Bai Mo looked up at the time on the wall clock and saw the Bouy entire group walk in.

Because the exits of players and spectators are different, a few people have arranged to meet here, and by the way, let’s take a look at the arrangements for the decisive tournament.

Shinji was very happy after seeing Bai Mo again and ran to Bai Mo.

“Bai Mo, congratulations on your promotion, Typhlosion is really strong.”

Bai Mo laughed and said nothing. Typhlosion is his weakest Pokémon in the ladder. A piece of cake.

On the side, Leis looked at it, his expression unhappy.

At this moment, the big screen in the stadium suddenly lit up, announcing the information of the decisive tournament. There were 16 trainer photos, divided into two rows, eight each, and then connected The way is connected to the center.

“Ah, the first group is Mo’s game!”

Seeing the information on the screen, Xiao Lan immediately criticized out in surprise, Bai Mo was shrugged indifferent.

By the way, speaking of Xiaolan, she gave up this time Alliance plan because she changed her target and wanted to become a member of Battle Frontier. Recently, she has been receiving special training from Bai Mo.

For competitions like Alliance, Xiaolan no longer values ​​it.

As for Bai Mo, it is more of a feeling.

Alliance tournament grand slam is the romance of all transmigrators!

At this moment, he suddenly felt a line of sight. Following his gaze, Bai Mo saw that the owner of the gaze was the opponent of his next game. When the two people clicked nodded each other, they took care of themselves. Continue to look down.

Bai Mo found that Lei, Bui, Toshi Miyato, Ash did not meet each other, Lei is in the third group, opponent is a girl, Bui is the eighth group, is a middle- Aged man, Toshi Miyato is also the fourth group.

As for Ash, it’s still the same as the original, and I won’t lose the game even if I want to.

Ye Yue, which should have appeared in the original work, did not appear, which made Bai Mo curious as to where Ash could go.

There is also Red. He has been practicing on Mt. Silver, and Normal seems to have disappeared recently. I don’t know what the situation is!

At the same time, deep in Mt. Silver, in a light hole, Red suddenly opened his eyes, and an imposing manner burst out from his body:

“This is it, Aura? ?”

“With very powerful power, can human beings comprehend such power?”

“Very good, but missed this time Alliance tournament, right?”

“It’s okay, I want to join WT. This incomplete time-space inscription tells me that following Bai Mo, I can go to Peak!”

“One of the ten WT kings, Sect Master level Existence, didn’t expect that I can reach this height!”

“I just don’t know, what is on top of Sect Master!”

On the other side, after reading the information, how many After having dinner together, the individuals left each other and met by 2nd day bye.

After the preliminaries of the Alliance, there is a day off, and then it’s the start of the decisive tournament.

Unlike the preliminaries Alliance, the decisive tournament is only played in one main venue, so all the participants will gather together.

The decisive tournament adopts a six-on-six competition system. The venue must be selected before the start of the game. The Conference prepared four types of fields: grass, rock, ice, and water. The field was randomly selected to determine the field to be used in the game, and then the order of first attack and second attack was also determined, and the game was finally started.

During the game, if three of the Pokémon’s Pokémon lose their combat capability, the conference will have to rest for five minutes to allow the players to adjust their status.

The eight groups of matches will be compared in one day, and then will be compared to the quarterfinals after a rest day.

A Region does not have tens of thousands of Pokémon Trainers, there are still tens of thousands, but there are only about two hundred participants.

Although not all participating members get eight Badge entries in the competition, some are from the rich family, and some are directly obtained by the Pokemon Academy.

But that’s just the right to participate, that’s all. After many levels of competition, coupled with the targeted screening by the Alliance computer, the rest are now the elite of the elite.

Bai Mo feels that in addition to Bouy, there may be several Elite-level Trainers.

This kind of competition is fun!

Chapter 0874, the top 16 match, Charizard Y’s performance (Part 1)

The day’s rest time soon passed, and the decisive tournament officially began.

“The first round competition of the decisive tournament is now starting. One of the two players is Atake from Hoenn Region. According to the data, Atake has participated in the Hoenn Alliance tournament three times, and he also entered the Hoenn Alliance tournament in the previous time. The top four.”

“The other player is Bai Mo from Littleroot Town, Hoenn Region. This is the third time for Bai Mo to participate in the Alliance tournament. He has won the Hoenn Alliance tournament and Kanto Alliance tournament respectively. The champion of Johto tournament has performed very well since the beginning.”

“Let’s expect them to bring a wonderful match.”

“The first half of the game is the venue In the ice field, what kind of Pokémon will the two sides come up with?”

In the commentator’s opening remarks, Bai Mo and Awu walked out of the player’s channel and stood at the two ends of the field. The field also rose from the open ordinary field.

“Glalie, you go first!”

According to the draw, Awu first threw the Poké Ball. After opening it, Glalie, who was wrapped in ice, appeared in the field.

“The ice field uses Glalie, it seems to be considering the use of geographical factors to fight!”

After hearing the commentator’s explanation, Bai Mo knew that Wu was a good opponent. Ah Wu came to Johto impossible and did not accept the new Pokemon, but now Pokemon from Hoenn Region appeared. Obviously, the opponent sent the main force that had followed him for several years, and his strength was definitely not weak.

However, in this situation, Bai Mo was more fighting spirit, and a Poké Ball appeared in his hand and threw it out.

“Charizard Y, come out!”

“The game begins!” the referee announced.

“Glalie, use frozen light!”

Awu immediately issued the order, and immediately saw Glalie starting to gather energy on his forehead, and then shot it towards Charizard Y.

“Charizard Y, Fire Blast!”

Bai Mo also immediately issued the order, and I saw a roar from Charizard Y’s mouth, and a burst of red fire was suddenly ejected, forming a The big characters, facing the freezing light, collided and exploded after being stuck together for a while.

“How is it possible that the frozen light actually blocked the attack of Bai Mo’s Charizard YFire Blast?”

In the audience, Shinji said in a surprised tone.

“Hehe, what’s weird about it, didn’t you see that the field is an ice field?”

Seeing Bai Mo deflated in front of Shinji, Reis felt very refreshed. smiled and said, “The four venues of the Alliance Conference, one venue represents not only the venue, but also the home venue for the four Pokémon. In the ice venue, the temperature is too low, the power of the flame will be greatly dissipated. Weak, but the power of ice attribute and water type will be greatly enhanced. When you eat and travel next year, in order to pay attention to these too,”

“…Hey, it’s amazing. I actually used the smoke from the explosion. Iron Head work!”


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