon as Slowbro put the chilled light on, the air-conditioned light and the water produced by the Water Pulse are combined and complement each other!

Water Pulse freezes quickly, and the Scizor, which hadn’t escaped much, was swept away by the Ice Beam upgraded by Water Pulse. Ice flowers gradually formed from the wings, and the speed of movement was suddenly reduced!

Slowbro saw it, blue rays of light flashed in his eyes, and the frozen light emitted increased again, and went straight to Scizor.

“Come back, Scizor.”

Jibu couldn’t do anything, and took out the Poké Ball to take back the Scizor to avoid making unnecessary sacrifices.

“Slowbro used Water Pulse and frozen light to turn part of the Rock field into an ice field, and the Jibu players have replaced Pokémon again at this time!”

The fierce fighting on the field , The commentator is also very enthusiastic.

“Mo’s opponent is so despicable. From the beginning, he has been changing Pokémon. I don’t know which one will be replaced this time.”

In the lounge, White was dissatisfied. Muttered.

“Replacement of Pokémon simply is a rule of the Conference. There is no despicable thing. It can only be said that Mo is too confident, or he will change it.” Daisy on the side saw White’s injustice. , Can’t help but feel a little funny.

“Unexpectedly, it would be so troublesome to be blocked by Confusion. In that case, please, Misdreavus!”

Gibu threw the third Poké Ball after taking back the Scizor. .

“Next is Slowbro’s battle against Misdreavus!”

The voice of the narrator appeared at the right time!

“With Misdreavus, why didn’t he send it out at first, Ghost will restrain the Psychic Type.” Shinji showed a surprised look in the audience, apparently he didn’t understand Jibu’s plan. .

“This Misdreavus hasn’t evolved to Mismagius. It doesn’t seem to be very strong. It should also have the strength of the elite Peak, which is not at the same level as the Scizor and Venomoth sent by Jibu.”

“It is also stated in the current information that Jibu has always used a Feraligatr during the selection meeting. It is estimated to be his initial partner and the strongest. It must be used by him to deal with Bai Mo. Typhlosion.”

“But now the two Pokemons in front of him did not appear to be effective according to his plan, so he sent Misdreavus to restrain Slowbro.”

“But the result is definitely still winning Nope.”

Leis next to Shinji analyzed his thoughts.


Bai Mo’s eyes flashed slightly, but he continued to issue orders.

“Slowbro, Confusion!”

It may be that Imprison was living in Psychic just now, which made Slowbro very uncomfortable. Therefore, the Confusion issued this time is no longer based on control, but It was a beam of light and went straight to Misdreavus.

Chapter 0872 Self-created Ability: Flame Wheel Impact!

“Misdreavus, rush up!”

Following Jibu’s order, Misdreavus rushed towards Slowbro with Confusion.

“Why did it take the initiative to usher in? Does it want to kill itself?” In the audience, Shinji asked again for unknown reasons.

But obviously, even Leis couldn’t give any guesses at this time.

In the field, although Bai Mo did not understand why Jibu did this, he knew that it is best not to do Close Combat with the opponent when dealing with ghosts, so he immediately ordered:

“Slowbro, freezing the light!”

Slowbro hearing this immediately retracted Confusion, gathered the energy of ice blue, emitted a zigzag light of ice blue, and went straight to Misdreavus.

“It’s almost there,” Ji Bu ordered suddenly.

“Destroy the same death!”

Following Jibu’s command, Misdreavus screamed and was knocked out by the frozen light, frozen into an ice lump and fell on it. On the ground, the referee immediately announced:

“Misdreavus loses the battle strength, Slowbro wins.”

Only the words were finished, and a coquettish purple light flew out of Misdreavus to cover it. After Slowbro, Slowbro suddenly showed an expression of pain and fainted.

“Death to death is…” In the audience, Shinji showed a look of surprise. He couldn’t imagine that Slowbro, who had been strong and undamaged, lost his battle strength in the blink of an eye.

“That is if you lose your battle strength this round!” Reis explained with a suddenly realized expression: “It will also make the opponent lose the unique ability of battle strength. In short, it is a very scary Unique. Ability.”

“But in order to redeem his own disadvantages, using this method of tactics is really…”

Buy on the side was also surprised speechless.

“Death to death? It is indeed one of the best ways to weaken and strong.”

Bai Mo is a bit speechless. This is not the first time he has encountered such a situation. , But he really didn’t expect that the other party would use this method if they didn’t compete at first.

This is really unexpected.

Although with his eyesight, he knew it was bad when Jibu gave the order, but Slowbro’s reaction was a little slow, and Gardevoir, the king of hippo and others, it was too late for him to respond. So there is no talk.

Slowbro was taken back silently, Bai Mo took out the second Poké Ball and threw it out.

“Typhlosion, leave it to you!”

“Sure enough, it is Typhlosion. It’s a pity. I knew that Slowbro is so strong and should be at first. Let Misdreavus come to perish together. Now, Venomoth, Please again!” Jibu felt sorry for a while, but quickly threw out his Poké Ball and released Venomoth, who had appeared once.

“Venomoth, use Stun Spore!” Jibu decided to block Typhlosion’s actions first, and immediately issued the order.

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