The result was obtained, and the voice of the narrator was passed along with the cheers of the audience.

“After a fierce battle, Awu’s Crawdaunt was unable to fight, and Bai Mo temporarily gained the leading advantage. Then what is Awu’s next Pokémon?”

“Please You, Swellow!”

After Awu took back Crawdaunt, he released his third Pokémon.

“Well, the third Pokémon of Awu player is Swellow. Now the battle has become an aerial battle!” the commentator shouted.

Bai Mo starts the first strike:

“Charizard Y, Fire Blast!”

“Swellow, stay away, use Peck!” Looking at Charizard Y With the Fire Blast sent out, Awu quickly responded.

Hearing the command, one of the wings of Swellow without the slightest hesitation avoided the attack on the head of the Fire Blast, and then flying around the pillar of fire and came straight to Charizard Y.

“Not bad!”

Looking at Swellow’s skill in evading Fire Blast, Bai Mo secretly praised him.

However, it is too early for Swellow to defeat Charizard Y with this trick. Charizard Y and Salamence and Charizard X are not a joke in their training in the air.

Sure enough, in the air, at the moment Swellow was about to hit Charizard Y, Charizard Y’s body was slightly on the side, and he would avoid it if he was very dexterous.


But when Wu saw this, instead of worrying, he shouted out loud as if he had been prepared:


Following Wu’s voice, I saw Swellow’s wings retracted, flying speed reduced by one, and Peck was used against Charizard Y, who was avoiding sideways.


At this time, Bai Mo was also slightly surprised. Wu’s ability to adapt to changes was good. It took Charizard Y for a few rounds to come up with this. Strategies to change the attack hall!

On the other hand, Swellow’s speed decreased in an instant, but it did not stop. Therefore, after only a few attacks, he was taken out by the flying inertia and turned into a back moved towards Charizard Y.

Bai Mo wouldn’t let this opportunity pass, and immediately let Charizard Y shoot the flames gathered in his mouth towards Swellow.

“Swellow, use Double Team to dodge!”

Awu immediately figured out a way to dodge, and saw the rays of light flash on Swellow’s body, and a row of Swellow appeared. , Charizard Y’s flame attack only hit one of them.

Seeing this, Awu issued the order again.

“use Aerial Ace!”

Chapter 0876 intense confrontation!

“That’s interesting!”

The corners of Bai Mo’s mouth are curved and ordered.

“Charizard Y, Dragon Rush!”

Charizard Y gave a roar, and then sent out blue rays of light on his forehead, but this time he did not cover his whole body. Instead, it forms a light film and spreads it out.

On the other side, Swellow turned over, dragging a few white rays of light all over his body, and Tackle moved towards Charizard Y at a super fast speed.


A Wu’s unbelievable voice came out. He thought the attack would hit this time, but at the moment Swellow was about to hit Charizard Y, Charizard Y Like being pushed away from Normal by Swellow, he turned to one side, and happened to avoid the Aerial Ace attack…

Apparently he underestimated the flying technique of Bai Mo’s Charizard Y.

At this time, Charizard Y’s Dragon Rush, which looked like a light film, was united, wrapped its body, and moved towards Swellow Tackle, who was still in a state of surprise!

Tackle fell on an icicle with a sound of’boom,’ and sank deep into it.

“Charizard Y, Fire Blast!”

With one move, Bai Mo wins and pursues!

The voice of the narrator also sounded at this time:

“Charizard Yuse has used Fire Element’s Great Unique Ability Fire Blast, is Swellow gone?”

“Swellow, take your bones and stand up, Swellow!”

Looking at the Fire Blast getting closer, Wu immediately shouted anxiously. It seemed that Wu’s heart was conveyed to Swellow. Swellow, who had been in a state of fear, woke up unexpectedly, flapped his wings and flew up at the moment when Fire Blast was about to hit, and stopped in the air and shouted at Charizard Y.

“Well, the attack just now ignited Swellow’s fighting spirit!”

The commentator also expressed his appreciation.

“Swellow, do it again, use Aerial Ace!”

Atake commanded with a smile when Swellow got up again, and Swellow also made a turn, dragging several light strips Quickly approached Charizard Y.

Outside the court, seeing this situation, Shinji asked puzzledly: “It’s Aerial Ace again. Hasn’t it been avoided by Bai Mo just now?”

“It should be I have thought of some way. Fighting this thing, fighting in person and watching are completely two ways.” Leis couldn’t figure out Wu’s plan, so he had to explain it this way.

“Charizard Y, Heat Wave!”

Bai Mo couldn’t figure out Wu’s plan for a while, so he had to choose to face it, when the time comes, confront soldiers with generals and stem water with earth.

After Charizard Y heard Bai Mo’s command, red rays of light were sent out on his wings, and he began to flap, waiting to send out when Swellow approached, in order to get the strongest hit.

Looking at Swellow getting closer and closer to Charizard Y, not only Bai Mo and Ah Wu, but the audience in the entire venue became nervous.

As soon as Swellow approached Charizard Y, and Charizard Y was about to release his Ability, Wu suddenly ordered again.

“Swellow, Spark Stone Fire!”

“Not good!”

Hearing Wu’s order, Bai Mo immediately understood his plan and inwardly shouted There was a sound, but what he found was obviously a step too late, and Swellow had already hit Charizard Y.


Charizard Y screamed and was hit on the ice of Ground.

Suddenly a pile of ice dust aroused on the Ground, which enveloped Charizard Y, making people not aware of its condition.

“It turned out to be this plan. Although Bai Mo’s Charizard Y can dodge Aerial Ace, if the Assist Spark is accelerated, even Charizard Y will never have enough time for the body to react. ”

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